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FK UNS Inaugurates and Takes Hippocratic Oath of 149 New Doctors Period 228


The Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta inaugurated and took the oath of 149 new doctors. The inauguration and Hippocratic Oath taking of the 228th period was held at the G. P.H. Haryo Mataram UNS Auditorium, Tuesday (13/8/2024). On that occasion [...]


Faculty of Medicine Professor Inaugurated as UNS Rector for the 2024-2029 Period


The Board of Trustees (MWA) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) inaugurated Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Sc. as the Rector of UNS for the 2024-2029 period. The MWA Plenary Meeting for the Inauguration of the UNS Rector for the 2024-2029 Period was held [...]


The Series of Medmarvel HMPD FK UNS Events Closed with a Fun Run


The Medical Education Student Association (HMPD) of the Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University (FK UNS) held a series of Medmarvel in order to celebrate its 11th anniversary. The Medmarvel series of events [...]


Doctoral Program of Medical Science FK UNS Undergoes Accreditation Field Assessment from LAM-PTKes


As a Study Program (Prodi) which has the vision of becoming a doctoral study program of international repute, producing competent, superior Doctors in community-oriented biomedical science. The Doctoral Program of Medical Science (PSIK) Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) must undergo [...]


KPPMF FK UNS Holds Workshop of Collaboration and Downstream Research


It is hoped that the research carried out will produce a product that is beneficial to society. In the process, a product produced by research needs a way for its benefits to be felt by the wider community. This is what prompted the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) through [...]
