Scopus Journal
No | Year | ||
1 |
Exploring links between visuospatial ability and anatomy learning in education: A bibliometric analysis and scientific mapping |
2024 | Rahmani M.Z.; Bukhari A.; Wiyono N.; Amru K.; Baharuddin B.; Nurhadi A.A. |
2 |
Platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic predictive marker on adults with traumatic brain injury: Systematic review |
2024 | Ilyas M.F.; Lado A.; Budiono E.A.; Suryaputra G.P.; Ramadhana G.A.; Hatta Novika R.G. |
3 |
Recent update on cerebral sparganosis: A bibliometric analysis and scientific mapping |
2024 | Dirgahayu P.; Ilyas M.F.; Rahma A.A.; Hanifa S.N.; Wijayanto M.A.; Triniputri W.Y.; Lukas G.A.; Wiyono N.; Sari Y.; Mashuri Y.A. |
4 |
Enhancement of Schwann-like cells differentiation from adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells by administration of platelet-rich plasma: An in vitro study |
2024 | Sumarwoto T.; Suroto H.; Utomo D.N.; Prakoeswa C.R.S.; Tinduh D.; Notobroto H.B.; Arfian N.; Rantam F.A.; Rhatomy S.; Ilyas M.F.; Mahyudin F. |
5 |
Effects of Mineral and Almond Oil Administration on Transepidermal Water Loss and Skin Acidity in Chronic Renal Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis |
2024 | Oktaviani T.; Ellistasari E.Y.; Anandita B.L. |
6 |
The effects of acupuncture and methylprednisolone on cortisol levels in mice with lupus nephritis model |
2024 | Suparyanti E.L.; Purwanto B.; Wasita B.; Handayani S. |
7 |
A Rare Case Giant Infected Aneurysm in a 51-Year-Old Woman with History of Left Ear Pain, Facial Drooping, and Ear Surgery Revealed by Computed Tomography |
2024 | Handayani L.; Rahayu R.F.; Hanafi M.; Fauzi A. |
8 |
Risk Factors of Fungal Growth in Sputum Culture from Severe and Critical COVID-19 Patients |
2024 | Novi T.; Sidharta B.R.A.; Wijono H. |
9 |
MicroRNA expression alteration in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: A systematic review |
2024 | Sulastomo H.; Dinarti L.K.; Hariawan H.; Haryana S.M. |
10 |
One pot synthesis of UiO-66-NH2 containing curcumin and cytotoxic evaluation toward liver cancer cells |
2024 | Susilowati O.; Wahyu Lestari W.; Handayani M.; Sukowati C.; Tiribelli C.; Crocè L.S.; Masykur A.; Rakhman Wibowo F.; Dwi Ardyanto T.; Adi Saputra O. |
11 |
INOVASIA Study: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Pravastatin to Prevent Preeclampsia in High-Risk Patients |
2024 | Akbar M.I.A.; Azis M.A.; Riu D.S.; Wawengkang E.; Ernawati E.; Bachnas M.A.; Sulistyowati S.; Dachlan E.G.; Mose J.C.; Dekker G. |
12 |
Effect of preventive chemotherapy for neglected tropical diseases in Indonesia from 1992 to 2022: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 | Murhandarwati E.H.; Probandari A.; Kusumasari R.A.; Ferdiana A.; Kustanti C.Y.; Dewi K.; Tarmizi S.N.; Wulandari L.P.L.; Schierhout G.; Romani L.; Kaldor J.; Nery S.V. |
13 |
In silico analysis of Arbacia lixula-derived peptides and plasmid construction for recombinant anti-aging therapies |
2024 | Yenny S.W.; Jamsari J.; Hazmi A.A.; Cuandra K.N.; Hanifah W.; Yahono A.S.; Wahyudi D.P.; Buana G.R.; Rahman A.R.K.; Maharani A.D.; Firjatullah M.F.; Maulana R.; Prayogi N.M.; Tristan C.D. |
14 |
Thrombosis of the inferior vena cava and acute kidney injury in dengue shock syndrome: A rare case with unique nursing challenges |
2024 | Prabowo N.A.; Sari Y.; Putri D.P.; Habibah S.N.; Rachmah A.; Hartono H. |
15 |
Identifying relevant diabetes and hypertension control management guidelines in primary healthcare and community settings in Indonesia: A Delphi survey |
2024 | Pamungkasari E.P.; Balgis B.; Koot J.; Landsman J.; Pardoel Z.; Rusnak M.; Plancikova D.; Sari V.; Putra S.E.; Hafizhan M.; Ahmad K.F.; Pangesti L.; Wibowo I.S.; Probandari A. |
16 |
Unveiling Nature's Treasure: Investigating the Antioxidant and Anticancer Activities of Mas Banana (Musa acuminata colla) Bracts from Lampung, Indonesia |
2024 | Putri R.H.; Wasita B.; Soetrisno; Priyanto H.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Cilmiaty R. |
17 |
Local anthropometric parameters for assessing double burden of malnutrition in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries: a review and retrospective analysis |
2024 | Khadilkar A.V.; Oza C.; Kajale N.; Pulungan A.B.; Wacharasindhu S.; Moelyo A.G.; Amalia G.; Wejaphikul K.; Julia M.; Dejkhamron P.; Khadilkar V. |
18 |
Effects of wet cupping in a rat model of primary dysmenorrhea |
2024 | Lestariningsih S.; Tamtomo D.G.; Sulistyowati S.; Indarto D.; Soetrisno S.; Hidayati H.B.; Widada W. |
19 |
Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy associated with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: A rare case report |
2024 | Hamidi B.L.; Mirawati D.K.; Rahayu R.F.; Prabaningtyas H.R.; Hafizhan M.; Putra S.E. |
20 |
Culturally adapted training for community volunteers to improve their knowledge, attitude and practice regarding non-communicable diseases in Vietnam |
2024 | Pardoel Z.E.; Reijneveld S.A.; Lensink R.; Postma M.J.; Trang N.T.T.; Walton P.; Swe K.H.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Koot J.A.R.; Landsman J.A. |
21 |
Effect of chitosan nanoparticles from red snapper scales (Lutjanus sp.) on pulp repair: In vivo study |
2024 | Widyastuti N.H.; Prayitno A.; Cilmiaty R.; Wasita B. |
22 |
Effect of electroacupuncture on total motile sperm count and sperm motility |
2024 | Budihastuti U.R.; Murti B.; Prakosa T.; Nurwati I.; Laqif A.; Melinawati E.; Hadi C.; Susanto L.; Sukmawati M.; Prasetya H.; Wijayanti A.S.; Ahmad M.F. |
23 |
Cisplatin-Induced Oral Mucositis Prevention: Nigella sativa’s Anti-Inflammatory Role through NFκB Pathway |
2024 | Kadarullah O.; Tamtomo D.G.; Wasita B.; Setiamika M.; Prayitno A.; Widyaningsih V.; Soetrisno S. |
24 |
Effect of walking and bone joint exercise on enhancing bone remodeling in menopausal women: A randomized controlled trial |
2024 | Pasa C.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Doewes M.; Purwanto B.; Hartono H.; Cilmiaty R.; Dirgahayu P. |
25 |
Complications of hysterectomy |
2024 | Pramana C.; Soetrisno S.; Wiyono N.; Djunaidi N.; Intan Y.S.N. |
26 |
In Silico Study of the Antidiabetic Effect of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Banana Bract in Diabetic Rats |
2024 | Hardono H.; Soetrisno S.; Purwanto B.; Wasita B.; Nurwati I.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
27 |
A randomized controlled trial of fruit meal sequence with low, moderate, and high glycemic indexes among type 2 diabetes mellitus patients |
2024 | Indarto D.; Fitri N.; Umagapi F.; Kisnawaty S.W.; Wibowo Y.C.; Mahanani M.R. |
28 |
The potential of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) fruit ethanol extract in handling infertility in endometriosis: A narrative review |
2024 | Brahmana I.B. |
29 |
Multidisciplinary Approach of Placenta Accreta Spectrum Management to Reduce Blood Loss and Prevent Organ Injury in Referral Center |
2024 | Nugraha G.B.A.; Yuliantara E.E. |
30 |
Impact of Natural Products and Mindfulness Practices on Serum Serotonin Levels, Clinical Symptoms, and Mindfulness in Adolescents with ADHD Symptoms |
2024 | Dianasari; Setiawati Y.; Kalalo R.T.; Atika; Anwari F.; Morshed A.S.M.; Yasyfin A.Y. |
31 |
Health promotion model in the utilization of health services for Indonesian social security agency for health participants |
2024 | Mustikawati I.F.; Sulaeman E.S.; Subiyanto A.A.; Suminah S. |
32 |
Religious-Based Peer Education in Preeclampsia Prevention: Social Cognitive Theory and Information, Motivation, Behavioral Skill Model Approach to Improve Preeclampsia Preventive Behavior in Indonesia |
2024 | Rahmawati R.; Murti B.; Widyaningsih V. |
33 |
Empowering Women through a Path Analysis: Identification of ffective Factors based on Social Support and Community Participation on e-Health Literacy in Women’s Virtual Health Society |
2024 | Mutiara V.S.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Padmawati R.S.; Probandari A. |
34 |
Effectiveness of community-based diabetes and hypertension prevention and management programmes in Indonesia and Viet Nam: A quasi-experimental study |
2024 | Fritz M.; Grimm M.; My Hanh H.T.; Koot J.A.R.; Nguyen G.H.; Nguyen T.-P.-L.; Probandari A.; Widyaningsih V.; Lensink R. |
35 |
The impact of a multi-faceted intervention on non-prescription dispensing of antibiotics by urban community pharmacies in Indonesia: a mixed methods evaluation |
2024 | Ferdiana A.; Mashuri Y.A.; Wulandari L.P.L.; Rahayu I.D.; Hasanah M.; Ayuningsih Z.; Batura N.; Khan M.; Liverani M.; Guy R.; Schierhout G.; Kaldor J.; Law M.; Day R.; Jan S.; Wibawa T.; Probandari A.; Yeung S.; Wiseman V. |
36 |
Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Pediatric Education: Perspectives from Pediatric Medical Educators and Residents |
2024 | Pudjiadi A.H.; Alatas F.S.; Faizi M.; Rusdi; Sulistijono E.; Nency Y.M.; Julia M.; Baso A.J.A.; Hartoyo E.; Susanah S.; Wilar R.; Nugroho H.W.; Indrayady; Lubis B.M.; Haris S.; Suparyatha I.B.G.; Amarassaphira D.; Monica E.; Ongko L. |
37 |
Wistar Rat Pneumonia Model: Bacterial Dose, Incubation Time, Inoculation Technique and Laboratory Examination Parameters |
2024 | Majdawati A.; Reviono; Hartono; Handayani N.; Soetrisno |
38 |
Identifying competency gaps in intra-and post-learning of a pediatric residency program: a qualitative study |
2024 | Putra D.A.; Sekarhandini P.; Moelyo A.G. |
39 |
Outcomes and prognostic factors for survival of children with oesophageal atresia |
2024 | Lestiono A.; Fauzi A.R.; Agustriani N.; Wibowo T.; Gunadi |
40 |
A systematic review of interventional trials on the effects of coconut derivatives on metabolic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus |
2024 | Putri D.P.; Prabowo N.A.; Sari Y. |
41 |
Blood Sugar Levels in terms of Differences in Intervention Time Duration for Corncob Ethanol Extract in Male Wistar Rats as a Model Of Diabetes Mellitus |
2024 | Wahyuningsih A.S.; Yunus A.; Purwanto B.; Wasita B.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Nurwati I.; Soetrisno S. |
42 |
The Association between Anthropometric Measurements and Body Composition with Hand Grip Strength among the Elderly Population in Indonesia |
2024 | Kemala Sari N.; Stepvia S.; Ilyas M.F. |
43 |
Post COVID-19 vaccination binding and neutralizing antibody with or without previous infection: An 18-month longitudinal study in Indonesia |
2024 | Ardyanto T.D.; Khariri K.; Agus T.P.; Soebandrio A. |
44 |
Moringa oleifera extract in decreasing disease activity for patients with rheumatoid arthritis |
2024 | Prabowo N.A.; Nurudhin A.; Werdiningsih Y.; Putranto W.; Kusumo T.; Hartono; Putri D.P. |
45 |
Estimating the Costs of PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) HIV among Men who Have Sex with Men (MSM) Population as Advanced Preventive Strategies: The Societal Perspective |
2024 | Ristaning Belawati Y.; Puspita Febrinasari R.; Widyaningsih V.; Probandari A. |
46 |
Comprehensive Tuberculosis Screening and Treatment at a Prison in Central Papua Province, Indonesia |
2024 | Aurelia; Kamaludin; Muslimin C.; Balik Y.; Lestari T.; Hafidz F.; Dewi C.; Lowbridge C.; Probandari A. |
47 |
Visual Mapping and Future Direction of Marine Products Supplementary and Chemotherapy in The Treatment of Breast Cancer. A Bibliometric |
2024 | Setianingsih H.; Tsuroyya N.Z.S.; Utami P.D.; Riami; Wiyono N. |
48 |
Nurturing humanism and professionalism in a clinical setting: A multicenter study to develop a framework for a learning module for clinical students |
2024 | Mustika R.; Pinasthika A.; Greviana N.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Moelyo A.G.; Zhuhra R.T. |
49 |
Improvements of Vaginal Atrophy in Menopause with the Utilization of Natural Ingredients of Ambones Banana Blossom Extract (Musa acumintacolla) in Ovariectomy Rats |
2024 | Surmiasih S.; Prayitno A.; Wasita B.; Nurwati I.; Laqif A.; Pamungkasari E.; Soetrisno S. |
50 |
Global prevalence and potential factors influencing willingness for renal transplantation in end-stage renal disease patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 | Tamara F.; Fajar J.K.; Susanto A.; Enggriani Y.T.; Beluan M.I.S.; Mirino R.; Farida L.D.; Hastutya D.V.; Puspitasari D.A.; Putri Y.S.; Susanto J.P.; Dzhyvak V. |
51 |
A molecular docking insight: Phyllanthus niruri L. constituents targeting MMP-9 for angiogenesis inhibition and IL-1β for anti-inflammatory action in endometriosis therapy |
2024 | Wulandari E.T.; Soetrisno; Purwanto B.; Reviono; Ertanto Y.; Sunowo J. |
52 |
How Attitudes, Perceptions, Culture, and Gender Influence the Incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease? A Mixed-Method Study in Surakarta, Indonesia |
2024 | Diyono D.; Hartono H.; Anantanyu S.; Lestari A. |
53 |
Antioxidant activity of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) of Curcuma longa in polycystic ovary syndrome rat model |
2024 | Wahyuni A.; Mudigdo A.; Soetrisno S.; Wasita B.; Budi U.R.; Widyaningsih V.; Chabib L. |
54 |
Comparisons of Micronutrients and Bioactive Compounds in Three Fractions of Snake Fruit Seeds (Salacca edulis reinw) for Anemia Treatment |
2024 | Pramestiyani M.; Soetrisno; Indarto D.; Purwanto B. |
55 |
Bibliometric analysis of research in Moringa oleifera Lam. and atherosclerosis |
2024 | Rahayu R.F.; Prayitno A.; Purwanto B.; Widiastuti; Nurwati I.; Poncorini E.; Soetrisno |
56 |
Global prevalence and determinants associated with the acceptance of monkeypox vaccination |
2024 | Indiastari D.; Fajar J.K.; Tamara F.; Runesi O.; Hakim L.N.; Chotimah K.; Rahmani A.; Saputro T.D.; Afrilla D.; Firmansyah E.; Dau D.; Dzhyvak V. |
57 |
Impacts of Phyllanthus niruri extract on biomarker levels, macrophage count, and lesion area in an endometriotic rat model |
2024 | Wulandari E.T.; Soetrisno S.; Purwanto B.; Reviono R.; Wasita B.; Laqif A. |
58 |
Trends and visualization in honey and diabetes mellitus study from 1953 to 2022 |
2024 | Munawaroh S.; Wiyono N.; Hastami Y. |
59 |
Research productivity in catamenial epilepsy: A bibliometric analysis of worldwide scientific literature (1956–2022) |
2024 | Mirawati D.K.; Wiyono N.; Ilyas M.F.; Putra S.E.; Hafizhan M. |
60 |
Investigating the Effects of the Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Mas Banana Bracts: Suppressing Cell Growth, Promoting Cell Death, and Targeting Specific Molecules in Hela Cells |
2024 | Putri R.H.; Soetrisno; Wasita B.; Priyanto H.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Cilmiaty R. |
61 |
Correlation between MDS UPDRS III with depression, anxiety, and fatigue symptoms in Parkinson's disease |
2024 | Hutabarat E.A.J.; Suroto; Mirawati D.K.; Subandi; Danuaji R.; Budianto P.; Hambarsari Y.; Hamidi B.L.; Prabaningtyas H.R.; Ristinawati I.; Tejomukti T.; Tedjo A.A.; Putri A.P.; Putra A.N. |
62 |
Mesenchymal stem cell secretome decreases inflammation in sepsis model |
2024 | Arifin; Purwanto B.; Indarto D.; Wasita B.; Sumanjar T.; Poncorini E.; Soetrisno |
63 |
“How is social media used for learning?”: relationships between social media use by medical students with their self-regulated learning skills |
2024 | Findyartini A.; Greviana N.; Hanum C.; Wiyarta E.; Novarianto J.K.; Nugroho Supranoto Y.T.; Rafa Ayusha M.A.; Oktaria D.; Sueningrum A.A.S.A.S.; Pratiwi Y.S.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Prihanti G.S.; Zhuhra R.T.; Widjaja Y.; Wijaya D.P.; Atta K. |
64 |
Electroacupuncture for Pain Therapy: A Bibliometric Analysis and Content Review Update for 1 Decade (2013–2022) |
2024 | Balgis; Handayani S.; Wiyono N. |
65 |
Influence of Age, Obesity, Smoking, Sleep duration and Sleep Quality on Concentration, Morphology, and Sperm Motility: A Cross-Sectional Study |
2024 | Budihastuti U.R.; Melinawati E.; Prakosa T.; Angelia Ratnasari A.; Hadi C.; Laqif A.; Pangestu M.; Oktadiani Putri L.; Murti B.; Nurwati I. |
66 |
Information Motivation Behavior Skills (IMB) Model in Predicting Maternal Behavior for Healthy Child Development |
2024 | Nursanti I.; Murti B.; Mulyani S. |
67 |
Investigation of missense mutation-related type 1 diabetes mellitus through integrating genomic databases and bioinformatic approach |
2024 | Pakha D.N.; Yudhani R.D.; Irham L.M. |
68 |
Synergistic therapeutic approach for hemorrhoids: integrating mesenchymal stem cells with diosminhesperidin to target tissue edema and inflammation |
2024 | Kusumo M.H.B.; Prayitno A.; Soetrisno; Laqif A. |
69 |
A bibliometric analysis of 10 years of publications on L-citrulline |
2024 | Ghozali D.A.; Doewes M.; Soetrisno; Indarto D.; Ilyas M.F. |
70 |
Efficacy of intravenous dexmedetomidine versus lidocaine on postoperative gynecological surgery: Systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 | Asaduddin A.H.; Rachmah A.; Kusuma T.R.H.; Sholihah M.M. |
71 |
Allergens Causing Allergic Contact Dermatitis in Cosmetic Products: A Systematic Review |
2024 | Oktaviani T.; Widhiati S.; Kariosentono H.; Irawanto M.E.; Oktavriana T. |
72 |
Expecting in Isolation: A Short Communication of Perinatal Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic in Asian Countries |
2024 | Ratih S.P.; Putri P.M.S.; Hasanah R.; Febrinasari R.P.; Saraswati L.D.; Widyaningsih V.; Primaningtyas W.; Probandari A. |
73 |
The antidiabetic effects of konjac glucomannan on the clinical outcomes of patients with T2DM: A systematic review |
2024 | Febrinasari R.P.; Rizqia P.N.; Hikmayani N.H. |
74 |
Tri-ponderal mass index vs. body mass index to determine obesity and central obesity in adolescents |
2024 | Moelyo A.G.; Ferdian H. |
75 |
Molecular mechanisms of zinc in alleviating obesity: Recent updates (Review) |
2024 | Yudhani R.D.; Pakha D.N.; Wiyono N.; Wasita B. |
76 |
The effectiveness of psychocurative on the anxiety scale and the levels of cortisol, serotonin, and prolactin in postpartum women |
2024 | Soetrisno; Novika R.G.H.; Cahyanto E.B.; Nurinasari H.; Arifa H.N.A.; Sari A.N.; Maulida L.F.; Ilyas M.F. |
77 |
Effect of Solanum betaceum Cav. extract on malondialdehyde, testosterone, and Sertoli cells in lead acetate-induced mice |
2024 | Wahidah N.J.; Zakiah A.; Cyntia Riris A.A.; Wirenviona R.; Susanti N.F.; Novika R.G.H.; I'tishom R.; Khaerunnisa S. |
78 |
Molecular Docking Study of Quercetin from Ethanol Extract of Mimosa pudica Linn on Asthma Biomarkers |
2024 | Kristianingsih A.; Soetrisno; Reviono R.; Wasita B. |
79 |
The potential of exosomes from adipose-derived stromal-vascular fraction in Increasing Migration Activity of Human Dental Pulp Stromal Cells (in vitro study) |
2024 | Alinda S.D.; Margono A.; Yulianto I.; Maharti I.D.; Rafmawan R.A. |
80 |
Lethal Carmi syndrome (junctional epidermolysis bullosa-pyloric atresia) with a novel and recurrent compound integrin beta 4 heterozygous mutation: A case report |
2024 | Widhiati S.; Pradipta N.K.; Purnomosari D.; Danarti R.; Anggraini A.; Palupi-Baroto R.; Trisnowati N. |
81 |
Qualitative and Quantitative Tests on the Ingredients of Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa) Fruit Extract as an Alternative Therapy for Infertility in Endometriosis |
2024 | Brahmana I.B.; Purwanto; Soetrisno; Purwanto B.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
82 |
Cotton swabs for the measurement of NF-ĸB, IFN-γ, and FOXP3+Treg from lesions of anogenital wart patients |
2024 | Hutabarat H.; Bramono K.; Indriatmi W.; Wibowo H.; Budianti W.K.; Suyatna F.D.; Prihartono J.; Mawardi P. |
83 |
In vivo Effect of Momordica charantia on Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Activity in Diabetic Rats |
2024 | Romdhoni M.F.; Doewes M.; Soetrisno S.; Febrinasari R.P. |
84 |
Prevention of colon enlargement by TNF-α antagonist in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model |
2024 | Sholikah T.A.; Septyaningtrias D.E.; Sumiwi Y.A.A.; Muthmainah M.; Susilowati R. |
85 |
Aerobic exercise improves spatial memory in a rat model of meningitis |
2024 | Zaidah L.; Soetrisno S.; Purwanto B.; Kristiyanto A.; Wasita B.; Widyaningsih V. |
86 |
"i pity the TB patient": A mixed methods study assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on TB services in two major Indonesian cities and distilling lessons for the future |
2024 | Mashuri Y.A.; Boettiger D.; Wahyuningtias S.D.; Negara S.N.S.; Subronto Y.W.; Liverani M.; Wulandari L.P.L.; Ahmad R.A.; Thabrany H.; Fardousi N.; Kaldor J.; Probandari A.; Wiseman V. |
87 |
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Access to HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis: Lessons for Future Public Health Crises |
2024 | Wulandari L.P.L.; Negara S.N.S.; Mashuri Y.A.; Wahyuningtias S.D.; Putra I.W.C.S.D.; Subronto Y.W.; Ahmad R.A.; Thabrany H.; Guy R.; Law M.; Hammoud M.; Bavinton B.B.; Kaldor J.; Medland N.; Liverani M.; Probandari A.; Boettiger D.; Wiseman V. |
88 |
Global prevalence and contributing factors of transplant renal artery stenosis in renal transplant recipients: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 | Tamara F.; Fajar J.K.; Gersom C.; Wicaksono R.S.; Tupamahu A.R.; Huda F.N.; Sari F.R.; Dela J.A.; Putri I.E.; Sutrisno M.A.; Putra R.; Dwinata M.; Friatna Y.; Albaar T.M.; Susanto A.; Dewi R.T.K.; Suseno A.; Samsu N. |
89 |
Multivariate Analysis and Scoring Prediction Model of Risk Factors for Atrial Fibrillation after Stroke: A Retrospective Study in Indonesia |
2024 | Permana S.A.; Purwoko; Sunjoyo A.; Santoso S.B.; Thamrin M.H. |
90 |
Lung adenocarcinoma size as a predictor of distant metastasis: A CT scan-based measurement |
2024 | Soewondo W.; Adzhani F.; Hanafi M.; Firdaus Z.J. |
91 |
The impact of digital health interventions on HIV testing uptake among adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials |
2024 | Setyani R.A.; Probandari A.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
92 |
Effects of Mimosa pudica Extract on Asthma Biomarkers and Fetal Development in Pregnant Rats |
2024 | Kristianingsih A.; Soetrisno; Reviono; Wasita B.; Widyaningsih V.; Cilmiaty R. |
93 |
Correlation between lipid profile and cognitive function deterioration in ischemic stroke patients |
2024 | Mirawati D.K.; Budianto P.; Prabaningtyas H.R.; Subandi S.; Danuaji R.; Ristinawati I.; Tedjo R.A.A.; Zakiah I.Z.; Putra S.E.; Hafizhan M. |
94 |
Revealing the Therapeutic Potential of Nigella Sativa Extract in Aspergillus Niger-Induced Otitis Externa: Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties |
2024 | Haitamy M.N.; Kariosentono H.; Prayitno A.; Setiamika M.; Soetrisno S.; Nurwati I.; Risya Cilmiaty A.R. |
95 |
Challenges in diagnosing and treating Liddle syndrome in resource-limited settings: A case report from Indonesia |
2024 | Prabowo N.A.; Putranto W.; Myrtha R.; Ardyanto T.D.; Gautama C.S.; Wulandari E.L.; Hermawati B.D.; Putri D.P.; Ramadhani A.; Dewi H.K. |
96 |
Sensitivity and Specificity of the Modified Early Obstetric Warning Score (MEOWS) and Maternal Early Warning Criteria (MEWC) for Predicting Maternal Morbidity: A Retrospective Cohort Study in Pregnant Women with COVID-19 |
2024 | Cahyani D.D.; Priyanto H.; An A.D.; Supriyatiningsih |
97 |
The use of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization on tiered feature selection method in machine learning-based coronary heart disease diagnosis system |
2024 | Wiharto; Mufidah Y.; Salamah U.; Suryani E.; Setyawan S. |
98 |
Causal effect of health belief model constructs in predicting anxiety in health workers: An insight from Indonesia during COVID-19 pandemic |
2024 | Ayuningrum I.Y.; Sudaryanto W.T. |
99 |
Therapeutic Efficacy of Wet Cupping on Uterine Inflammation in Primary Dysmenorrhea: An In Vivo Investigation Targeting Bilateral L4/L5 Vertebrae |
2024 | Lestariningsih S.; Tamtomo D.G.; Sulistyowati S.; Indarto D.; Soetrisno S.; Muthmainah M.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
100 |
Antepartum hemorrhage due to placenta previa with autologous transfusion: A case report |
2024 | Kaukaba R.D.; Permana S.A.; Hananto A.Z.A.; Muhammad F. |
101 |
Antianaemic Potential of Flavonoids from Ajwa Date Fruits: An In Silico Study |
2024 | Puspita L.; Soetrisno; Purwanto B.; Wasita B.; Dewi Y.L.R.; Widyaningsih V.; Suhendi A. |
102 |
Effect of platelet rich fibrin (PRF) and hydroxyapatite from eggshells to TGFβ and ALP in the healing of rat bone defects |
2024 | Idulhaq M.; Utomo P.; Mudigdo A.; Wasita B. |
103 |
Optimizing the Health of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients with Islamic Approaches and Volunteers |
2024 | Faizun M.; Fanani M.; Subijanto A.A.; Anantanyu S.; Amalia F.; Dwianto A. |
104 |
2024 | Prasetyowati I.; Febrinasari R.P.; Wahyuni C.U.; Probandari A. |
105 |
Current update on surgical management for spinal tuberculosis: a scientific mapping of worldwide publications |
2024 | Romaniyanto R.; Ilyas M.F.; Lado A.; Sadewa D.; Dzikri D.N.; Budiono E.A. |
106 |
Effects of NADPH oxidase inhibitor of the Etlingera elatior (E. elatior) fruits extracts in animal sepsis models |
2024 | Nurhayatun E.; Purwanto B.; Ulfia M. |
107 |
Effect of Cinnamomum burmannii Bark Oil on Bacterial Count, Nuclear Factor of Kappa Beta (NF-Kβ/p65), Interleukin-6, and Chest Radiography in Rattus norvegicus with Pneumonia |
2024 | Majdawati A.; Reviono R.; Hartono H.; Handayani N.; Soetrisno S. |
108 |
Delivering HIV and TB services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia: a qualitative study of challenges and mitigation strategies |
2024 | Wulandari L.P.L.; Negara S.N.S.; Wahyuningtias S.D.; Mashuri Y.A.; Putra I.W.C.S.D.; Fardousi N.; Ahmad R.A.; Boettiger D.; Probandari A.; Subronto Y.W.; Wiseman V.; Liverani M. |
109 |
Strong Factors to Preserve Breast in Surgery Preferences among Javanese Ethnicities of Breast Cancer Patients |
2024 | Yarso K.Y.; Ardianti M.; Azmiardi A.; Yarsa D.R.N. |
110 |
Vitamin B1, B6, Chronotype, and Sleep Duration in Patient with Neurotic, Stress and Somatoform Disorders |
2024 | Pertiwi L.M.; Fanani M.; Hikmayani N.H. |
111 |
Visual-spatial Intelligence and Learning Modality Preference for Neuroanatomy Comprehension Among Medical Students |
2024 | Ilyas M.F.; Wiyono N.; Ghozali D.A.; Hastami Y.; Handayani S.; Munawaroh S.; Muthmainah M.; Triniputri W.Y.; Widodo D.P.D.; Khoirumuna K. |
112 |
Correlation between Neutrophil/ Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), lipid profile, lesion location and vascular cognitive impairment in acute ischemic stroke patients |
2024 | Ristinawati I.; Tan K.; Benedictus B.; Hafizhan M.; Putra S.E.; Suroto S.; Mirawati D.K.; Subandi S.; Danuaji R.; Budianto P.; Hambarsari Y.; Hamidi B.L.; Prabaningtyas H.R.; Hutabarat E.A.J.; Tejomukti T.; Tedjo R.A.A. |
113 |
Cookies of purple sweet potato and tempeh flour as functional foods: nutritional value and sensory acceptability |
2024 | Mushollini F.; Salimo H.; Kartikasari L.R. |
114 |
Current update and trend of 3D printing in spinal surgery: A bibliometric analysis and review of literature |
2024 | Ermawan R.; Corrigan H.; Wiyono N. |
115 |
Characteristics and prevalence of clinical remission of rheumatoid arthritis in a nationwide study from Indonesia |
2024 | Suryana B.P.P.; Hidayat R.; Sarmidi S.; Wibowo S.A.K.; Hamijoyo L.; Rahmadi A.R.; Marpaung B.; Ginting A.R.; Kambayana G.; Kurniari P.K.; Sylvawani M.; Najirman; Suarjana N.; Achadiono D.N.W.; Rahmawati L.D.; Awalia; Suntoko B.; Warlisti I.V.; Nurudhin A.; Prabowo N.A.; Partan R.U.; Reagan M.; Adnan E.; Ongkowijaya J.A.; Akil N.; Pratama M.Z. |
116 |
Asian herbal medicine for atopic dermatitis: a systematic review |
2024 | Limantara N.V.; Sadono R.; Widhiati S.; Danarti R. |
117 |
Comparison between Nanochitosane and Calcium Hydroxide on BMP-2 and TGF-β1 Levels in Pulp Capping Treatment (In Vivo Study) |
2024 | Widyastuti N.H.; Cilmiaty R.; Prayitno A.; Wasita B.; Soetrisno S. |
118 |
Effect of Morning and Afternoon Exercise on the Improvement of Endothelial Dysfunction in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients |
2024 | Jusup S.A.; Douwes M.; Purwanto B.; Indarto D. |
119 |
Longitudinal Interprofessional Education in Undergraduate Health Profession Education: A Scoping Review Protocol |
2024 | Hermasari B.K.; Rahayu G.R.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
120 |
Patients’ Satisfaction After Breast Reconstruction Surgery Using Autologous versus Implants: A Meta-Analysis |
2024 | Sungkar A.; Yarso K.Y.; Nugroho D.F.; Wahid D.I.; Permatasari C.A. |
121 |
Correlation between circulating fibrosis biomarkers with left atrial function and left atrial volume index in rheumatic mitral stenosis |
2024 | Asrial A.A.; Reviono R.; Soetrisno S.; Setianto B.Y.; Widyaningsih V.; Nurwati I.; Wasita B.; Pudjiastuti A. |
122 |
Effect of Toxoplasma Infection Dosage on IgG, IgM, Fetus Weight and Body Length, and Necrosis of Placenta and Fetal Heart |
2024 | Nurinasari H.; Sajidan; Purwanto B.; Indarto D.; Subekti D.T. |
123 |
The availability of essential medicines in primary health centres in Indonesia: achievements and challenges across the archipelago |
2024 | Fanda R.B.; Probandari A.; Yuniar Y.; Hendarwan H.; Trisnantoro L.; Jongeneel N.; Kok M.O. |
124 |
A bibliometric study of worldwide scientific literature on somatopsychics (1913–2022) |
2024 | Ilyas M.F.; Lukas G.A.; Lado A.; Rahmayani S.A.; Tan K.; Benedictus B.; Wijayanto M.A.; Hitipeuw H.R.; Sulasyono P.T.; Sumarno L.; Novika R.G.H. |
125 |
Assessment of the public knowledge, perception and attitude in Indonesia toward spondyloarthritis: a national survey |
2024 | Wahono C.S.; Pratama M.Z.; Rahman P.A.; Halim E.N.; Pranawa F.J.; Aditya J.; Rahmawati L.D.; Yuliasih; Awalia; Sylvawani M.; Musdalita E.; Marpaung B.; Ginting A.R.; Partan R.U.; Darma S.; Najirman; Anggoro S.; Parlindungan F.; Hidayat R.; Langow S.S.; Nurudhin A.; Werdiningsih Y.; Kertia N.; Wachid D.N.; Paramaiswari A.; Suntoko B.; Helmi R.Y.; Warlisti I.V.; Dewi S.; Hamijoyo L.; Rahmadi A.R.; Kambayana G.; Kurniari P.K.; Suarjana I.N.; Ongkowijaya J.A.; Faridin; Adnan E.; Syahriani F. |
126 |
The Impact of Post-COVID-19 Conditions on Sleep and Quality of Life in Indonesia: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Study |
2024 | Budikayanti A.; Hakim M.; Mutiani F.; Handayani S.; Lailiyya N.; Khosama H.; Jehosua S.Y.; Puspitasari V.; Gunawan P.Y.; Hambarsari Y.; Islamiyah W.R.; Gofir A.; Vidyanti A.N.; Devicaesaria A.; Ibonita R.; Suryawati H.; Tedjasukmana R. |
127 |
Effect of alendronate and platelet-rich plasma in tendon-bones integration in sheep anterior cruciate ligament surgery |
2024 | Sibarani T.; Purwanto B.; Mudigdo A.; Wasita B. |
128 |
School-based sexual and reproductive health education among adolescents in developing countries |
2024 | Utami D.R.R.B.; Nurwati I.; Lestari A. |
129 |
Exploring the Potentials of Augmented Reality in Medical Education: A Bibliometric Analysis and Scientific Visualization |
2024 | Hanifah A.A.N.N.; Munawaroh S.; Wiyono N.; Hastami Y.; Nuryana Z.; Muthmainah M. |
130 |
Three models of primary dysmenorrhea via estradiolbenzoate and oxytocin induction: an experimental study |
2024 | Lestariningsih S.; Tamtomo D.G.; Sulistyowati S.; Indarto D.; Subadi I. |
131 |
Treatment of Preeclampsia Symptoms through Modulation of Bcl-2 and Beclin-1 Homeostasis Using Kopyor Coconut Water |
2024 | Fitriana F.; Sulistyowati S.; Indarto D.; Soetrisno S. |
132 |
Enhancing Passengers' Relaxation in Trains Utilizing Electroencephalogram Frontal Alpha and Virtual Reality with Color Stimulation |
2024 | Salsabila H.I.; Purwaningrum L.; Mulyono A.; Syah F.K.; Wiyono N. |
133 |
The association between high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) and Interleukin-18 (IL-18) serum concentrations in COVID-19 inpatients |
2024 | Wulandari S.; Nuryastuti T.; Oktoviani F.N.; Daniwijaya M.E.W.; Supriyati E.; Arguni E.; Hartono; Wibawa T. |
134 |
A Method for Fast and Robust Intensity Based 2D/3D Registration in Differentiable Framework |
2024 | Alfiansyah A.; Muhimmah I.; Sasongko A.; Sulastomo H.; Wiyono N. |
135 |
Clinical effect of Echinacea purpurea as an antiviral and its effect on reproductive hormones; [Efecto clínico de Echinacea purpurea como antiviral y su efecto sobre hormonas reproductoras] |
2024 | Novika R.G.H.; Wahidah N.J.; Yunus A.; Sumarno L.; Ilyas M.F. |
136 |
Differences in expression of interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha fallopian tubes non-patent and fallopian tubes patent |
2024 | Budihastuti U.R.; Laqif A.; Melinawati E.; Prakosa T.; Udiyanto H.; Priyanto H.; Darto; Ratnasari A.A.; Anggraeni A.; Wijayanti A.S.; Dewi D.C.; De Hann K.A. |
137 |
Weil’s disease with multiple organ dysfunction, community-acquired pneumonia and septic shock: The role of rapid diagnosis and management |
2024 | Hermawati B.D.; Hapsari B.D.A.; Wulandari E.L.; Prabowo N.A.; Sukmagautama C.; Putri D.P.; Apriningsih H.; Rahma A.A.; Nafila R.R. |
138 |
The effect of L-Arginine from Giant Snake Head fish (Channa micropeltes) on neuroinflammation and neuron damage in traumatic brain injury in rats |
2024 | Nugroho A.; Tamtomo D.G.; Indarto D.; Cilmiaty R.; Soetrisno |
139 |
Animal protein on stunting prevention: A narrative review |
2024 | Damayanti K.E.; Dewi Y.L.R.; Wiboworini B.; Widyaningsih V. |
140 |
Association between poverty, low educational level and smoking with adolescent’s working memory: cross lagged analysis from longitudinal data |
2024 | Nugroho H.W.; Salimo H.; Hartono H.; Hakim M.A.; Probandari A. |
141 |
Beneficial Effects of Self-nanoemulsifying Drug Delivery System Extract of Curcuma longa on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Rats Model Through Insulin Sensitization Activity |
2024 | Wahyuni A.; Mudigdo A.; Soetrisno; Wasita B.; Budi U.R.; Widyaningsih V.; Sari I.P. |
142 |
Effects of Quercetin Fraction from Moringa oleifera Leaf Extract on Oxidative Markers and Histological Profile of Carotid and Coronary Arteries: An Experimental Animal Study |
2024 | Subandi; Suroto; Purwanto B.; Wasita B.; Soetrisno |
143 |
Asiatic acid reduces lipopolysaccharides-induced pulp inflammation through activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 in rats |
2024 | Cilmiaty R.; Nurhapsari A.; Prayitno A.; Rahma A.A.; Ilyas M.F. |
144 |
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy to Improve Anxiety Symptoms and Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients |
2024 | Melati K.B.D.S.; Bellynda M.; Yarso K.Y.; Kusuma W.; Sudiyanto A. |
145 |
In silico investigation and in vivo effect of Berastagi orange (Citrus sinensis) peel extract on male obese rats |
2024 | Prasetyo A.; Batubara W.R.P.; Indarto D.; Susilawati T.N. |
146 |
Outcomes of subsequent pregnancy in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 | Wijayanto M.A.; Myrtha R.; Lukas G.A.; Rahma A.A.; Hanifa S.N.; Zahira H.A.; Ilyas M.F. |
147 |
Insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphisms of angiotensin-converting enzyme gene and their implications for susceptibility and severity of COVID-19: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2024 | Fajar J.K.; Tamara F.; Putranto W.; Prabowo N.A.; Harapan H. |
148 |
Identification of pathogenic gene variants in carpal tunnel syndrome using bioinformatics approaches |
2024 | Humolungo D.T.W.S.; Anjani R.; Irham L.M.; Sulistyani N.; Ma'ruf M.; Amukti D.P.; Adikusuma W.; Sarasmita M.A.; Khairi S.; Purwanto B.D.; Suyatmi S.; Siswanto L.M.H.; Satria R.D.; Pranata S.; Chong R. |
149 |
The Variety of Undergraduate Medical Education Curricula: An Environmental Scan of Diverse Medical School Characteristics within Indonesia |
2024 | Alfandy B.P.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Salsabila L.A.; Djafar L.; Islami S. |
150 |
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) Extract Gives Superior Effect than Beetroot Juice on Increasing HDL and Decreasing LDL and IL-6 in Dyslipidemic Rats Model |
2024 | Riri M.J.; Harioputro D.R.; Wardhani L.O. |
151 |
The Comparison of Chronic Pelvic Pain, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspareunia, Dysuria, and Dyschezia Intensity in Patients with Endometriosis Stage |
2024 | Vilyonda L.Q.; Budihastuti U.R.; Munawaroh S.; Pangestu M. |
152 |
Effects of olive leaf extract and nifedipine, alone and in combination, on blood pressure, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, malondialdehyde, and creatinine levels in an Nω-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester-induced rat model of preeclampsia |
2024 | Anggraini Y.; Soetrisno S.; Wasita B.; Cilmiaty R. |
153 |
Phyto-Nanoemulsion Containing Tea Leaves Extract Incorporated into A Hydrogel-Based Peel-Off Mask Formulation: Development, Antioxidant Assay, and Ex-Vivo Transport Study |
2024 | Wahyuni D.S.C.; Febrinasari R.P.; Sakinah; Mardiyah A.; Choiri S. |
154 |
Survival and prognostic factors in pediatric osteosarcoma: A 5-year single-center experience in Central Java, Indonesia |
2024 | Riza M.; Salimo H.; Wasita B.; Idulhaq M.; Saputra R.D.; Widyaningsih V.; Soestrisno; Zahidah F.; Wayanshakty J. |
155 |
The Protective Effect of Artocarpus altilis Leaf Extract on Rat Models of Diethylene Glycol-Induced Hepatotoxicity |
2024 | Susilo J.; Purwanto B.; Doewes M.; Indarto D. |
156 |
Combination of Metformin and Magnesium Citrate Reduces TNF-α, NF-κB p65, IL-6, CD4, and MMP-9 Expressions in Diabetic Model Rats |
2024 | Rahayu R.F.; Prayitno A.; Purwanto B.; Soewondo W.; Nurwati I.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Dirgahayu P.; Fauzi A.; Siswanto F.G. |
157 |
Exploring the anti‑inflammatory effects of Nigella sativa on cyclooxygenase‑2 through the nuclear factor‑kappa B pathway in an Aspergillus niger‑induced otitis externa mouse model |
2024 | Haitamy M.N.; Kariosentono H.; Prayitno A.; Setiamika M.; Soetrisno; Nurwati I.; Riswiyanto R.C.A.; Brahmadi A. |
158 |
Cutaneous Anthrax: What is the Hallmark? |
2024 | Harioputro D.R.; Kusumawardani A.; Novita I.; Nurhayatun E.; Tunjungputri R.N.; Nelwan E.J. |
159 |
Factors influencing the prevalence of anaemia in female adolescents: A population-based study of rural setting in Karanganyar, Indonesia |
2024 | Sigit F.S.; Ilmi F.B.; Desfiandi P.; Saputri D.; Fajarini N.D.; Susianti A.; Lestari L.A.; Faras A. |
160 |
Reliability of Echocardiographic Pulmonary Vascular Resistance to Screen for the New Definition of Precapillary Pulmonary Hypertension in Uncorrected Secundum Atrial Septal Defect |
2024 | Myrtha R.; Mumpuni H.; Marsam R.K.; Anggrahini D.W.; Hartopo A.B.; Dinarti L.K. |
161 |
The cytotoxicity of 1,4-bis(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-tetrahydro-furo(3,4-c) furan isolated from Swietenia macrophylla King seed extract on 3T3-L1 and RAW 264.7 cells |
2024 | Yudhani R.D.; Sholikhah E.N.; Nugrahaningsih D.A.A.; Mustofa |
162 |
Healthcare Failure Mode and Effect Analysis in Surgery Setting: A Bibliometrics Analysis and Literature Review |
2024 | Sumarwoto T.; Ilyas M.F.; Dewi A. |
163 |
Differences in knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding hypertension by access to a community-based screening program (POSBINDU): A cross-sectional study from four districts in Indonesia |
2024 | Ari Mashuri Y.; Widyaningsih V.; Premanawasti A.; Koot J.; Pardoel Z.; Landsman-Dijkstra J.; Postma M.; Probandari A. |
164 |
A Bibliometrics and Scientometrics Study of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Material for Irreversible Pulpitis |
2024 | Cilmiaty R.; Ilyas M.F. |
165 |
Identifying pathogenic variants associated with Alzeimer by integrating genomic databases and bioinformatics approaches |
2024 | Amukti D.P.; Wazni A.R.; Irham L.M.; Sulistyani N.; Ma'ruf M.; Adikusuma W.; Sarasmita M.A.; Khairi S.; Purwanto B.D.; Suyatmi S.; Siswanto L.M.H.; Chong R. |
166 |
2024 | Ningrum T.M.; Dewi Y.L.R.; Febrinasari R.P. |
167 |
Exploring the therapeutic potential of functional foods for diabetes: A bibliometric analysis and scientific mapping |
2024 | Wiyono N.; Yudhani R.D.; Wasita B.; Suyatmi S.; Wardhani L.O.; Pesik R.N.; Yarsa K.Y.; Rahayu R.F. |
168 |
Improvement of renal functions in mice with septic acute kidney injury using secretome of mesenchymal stem cells |
2024 | Arifin A.; Purwanto B.; Indarto D.; Wasita B.; Sumanjar T.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Soetrisno S. |
169 |
Association between Nutritional Status with Serum Low-density Lipoprotein (LDL) Level and Triglycerides (TG) Level among Adolescents in Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
2024 | Susyanto B.E.; Salimo H.; Purwanto B.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Soetrisno S. |
170 |
Effect of kopyor coconut water on early-onset preeclampsia-like impairments in rats induced by L-nitro-arginine methyl ester |
2024 | Fitriana F.; Sulistyowati S.; Indarto D.; Soetrisno S.; Nurwati I.; Widyaningsih V. |
171 |
Beta-Blocker in Heart Rate Control and Cardio Protection: The Role of ADRB1 Variants and HCN4 Regulation – A Systematic Review |
2024 | Niruri R.; Ikawati Z.; Arifianto H.; Nugroho A.E. |
172 |
The Role of Social Networking in Improving Health Literacy in Online Community: A Scoping Review |
2024 | Mutiara V.S.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Padmawati R.S.; Probandari A. |
173 |
Prevalence of antibiotics prescription amongst patients with and without COVID-19 in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2023 | Satria Y.A.A.; Utami M.S.; Prasudi A. |
174 |
The association between ALR2 -106C > T gene polymorphisms and diabetic retinopathy susceptibility in diabetes mellitus patient: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2023 | Putri I.S.; Rezkita B.E.; Irving S.; Azmiardi A. |
175 |
Molecular Screening of β-Lactoglobulin Gene Variation for Allergy-free Milk Production in Indonesian Friesian Holstein |
2023 | Windarti W.; Pambuko G.; Purwadi; Novika R.G.H.; Prastowo S. |
176 |
Problems in Maintaining Oral Health in Children with Down Syndrome: A Pilot Study with In-Depth Interview Analysis |
2023 | Saptiwi B.; Subijanto A.A.; Cilmiaty R.; Sumardiyono |
177 |
What Are the Various Comprehensive Treatment Models to Improve Self-Efficacy and Self-Management in Adolescents with Diabetes Mellitus? A Scoping Review |
2023 | Prasetyawati A.E.; Probandari A.; Claramita M.; Julia M. |
178 |
Association between poverty and children's working memory abilities in developing countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2023 | Nugroho H.W.; Salimo H.; Hartono H.; Hakim M.A.; Probandari A. |
179 |
Association of Retinal Microangiopathy with Albuminuria in Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease: a Meta-analysis Study |
2023 | Lutfiana N.C.; Purnomo A.S.; Purnomo A.F.; Purnomo A.S.N.; Ginannafsi A.R.T. |
180 |
The Anxiety Level and Premature Rupture of Membrane Incidence during COVID-19 Pandemic; [Tingkat Kecemasan dan Kejadian Ketuban Pecah Dini pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19] |
2023 | Nugraha R.A.; Bachnas M.A.; Yuliadi I. |
181 |
Electroencephalography (EEG) Frontal Alpha Asymmetry Index as an Indicator of Children’s Emotions in the Three Quran Learning Methods: Visual, Auditory, and Memory |
2023 | Syaifulloh M.K.; Hanafi M.; Ardyanto T.D.; Wiyono N.; Budianto P.; Jumiatmoko J. |
182 |
Can D-dimer predict length of hospital stay in COVID-19 survivors? A cross-sectional study |
2023 | Wijayanto M.A.; Myrtha R.; Rahayu D.; Lukas G.A. |
183 |
Tectona Grandis Leaves: Determination of Total Flavonoid Content, Phenolic Content, Characterization of the Leaves, and Compound Identification in GC-MS |
2023 | Budianto P.; Suroto S.; Wasita B.; Mirawati D.K. |
184 |
Effects of secretome supplementation on interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, procalcitonin, and the length of stay in acute exacerbation COPD patients |
2023 | Fahlevie F.; Apriningsih H.; Sutanto Y.S.; Reviono R.; Adhiputri A.; Aphridasari J.; Prasetyo W. |
185 |
Progesterone Serum Level on HCG Trigger Day among Frozen Embryo Transfer IVF Patients and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis |
2023 | Herida A.R.; Soelaeman M.F. |
186 |
Anesthetic management of omphalopagus twins with pentalogy of Fallot undergoing separation surgery |
2023 | Purwoko; Santosa S.B.; Novianto B.; Ganitafuri H. |
187 |
The barriers to prevent smoking behavior of junior high school students: A qualitative study |
2023 | Susanto A.; Hartono H.; Nurhaeni I.D.A.; Kartono D.T. |
188 |
A paraventricular thalamus to insular cortex glutamatergic projection gates “emotional” stress-induced binge eating in females |
2023 | G. Anversa R.; Campbell E.J.; Walker L.C.; S. Ch’ng S.; Muthmainah M.; S. Kremer F.; M. Guimarães A.; O’Shea M.J.; He S.; Dayas C.V.; Andrews Z.B.; Lawrence A.J.; Brown R.M. |
189 |
The effect of hyaluronic acid conditioned media on hDPSCs differentiation through CD44 and transforming growth factor-β1 expressions |
2023 | Bagio D.A.; Lestari N.A.; Putra W.A.; Alinda S.D.; Ricardo S.; Julianto I. |
190 |
The Relationship of Carbohydrate, Vitamin D, Zinc Consumption and Physical Activity with Fasting Blood Glucose Level in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients during COVID-19 Pandemic |
2023 | Rooiqoh Q.F.; Tamtomo D.G.; Cilmiaty R. |
191 |
Identifying pathogenic variants related to systemic lupus erythematosus by integrating genomic databases and a bioinformatic approach |
2023 | Yudhani R.D.; Pakha D.N.; Suyatmi S.; Irham L.M. |
192 |
The Acoustic Performance of Natural Composites in Reducing Stress Levels: Textile Industry |
2023 | Widjanarti M.P.; Probandari A.; Sumardiyono; Sunarto |
193 |
2023 | Santoso A.; Anwar I.B.; Sibarani T.; Soetjahjo B.; Saddalqous; Adriansyah D. |
194 |
Mesenchymal stem cell secretome ameliorates over-expression of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) and fetal growth restriction (FGR) in animal SLE model |
2023 | Bachnas M.A.; Dekker G.A.; Mudigdo A.; Purwanto B.; Sulistyowati S.; Dachlan E.G.; Akbar M.I.A.; Chouw A.; Sartika C.R.; Widjiati W. |
195 |
2023 | Amalia D.; Andayani T.R.; Anantanyu S. |
196 |
High-risk human papillomavirus prevalence among patients with cervical cancer at Moewardi General Hospital in Surakarta, Indonesia |
2023 | Wasita B.; Suyatmi; Pesik R.N.; Yudhani R.D.; Wiyono N.; Rahayu R.F.; Yarso K.Y. |
197 |
The Intestinal Zonulin and Zonula Occludens 1 Protein Expression and Lipopolysaccharide Levels In ddY Mice Injected with Dengue Virus Non-Structural Protein 1 |
2023 | Jatmiko S.W.; Hartono; Ardyanto T.D.; Indarto D. |
198 |
The 1,4-bis(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-tetrahydro-furo(3,4-c) furan isolated from Swietenia macrophylla King. Improves the Morphology of Liver and Skeletal Muscles Cells as Insulin Resistance Model Induced by Palmitate Acid |
2023 | Yudhani R.D.; Nugrahaningsih D.A.A.; Sholikhah E.N.; Mustofa M. |
199 |
Gastric cavernous hemangioma in 48-years male patient: a rare case presenting upper gastrointestinal bleeding manifestations |
2023 | Sukmagautama C.; Asaduddin A.H.; Malia U.A.; Putri D.P. |
200 |
Changes in Migratory Speed Rate of Human Dental Pulp Stromal Cells Cultured in Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin |
2023 | Margono A.; Bagio D.A.; Yulianto I.; Dewi S.U. |
201 |
Quality of life in epilepsy: comparison between Indonesian version of QOLIE-10 and QOLIE-31 |
2023 | Mirawati D.K.; Handayani L.; Subandi; Hafizhan M.; Putra S.E. |
202 |
Using online flipped classroom in problem-based learning medical curriculum: A mixed method study |
2023 | Nugroho D.; Hermasari B.K. |
203 |
Predictors of breastfeeding duration on mothers who return to work: a systematic review |
2023 | Nurjanah S.; Wirjatmadi B.; Devy S.R.; Suminar D.R.; Pratiwi E.N. |
204 |
Dose-response effect of L-citrulline on skeletal muscle damage after acute eccentric exercise: an in vivo study in mice |
2023 | Ghozali D.A.; Doewes M.; Soetrisno S.; Indarto D.; Ilyas M.F. |
205 |
Cortisol levels associated with mortality in children with critical illness: a systematic review |
2023 | Tolibin R.T.; Widiretnani S.; Moelyo A.G. |
206 |
Food-induced brain activity in adult obesity: a quantitative electroencephalographic study |
2023 | Abdurrohim K.; Soewondo P.; Witjaksono F.; Mihardja H.; Indriatmi W.; Wibowo H.; Handayani S.; Ibrahim N. |
207 |
Role of Remifentanil on MAC, Bcl-2, and Bax Levels in Traumatic Brain Injury Rat Models |
2023 | Arianto A.T.; Soetrisno; Purwoko; Indarto D. |
208 |
The Effect of Combination between Green Tea Extract and Curcumin Extract from Mt. Lawu on BAX, Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 in Cisplatin-Induced Rat Models |
2023 | Primadewi N.; Kariosentono H.; Probandari A.; Wiboworini B. |
209 |
Non-inferiority trial of Channa striata extract on endothelial glycocalyx layer protection in septic patients |
2023 | Permana S.A.; Hartono H.; Purwanto B.; Indarto D. |
210 |
The role of binder in the manufacturing of bone implants: A review |
2023 | Rochmadi; Harwijayanti W.; Ubaidillah U.; Triyono J.; Diharjo K.; Utomo P. |
211 |
Health-related Quality of Life of Patients With Diabetes Mellitus Measured With the Bahasa Indonesia Version of EQ-5D in Primary Care Settings in Indonesia |
2023 | Prabowo M.H.; Febrinasari R.P.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Mahendradhata Y.; Pulkki-Brännström A.-M.; Probandari A. |
212 |
The occurrence and risk factors of chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in patients with breast cancer not receiving primary G-CSF prophylaxis |
2023 | Hutajulu S.H.; Oktariani S.; Sunggoro A.J.; Bintoro B.S.; Astari Y.K.; Wiranata J.A.; Widodo I.; Ekowati A.; Hardianti M.S.; Taroeno-Hariadi K.W.; Kurnianda J.; Purwanto I. |
213 |
Immunogenicity and safety of COVID-19 BNT162b2 booster vaccine in end-stage kidney disease patients receiving haemodialysis in Yogyakarta, Indonesia: a cohort prospective study |
2023 | Puspitasari M.; Sattwika P.D.; Hidayat A.R.P.; Wijaya W.; Wardhani Y.; Intansari U.S.; Kertia N.; Purwanto B.; Thobari J.A. |
214 |
Plants as herbal medicine at Nguter Traditional Market, Sukoharjo, Central Java, Indonesia |
2023 | Mardiyanto M.B.; Foresty R.S.; Arlysia V.; Chorunissa Z.F.N.; Nugroho G.D.; Yasa A.; Naim D.M.; Setyawan A.D. |
215 |
Relationship between Physical Activity and Chronotype with Nutritional Status in Female Students during Covid-19 Pandemic |
2023 | Lestari P.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Andayani T.R. |
216 |
The effectiveness of electroacupuncture for treating labor pain in primary healthcare: A preliminary study |
2023 | Handayani S.; Kartikasari M.N.D.; Suparyanti E.L.; Moelyo A.G.; Kusumawati I.; Muhammad F.; Kushare V. |
217 |
Sedentary Lifestyle of Older Adults and Its Associated Factors: A Multicentre Cross-Sectional Study During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia |
2023 | Setiati S.; Harimurti K.; Fitriana I.; Dwimartutie N.; Istanti R.; Azwar M.K.; Aryana I.G.P.S.; Sunarti S.; Sudarso A.; Ariestine D.A.; Dwipa L.; Widajanti N.; Riviati N.; Mulyana R.; Rensa; Mupangati Y.M.; Budiningsih F. |
218 |
Diagnostic Value of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte, Platelet-to-Lymphocyte and Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio for COVID-19 Screening |
2023 | Risamasu J.D.; Suparyatmo J.B.; Kurniati A. |
219 |
The cardioprotective effect of Thymoquinone in Lipopolysaccharide-induced Sprague Dawley Mice (LPS: Induction study of an acute myocardial infarction model) |
2023 | Abduh M.S.; Purwanto B.; Paramasari D.; Soetrisno |
220 |
Systematic review: Parasitic zoonosis with soil as transmission media |
2023 | Negara K.S.P.; Sari Y.; Haryati S.; Wijayanti L.; Anjani A.H.; Faizah A.N.; Jatmiko A.P.; Macphillamy I. |
221 |
Novel polymer composite coated with ethylcellulose nanoparticle from waste paper as an alternative material to extracorporeal oxygenation membrane |
2023 | Pratama J.H.; Lestari W.W.; Rofida A.; Putri A.K.; Widian R.N.; Gunawan T.; Hastuti D.S.; Sulistiono D.O.; Sari K.P. |
222 |
Traumatic lumbar hematomyelia causing spinal shock: A case report |
2023 | Tedjo R.A.A.; Arrel L.; Tjung V.; Hafizhan M.; Putra S.E.; Suroto S.; Mirawati D.K.; Subandi S.; Danuaji R.; Budianto P.; Hambarsari Y.; Hamidi B.L.; Prabaningtyas H.R.; Hutabarat E.A.J.; Ristinawati I.; Tejomukti T. |
223 |
Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is associated with Mid-Term BPV in hypertensive COVID-19 patients |
2023 | Myrtha R.; Widi V.S.N.; Hananto A.Z.A.; Ardyanto T.D.; Maulidya T. |
224 |
Association of mid-term blood pressure variability with in-hospital mortality in hypertensive COVID-19 patients |
2023 | Myrtha R.; Maulidya T.; Hananto A.Z.A.; Prabaningtyas H.R.; Widi V.S.N.; Zulkafli I.S.; Samberkar S.P. |
225 |
The beneficial effect of the ethanolic extract Etlingera elatior fruit on IL-1ß and caspase-3 levels in sepsis mice model |
2023 | Nurhayatun E.; Purwanto B.; Soetrisno S.; Indarto D.; Poncorini E.; Sumandjar T.; Sagala F.H.; Salma D.S. |
226 |
A large primary lung abscess due to Klebsiella oxytoca: How critical the combination between early antibiotic therapy and bronchoscopy? |
2023 | Hapsari B.D.A.; Melita M.; Ismail A.R.; Djatmika F.N.T. |
227 |
The role of HMGB1 in COVID-19-induced cytokine storm and its potential therapeutic targets: A review |
2023 | Wulandari S.; Hartono; Wibawa T. |
228 |
Integrative Health Promotion Model in Leprosy Prevention and Control Programs to Improve Quality of Life for Leprosy Survivors |
2023 | Nugraheni R.; Murti B.; Irawanto M.E.; Sulaeman E.S.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
229 |
The Effects of Zingiber Officinale and Propolis Supplementation on Hospitalized Covid-19 Patients’ Oxygen Saturation and Hematology Profiles |
2023 | Yudhani R.D.; Suselo Y.H.; Rahayu D.; Aphridasari J.; Hartono |
230 |
Persistence to Antihypertensive and Clinical Outcomes in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention |
2023 | Kristin E.; Dinarti L.K.; Febrinasari R.P.; Pratiwi W.R.; Yasmina A.; Jaya S.I. |
231 |
Polymorphonuclear-Mononuclear Ratio in Peripheral Blood as Hematologic Malignancy Predictor in Pancytopenia |
2023 | Meyliza I.; Suparyatmo J.B.; Ariningrum D. |
232 |
Emotional eating and obesity in adolescents: A systematic review |
2023 | Wardani H.S.; Anantanyu S.; Febrinasari R.P.; David R.P. |
233 |
2023 | Idulhaq M.; Utomo P.; Sumarwoto T.; Aribowo G.P.; Warman F.I.; Kurniati Y.P.; Yudistira B. |
234 |
Matricectomy with Electrocautery as Therapy for Recurrent Ingrown Toenail |
2023 | Dharmawan N.; Rachman P.O.; Nareswari A.; Rinandari U.; Fiqri A.; Devinta E. |
235 |
Evaluation of cerebrovascular disease risk with carotid ultrasonography imaging in artificial intelligence framework |
2023 | Danuaji R.; Subandi S.; Putra S.E.; Hafizhan M. |
236 |
Family Support to Improve Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in the Informal Sector |
2023 | Sukismanto S.; Hartono H.; Sumardiyono S.; Andayani T.R. |
237 |
The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis comorbidities in Indonesia |
2023 | Titisari B.R.; Augustania C.; Probandari A.; Widyaningsih V.; Ferdiana A.; Hidayat J. |
238 |
Case Report: Tuberculosis lymphadenitis with systemic lupus erythematosus in a young woman: a case report |
2023 | Arliny Y.; Yanifitri D.B.; Utami W.A.; Geraldine S. |
239 |
The role of N-acetylcysteine in decreasing neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio in COVID-19 patients: A double-blind, randomized controlled trial |
2023 | Prabowo N.A.; Megantara M.A.; Apriningsih H. |
240 |
Digital-Based Care Support and Treatment for People with HIV/AIDS: Challenges and Opportunities |
2023 | Demartoto A.; Murti B.; Hilmi Pujihartati S. |
241 |
A 19-year-old woman with mature pericardial teratoma |
2023 | Natalie H.; Soewondo W.; Widyasari N.; Utomo A.P. |
242 |
Endometrial receptivity defects MUC-1 and COX-2 polymorphisms in endometriosis |
2023 | Budihastuti U.R.; Dasuki D.; Sadewa A.H.; Utoro T. |
243 |
Combination Electroacupuncture and Guidelines Directed Medical Therapy Maintained Stability of Heart Rate and Mean Arterial Pressure in Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction |
2023 | Supriyana D.S.; Prasetyawati A.E.; Arifianto H. |
244 |
A cost-effectiveness analysis of ferric carboxymaltose in patients with heart failure and iron deficiency: A systematic review |
2023 | Febrinasari R.P.; Syafira Q.F.; Imani N.P.; Astriningrum M.; Mashuri Y.A. |
245 |
The interrelation between HIV and condyloma acuminata high-risk strain |
2023 | Yuliarto D.; Mawardi P.; Eko Irawanto M. |
246 |
Administrations of Butterfly Pea Flower (Clitoria Ternatea L) Extract Reduce Oxidative Stress and Increase Body Weight of Male Wistar Rats with Diabetes; [Pemberian Ekstrak Bunga Telang (Clitoria Ternatea L) Menurunkan Stres Oksidatif dan Meningkatkan Berat Badan pada Tikus Wistar Jantan Diabetes] |
2023 | Putri T.F.; Wasita B.; Indarto D. |
247 |
Coating based on cellulose from oil palm empty fruit bunches and chitosan doped by Ag+: multivariate optimization and DFT analysis |
2023 | Firdaus M.; Alawiyah N.; Pratama J.H.; Yaqin A.N.; Handayani I.; Wibowo F.R. |
248 |
Trans-Cinnamaldehyde Inhibitory Activity Against mrkA, treC, and luxS Genes in Biofilm-forming Klebsiella pneumoniae: An In Silico Study |
2023 | Inayati I.; Arifin N.H.; Febriansah R.; Indarto D.; Suryawati B.; Hartono H. |
249 |
A Systematic Review of Butterfly Pea Flowers (Clitoria ternatea L.) in Reducing Body Weight and Improving Lipid Profile in Rodents with Obesity; [Tinjauan Sistematis: Bunga Telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) dalam Menurunkan Berat Badan dan Memperbaiki Profil Lipid pada Mencit dan Tikus dengan Obesitas] |
2023 | Utami F.; Indarto D.; Listyawati S.; Rajab A.A. |
250 |
Moringa Oleifera Extract Decreases Interleukin 6 Levels and Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients |
2023 | Prabowo N.A.; Nurudhin A.; Werdiningsih Y.; Putra D.D.; Putri D.P.; Widyastuti R. |
251 |
Non inferiority trial of Channa striata extract on endothelial glycocalyx layer protection in septic patient: a prospective cohort study |
2023 | Permana S.A.; Hartono H.; Purwanto B.; Indarto D. |
252 |
Apparent diffusion coefficient value of brain metastasis from lung carcinoma as potential predictor of epidermal growth factor receptor mutation |
2023 | Hanafi M.; Rahayu R.F.; Ardyanto T.D. |
253 |
Effects of toxoplasma gondii infection on malondialdehyde and C-reactive protein levels in pregnant rats |
2023 | Nurinasari H.; Sajidan; Purwanto B.; Indarto D.; Subekti D.T. |
254 |
The Effect of Hydrogel Hyaluronic Acid on Dentine Sialophosphoprotein Expression of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells |
2023 | Nugraheni V.I.; Bagio D.A.; Margono A.; Julianto I. |
255 |
Cost-Effectiveness of Sacubitril–Valsartan Compared to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction |
2023 | Febrinasari R.P.; Putra S.E.; Hafizhan M.; Probandari A.N. |
256 |
Complementary and alternatives care for postpartum preeclampsia: A scoping review |
2023 | Rini S.; Soetrisno S.; Andayani T.R.; Suminah S. |
257 |
Factors Affecting Village Apparatus, Integrated Service Post and Early Childhood Education in Stunting Prevention |
2023 | Mulyani S.; Soetrisno; Andayani T.R.; Perestroika G.D. |
258 |
An overview of Beta vulgaris L.: Its functions as antidyslipidemia |
2023 | Rohman Y.; Nurudhin A.; Matsushita M.; Wardhani L.O. |
259 |
Infection prevention and control in Indonesian hospitals: identification of strengths, gaps, and challenges |
2023 | Supriadi I.R.; Haanappel C.P.; Saptawati L.; Widodo N.H.; Sitohang G.; Usman Y.; Anom I.B.; Saraswati R.D.; Heger M.; Doevendans P.A.; Satari H.I.; Voor in ‘t holt A.F.; Severin J.A. |
260 |
The Effect of Parenting Peer Education Interventions for Young Mothers on the Growth and Development of Children under Five |
2023 | Rokhanawati D.; Salimo H.; Andayani T.R.; Hakimi M. |
261 |
Nephropathy in a Child with Severe Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Treated with Cyclophosphamide: A Case Report |
2023 | Ambarsari C.G.; Palupi-Baroto R.; Sinuraya F.A.G.; Suryati E.; Widyastuti E.; Widhiati S. |
262 |
How NIRS can predict the outcome of patient in low systemic pressure: a case series |
2023 | Purwoko; Permana S.A.; Dewi F.H.; Prihandana P.A. |
263 |
Does access to water, sanitation, and hygiene improve children's health? An empirical analysis in Indonesia |
2023 | Mulyaningsih T.; Mohanty I.; Gebremedhin T.A.; Miranti R.; Widyaningsih V. |
264 |
Outcomes of vaccinations against respiratory diseases in patients with end-stage renal disease undergoing hemodialysis: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2023 | Puspitasari M.; Sattwika P.D.; Rahari D.S.; Wijaya W.; Hidayat A.R.P.; Kertia N.; Purwanto B.; Thobari J.A. |
265 |
Associated risk factors of raised D-dimer in COVID-19 patients with diabetes mellitus |
2023 | Lukas G.A.; Wijayanto M.A.; Myrtha R.; Ayusari A.A. |
266 |
The development of the national tuberculosis research priority in Indonesia: A comprehensive mixed-method approach |
2023 | Lestari T.; Fuady A.; Yani F.F.; Putra I.W.G.A.E.; Pradipta I.S.; Chaidir L.; Handayani D.; Fitriangga A.; Loprang M.R.; Pambudi I.; Ruslami R.; Probandari A. |
267 |
Correlation between Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio and length of stay in pregnant women with COVID-19 |
2023 | Syiva’a A.; Nurinasari H.; Prabowo N.A.; Anggraeni A. |
268 |
Effect of hope, spirituality and social support on quality of life among people affected by leprosy in Indonesia: A cross-sectional study |
2023 | Nugraheni R.; Murti B.; Irwanto M.E.; Sulaeman E.S.; Pamungkasari E.P. |
269 |
Effect of Dapagliflozin on Patients with Rheumatic Heart Disease Mitral Stenosis |
2023 | Asrial A.A.; Reviono R.; Soetrisno S.; Setianto B.Y.; Widyaningsih V.; Nurwati I.; Wasita B.; Pudjiastuti A. |
270 |
Immunogenicity and safety of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in haemodialysis patients: a prospective cohort study |
2023 | Puspitasari M.; Sattwika P.D.; Rahari D.S.; Wijaya W.; Hidayat A.R.P.; Kertia N.; Purwanto B.; Thobari J.A. |
271 |
2023 | Musfiroh M.; Suwandono A.; Dewi N.S.; Soetrisno; Utami T.; Sholahuddin |
272 |
Global Research Trends and Future Direction in Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: A Bibliometric Analysis |
2023 | Wijayanto M.A.; Lukas G.A.; Greatalya L.A.D.; Ilyas M.F.; Myrtha R. |
273 |
The effectiveness of behavioral training ‘SENYUM’ for parents and teachers in maintaining dental-oral health among students with down syndrome |
2023 | Saptiwi B.; Subijanto A.A.; Cilmiaty R.; Sumardiyono |
274 |
Spirituality and medical education: Bibliometric analysis of the current state of the art and perspective |
2023 | Rahmadany M.F.; Wiyono N.; Munawaroh S.; Hastami Y.; Naidu M. |
275 |
Analysis of Thrombin-Activated Platelet-Derived Exosome (T-aPDE) Potential for Dental Pulp Regeneration: In-Vitro Study |
2023 | Bagio D.A.; Julianto I.; Margono A.; Suprastiwi E. |
276 |
Integrated Clinical Clerkship (ICC) learning environment: How it correlates with pre-service medical doctors’ career choice |
2023 | Hanafi M.; Hawari K.; Munawaroh S.; Kushare V. |
277 |
The effect of bisphosphonate and platelet-rich plasma in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: an article review |
2023 | Sibarani T.; Purwanto B.; Mudigdo A.; Wasita B. |
278 |
Effect of mini low carbohydrate diet and eating speed in obese adults on fasting blood glucose |
2023 | Yaqiin M.A.A.; Lestari A.; Sumardiyono |
279 |
Case report of coexisting transposition of the great arteries with supracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous connection: focus on computed tomography features |
2023 | Nawawi Y.S.; Sari I.P.; Maryetty I.P.; Rahayu R.F.; Widjaja S.L. |
280 |
Ethnomedicinal knowledge of traditional healers on medicinal plants in Sukoharjo District, Central Java, Indonesia |
2023 | Fadhilah R.N.; Koesdaryanto N.S.; Pribady T.R.; Restanta R.A.P.; Nugroho G.D.; Yasa A.; Sujarta P.; Setyawan A.D. |
281 |
Prospects of melatonin as an adjuvant therapy in schizophrenic patients: A bibliometric analysis |
2023 | Wahyuni S.; Kusuma W.; Satiawardana T.H.; Herdaetha A.; Pramono S. |
282 |
Anemia in female adolescents at Karanganyar regency: A cross-sectional study associated with polymorphism of duodenal cytochrome B gene and daily consumptions of fruits and vegetables |
2023 | Ilmiyati L.; Indarto D.; Wasita B. |
283 |
Transposition flap use to repair failed melolabial interpolated flap post basal cell carcinoma excision of nasal region |
2023 | Dharmawan N.; Pramudya Wardhani I.A. |
284 |
Sarcopenia in a Multiethnic State: A Cross-Sectional Data Analysis of Multicentre Indonesia Longitudinal Aging Study |
2023 | Harimurti K.; Setiati S.; Soejono C.H.; Aryana I.G.P.S.; Sunarti S.; Budiningsih F.; Mulyana R.; Dwipa L.; Sudarso A.; Rensa; Istanti R.; Azwar M.K.; Marsigit J. |
285 |
The Effect of Snail Mucus (Achatina Fulica) Toward The Activity and Chronicity Indices of Renal Histology in Pristane-Induced Lupus Nephritis Mice Model |
2023 | Nurudhin A.; Prabowo N.A.; Werdiningsih Y.; Budiningsih F.; Maharani T.; Karyawinara A.; Widyastuti R. |
286 |
The acute effects of nonstructural-1 protein dengue virus type 2 on wet liver weight, zonulin expression and serum zonulin |
2023 | Jatmiko S.W.; Hartono H.; Ardyanto T.D.; Indarto D. |
287 |
Association between IL-6 rs1800795 and IL-1β rs 16944 gene polymorphisms with clinical severity of COVID-19 patients in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia |
2023 | Apriningsih H.; Suryawati B.; Reviono; Ardyanto T.D.; Pratiwi D.; Nurinasari H. |
288 |
Effect of Spiramycin and Moringa leaf feeding in improving placenta, heart, histopathological neurons and glia in fetal models with toxoplasmosis |
2023 | Nurinasari H.; Sajidan; Purwanto B.; Indarto D.; Subekti D.T.; Apriningsih H.; Syiva’a A.; Soetrisno |
289 |
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship between advanced glycation end products ceceptor (RAGE) gene polymorphisms and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease |
2023 | Febrinasari R.P.; Putri I.S.; Rezkita B.E.; Irving S.; Azmiardi A.; Pribadi R.R.; Simadibrata M.; Sari Y. |
290 |
Alkaloid fraction of Mirabilis jalapa Linn. flowers has low cytotoxicity and increases iron absorption through Erythropoietin-Matriptase-2-Hepcidin pathway in iron deficiency Hepatocarcinoma cell model |
2023 | Suselo Y.H.; Indarto D.; Wasita B.; Hartono H. |
291 |
2023 | Indrayadi I.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Padmawati R.S.; Probandari A. |
292 |
Effectiveness of Zingiber officinale to reduce inflammation markers and the length of stay of patients with community-acquired pneumonia: An open-label clinical trial |
2023 | Reviono R.; Hapsari B.D.; Sutanto Y.S.; Adhiputri A.; Harsini H.; Suryawati B.; Marwoto M.; Syaikhu A. |
293 |
A Case Report of Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: Focus on Radiologic Findings |
2023 | Nawawi Y.S.; Soewondo W. |
294 |
Indonesian Geriatrics Society Consensus on COVID-19 Management in Older Adults |
2023 | Aryana I.G.P.S.; Setiati S.; Mulyana R.; Dwimartutie N.; Rizka A.; Wijaya B.B.; Riviati N.; Rensa; Ariestine D.A.; Karjono B.J.; Aribowo E.; Watupongoh H.H.V.; Dibyantari R.; Putra W.G.S.; Triansyah F.; Istanti R.; Daniella D. |
295 |
Mesona palustris BL: the potential antioxidant |
2023 | Rahmah; Salimo H.; Wasita B.; Pamungkasari E.P.; Cilmiaty R.; Soetrisno |
296 |
In Vitro Insulin Resistance Model: A Recent Update |
2023 | Yudhani R.D.; Sari Y.; Nugrahaningsih D.A.A.; Sholikhah E.N.; Rochmanti M.; Purba A.K.R.; Khotimah H.; Nugrahenny D.; Mustofa M. |
297 |
Low Social Support and Risk for Depression in People With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc Prof. Dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, dr., PAK,MM., M.Kes Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D |
298 |
Psychological-based Physical Exercise Education Model for Improving Elderly Physical Fitness |
2022 | Prof.Dr. Muchsin Doewes, dr.,SU,AIFO,MARS |
299 |
The Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and IL-6 in Adolescents |
2022 | Prof.Dr. Muchsin Doewes, dr.,SU,AIFO,MARS |
300 |
Brazilin Isolated from Caesalpina Sappan Wood Induces Intrinsic Apoptosis on A549 Cancer Cell Line by Increasing p53, caspase-9, and caspase-3 |
2022 | Dr. Suyatmi, dr,Mbiomed,Sci Prof.Dr. Ambar Mudigdo, dr.,Sp.PA(K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Fikar Arsyad Hakim, dr. Sp.PA |
301 |
Phytochemical Evaluation of Plumbago Zeylanica Roots from Indonesia and Assessment of its Plumbagin Concentration |
2022 | Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
302 |
Lucio Phenomenon: A Rare Type of Leprosy Reaction |
2022 | Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK Dr. Endra Yustin Ellista Sari, dr., Sp.KK (K) |
303 |
Exosomes Derived from Secretome Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (Exo-HUVEC) Ameliorate the Photo-Aging of Skin Fibroblast |
2022 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. Dr. Endra Yustin Ellista Sari, dr., Sp.KK (K) |
304 |
Identification of Chemical Compounds in Plumbago zeylanica Linn Leaves from Indonesia |
2022 | Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
305 |
The effect of Ethanolic extract of Indonesian propolis on endothelial dysfunction and Multi Organ dysfunction syndrome in anthrax animal model |
2022 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Dr. Dhani Redhono Harioputro, dr., Sp.PD, KPTI Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG Dr. Arie Kusumawardani, dr., Sp. KK(K) |
306 |
Effect of Moringa Leaf Ethanol Extract on Reduced Levels of Mda, TNF-α and Description of Inflammatory Cells in Rat Sinus Mucosa Model of Acute Rhinosinusitis |
2022 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG |
307 |
Gut microbiome analysis in human living close to livestock at Mlati district, Sleman, Yogyakarta |
2022 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK |
308 |
Indonesian Propolis Inhibit Proinflammatory Cytokines, Apoptosis and Oxidative Stress in Anthrax Animal Model |
2022 | Dr. Evi Nurhayatun, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. Ratih Tri Kusuma Dewi, dr., Sp.PD Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Dr. Dhani Redhono Harioputro, dr., Sp.PD, KPTI Dr. Agung Susanto, dr., Sp.PD., KGH,FINASIM Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
309 |
Modulation effects of Etlingera elatior ethanol extract as anti-inflammatory on chronic kidney disease in mice with hypertension and diabetes |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
310 |
The Contribution of Social Capital Interaction and Javanese Cultural Values towards the Status of Mental Health |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Aris Sudiyanto, dr., Sp.KJ(K). Prof. Dr. Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, dr., M.Kes. |
311 |
Determinant Indicators of Under-Reporting Case of Tuberculosis (A Mix Method Study) |
2022 | Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. |
312 |
One health strategy in prevention and control of parasitic zoonosis globally and Indonesia-from theory to practice: a mini-review |
2022 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Dra. Sri Haryati, M.Kes. Dr. Lilik Wijayanti, dr.,M.Kes. drh. Khesara Sastrin Prasita Negara, M.Sc. |
313 |
Lupus Flares in COVID-19 Patients: A Case Report |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. Risalina Myrtha, dr.,Sp.JP., Subsp. Eko. (K) |
314 |
Psychoeducation and Relaxation Decrease Stress Levels in COVID-19 Patients |
2022 | Dr. Rohmaningtyas Hidayah Setyaningrum, dr., Sp.KJ., M.Kes. Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. |
315 |
Interleukin 6 Associated with Adrenal Insufficiency in COVID-19 Patient |
2022 | Dr. Rohmaningtyas Hidayah Setyaningrum, dr., Sp.KJ., M.Kes. Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. |
316 |
Survival of Outpatient Department Services During COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. Risalina Myrtha, dr.,Sp.JP., Subsp. Eko. (K) |
317 |
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Levels Among Nurses in Universitas Sebelas Maret Hospital After A-Year of COVID-19 Pandemic |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. Risalina Myrtha, dr.,Sp.JP., Subsp. Eko. (K) |
318 |
The Effect of Curcumin and Virgin Coconut Oil Towards Cytokines Levels in COVID-19 Patients at Universitas Sebelas Maret Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia |
2022 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Maryani, dr.,M.Si., Sp.MK Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK dr. Laily Shofiyah, M.Kes., Sp.PK. Coana Sukmagautama, dr.,Sp.PD., M.Kes., FINASIM Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. Afif Avicenna Ghufron, dr. Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika, SST., M.Kes Nurul Jannatul Wahidah, S.ST., M.Kes. |
319 |
The effect of combination probiotic lactobacillus brevis and leuconostoc mesenteroides on tgf-β and il-12 expression in ileum |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
320 |
In Vivo Studies of Combined Probiotics on IFN-γ, Ig-E and Bronchial Muscular Layer of Rats with Allergic Asthma |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
321 |
Frequency of Interleukin-6 rs 1800796 (-572G/C) and 2069837 (intron 2A/G), TNF-α rs1800750 (-376G/A), and 1800629 (-308G/A) polymorphism in COVID-19 patients with clinical degrees in Central Java |
2022 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK Dr. Darmawan Ismail, dr. Sp.BTKV Dr. Hendrastutik Apriningsih, dr., Sp.P (K), M.Kes. |
322 |
The role of post-operative glutamine serum level and one-year survival rate of stage III of colorectal cancer patients: a single center study |
2022 | Nunik Agustriani, dr,Sp.B,Sp.BA Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. Dr. Darmawan Ismail, dr. Sp.BTKV |
323 |
Missed opportunities in hypertension risk factors screening in Indonesia: a mixed-methods evaluation of integrated health post (POSBINDU) implementation |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Balgis, dr., MSc, CM, FM Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. |
324 |
Daily Iron Intake and BMI for Age but Not for Daily Tannin Intake Increase Hemoglobin Levels in Young Females at Karanganyar Regency, Central Java, Indonesia |
2022 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
325 |
A Systematic Review of Apolipoprotein A-I Mimetic Peptides for Atherosclerosis Therapy via Activation of the Reverse Cholesterol Transport Pathway |
2022 | Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
326 |
Effects of Vegetables Consumption Before Carbohydrates on Blood Glucose and GLP-1 Levels Among Diabetic Patients in Indonesia |
2022 | Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Dr. Budiyanti Wiboworini, dr., M.Kes., Sp.GK |
327 |
Correlation between antenatal magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) total dose and delivery time interval with umbilical cord blood brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels as a neuroprotection strategy in preterm birth |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Dr. Muhammad Adrianes Bachnas, dr., Sp.O.G,Subsp.K.Fm |
328 |
INOVASIA Study: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Pravastatin to Prevent Preeclampsia in High-Risk Patients |
2022 | Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Dr. Muhammad Adrianes Bachnas, dr., Sp.O.G,Subsp.K.Fm |
329 |
Role of growth differentiation factor-15 and left ventricular global longitudinal strain in predicting major adverse cardiovascular events following acute myocardial infarction |
2022 | Niniek Purwaningtyas, dr., Sp.JP(K),FIHA Prof. Dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., SpJP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC Dr. Habibie Arifianto, dr.,SpJP (K)., M.Kes. Ahmad Yasa, dr., SpJP(K), M.Kes, FIHA |
330 |
The effect of duration gadget uses during COVID-19 pandemic for medical education during covid-19 pandemic on neck pain, neck disability, and sleep quality |
2022 | Dr. Pepi Budianto, dr., Sp.S (K) Dr. Diah Kurnia Mirawati, dr., Sp.S(K) R.Aj. Hanindia Riani Prabaningtyas, dr.,Sp.S(K) |
331 |
Correlating excessive daytime sleepiness with body mass index, waist circumference, and lipid profile in shift workers |
2022 | Dr. Pepi Budianto, dr., Sp.S (K) Dr. Diah Kurnia Mirawati, dr., Sp.S(K) R.Aj. Hanindia Riani Prabaningtyas, dr.,Sp.S(K) |
332 |
A Guideline for Contextual Adaptation of Community-Based Health Interventions |
2022 | Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. |
333 |
Identifying forms of interventions towards cross border malaria in the Asia-Pacific region: a scoping review protocol |
2022 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
334 |
The Utility of Participatory Action Research in the Nursing Field: A Scoping Review |
2022 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
335 |
The response to COVID-19 among drug retail outlets in Indonesia: A cross-sectional survey of knowledge, attitudes, and practices |
2022 | Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
336 |
Cost-Effectiveness of Sacubitril–Valsartan Compared to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors in Patients With Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
337 |
Applying systems thinking to identify enablers and challenges to scale-up interventions for hypertension and diabetes in low-income and middle-income countries: protocol for a longitudinal mixed-methods study |
2022 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
338 |
Barriers to Optimal Tuberculosis Treatment Services at Community Health Centers: A Qualitative Study From a High Prevalent Tuberculosis Country |
2022 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
339 |
Potential and challenges for an integrated management of tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension: A scoping review protocol |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
340 |
Using Theory of Planned Behavior to Explore Factors Related to Contraceptive Use Among Women in Reproductive Age |
2022 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
341 |
Sociodemographic predictors for smoking persistence among young males in Indonesia |
2022 | Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
342 |
TNF-α and TGF-β Contributes in Recurrent Otorrhea of Active Mucosal Chronic Otitis Media |
2022 | Dr. Dewi Pratiwi, dr., Sp.THT-KL(K), M.Kes. Tri Nugraha Susilawati, dr., M.Med., Ph.D. |
343 |
Determinants of socioeconomic and rural–urban disparities in stunting: evidence from Indonesia |
2022 | Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
344 |
The Cost-Based Feature Selection Model for Coronary Heart Disease Diagnosis System Using Deep Neural Network |
2022 | Sigit Setyawan, dr.,M.Sc |
345 |
Hybrid Feature Selection Method Based on Genetic Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Coronary Heart Disease |
2022 | Sigit Setyawan, dr.,M.Sc |
346 |
An isolated brachiocephalic artery rupture on penetrating trauma in a 9-year-Old child – A case report |
2022 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
347 |
Radiofrequency ablation for management of thyroid nodules in quarantine zone of COVID-19 pandemic setting in Indonesia |
2022 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
348 |
Radiofrequency ablation for benign thyroid nodule treatment: New solution in our center |
2022 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
349 |
The Short-term Outcome of Early Oral Feeding as Recovery Protocols on Resectable Gastric Cancer |
2022 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
350 |
Chemotherapy Effect on Estradiol Levels in Patients with Triple-negative Breast Cancer: A Clinical Prospective Study from Indonesia |
2022 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. |
351 |
Predicting SARS-Cov-2 - Procoagulant/Coagulation Related Protein Interaction: A Systematic Review |
2022 | Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, dr., Sp.PK(K), Ph.D. |
352 |
COVID-19 in patients with cancer: first report of the ESMO international, registry-based, cohort study (ESMO-CoCARE) |
2022 | Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. |
353 |
Case report: Recurrent parosteal lipoma at Dr. Moewardi hospital |
2022 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. |
354 |
Budget Impact Analysis of Sacubitril/Valsartan in the Treatment of Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction (HFrEF) in Indonesia |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc |
355 |
Medication Persistence to Lipid-lowering Agents As A Cost-saving Opportunities on Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Indonesia |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc |
356 |
Does Trastuzumab Offer Good Value for Money for Breast Cancer Patients with Metastasis in Indonesia? |
2022 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc |
357 |
Socioeconomic disparities in the burden of hypertension among Indonesian adults - a multilevel analysis |
2022 | Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc |
358 |
Secular trends in Javanese adult height: the roles of environment and educational attainment |
2022 | Dr. Annang Giri Moelyo, dr., Sp.A (K)., M.Kes. |
359 |
Comparison between patch test results of natural dyes and standard allergens in batik workers with occupational contact dermatitis |
2022 | Dr. Muhammad Eko Irawanto, dr., Sp.KK Dr. Suci Widhiati, dr.,Sp.KK.(K) |
360 |
Learning of empathy among first-year medical students |
2022 | Bulan Kakanita Hermasari, dr.,MMedEd Dian Nugroho, dr., MMedEd |
361 |
Predicting medical graduates' clinical performance using national competency examination results in Indonesia. |
2022 | Amandha Boy Timor Randita, dr., MMedEd., Sp.K.F.R |
362 |
Clinical Manifestation and Radiologic Patterns of Spontaneous Cervicocephalic Dissection According to the Anatomic Location: A Single-Center Analysis in Korean Patients |
2022 | Dr. Pepi Budianto, dr., Sp.S (K) |
363 |
Co-existing active pulmonary tuberculosis with aspergilloma in a diabetic patient: A rare case report |
2022 | dr. Muchtar Hanafi, M.Sc., Sp. Rad. Dr. Widiastuti, dr., Sp.Rad(K) Artrien Adhiputri, dr., Sp.P(K)., M.Biomed. |
364 |
The Effect of Apium graveolens L. in Progesterone-Induced Blocking Factor (PIBF) During Pregnancy |
2022 | Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika, SST., M.Kes Nurul Jannatul Wahidah, S.ST., M.Kes. |
365 |
Posyandu Application for Monitoring Children Under-Five: A 3-Year Data Quality Map in Indonesia |
2022 | Atriany Nilam Sari, S.ST., M.Keb. |
366 |
Improved Iatrogenic Facial Nerve Paralysis Based on House–Brackmann Facial Nerve Grading System by Using Acupuncture Therapy: A Case Report |
2022 | dr. Dwi Surya Supriyana, M.Kes., Sp.Ak. |
367 |
The effect of family involvement in diabetes self-management education on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2021 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc Prof. Dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, dr., PAK,MM., M.Kes Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D |
368 |
The effect of peer support in diabetes self-management education on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-Analysis |
2021 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc Prof. Dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, dr., PAK,MM., M.Kes Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D |
369 |
The ethanol extract of Garcinia mangostana L peel reduces the isoniazid-induced liver damage in rats |
2021 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Prof.Dr. Ambar Mudigdo, dr.,Sp.PA(K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Suroto, dr., Sp.S(K), FAAN Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Triyanta Yuli Pramana, dr.,Sp.PD., K-GEH., FINASIM Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG |
370 |
Case report: Transformation of juvenile fibroadenoma to borderline phyllodes tumor in young lady |
2021 | Prof.Dr. Ambar Mudigdo, dr.,Sp.PA(K) Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. |
371 |
HIV/AIDS treatment funding system to support the people affected by HIV/AIDS in Surakarta, Indonesia |
2021 | Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D |
372 |
Electroacupuncture to Improve Endometrial Receptivity and Folliculogenesis in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
2021 | Nutria Widya Purna Anggraini, dr.,Sp.O.G, Subsp.K.Fm, MKes dr. Eric Edwin Yuliantara, Sp.OG(K) Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Asih Anggraeni, dr., Sp.OG(K) Dr. dr. Uki Retno Budihastuti, Sp.OG(K). dr. Eriana Melinawati, Sp.OG (K) Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
373 |
Correlation of dietary iron intake and serum iron with thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels in adult hyperthyroid patients |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, dr.,M.Si Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
374 |
Acupuncture Treatment for Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Review |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
375 |
Electroacupuncture Increases the Ability of Clomiphene Citrate to Improve Follicle Growth of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Dr. dr. Uki Retno Budihastuti, Sp.OG(K). dr. Eriana Melinawati, Sp.OG (K) Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
376 |
Single-Dose and Combined-Dose of Nanoparticles from Soursop Leaves (Annona muricata L.) and Sappan Wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) Induced Apoptosis and Necrosis in HeLA Cells |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Adi Prayitno, drg., M.Kes. |
377 |
Synergistic Cytotoxic Effect of Anonna muricata and Caesalpinia sappan Nanoparticles via Expression of BAD Pro-Apoptotic Protein in HeLa Cervical Cancer Cells |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Adi Prayitno, drg., M.Kes. |
378 |
The prevalence of parasitic gastrointestinal infection and hygiene knowledge in elementary school children in Boyolali district |
2021 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Dr. Endang Listyaningsih S, dr., M.Kes. Dra. Sri Haryati, M.Kes. Dr. Lilik Wijayanti, dr.,M.Kes. Siti Ma'rufah, M.Sc., Apt. |
379 |
Clinical Characteristics, Degree of Severity and Mortality Rate of Covid-19 patient in Central Java, Indonesia |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Coana Sukmagautama, dr.,Sp.PD., M.Kes., FINASIM |
380 |
Social support role of occupational safety and health implementation in informal sector during covid-19 pandemic |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. |
381 |
Moist Exposed Burn Ointment Effectiveness for Capecitabine Associated Grade II and III Hand Foot Syndrome on Stage III Colonic |
2021 | Dr. Rieva Ermawan, dr., Sp.OT(K) Nunik Agustriani, dr,Sp.B,Sp.BA Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. Dr. Amru, dr.,Sp.B, Sp.BP-RE Suwardi, dr., Sp.B., Sp.BA |
382 |
Quran memorization and early childhood development: a case-control with neuroscience approach |
2021 | dr. Muchtar Hanafi, M.Sc., Sp. Rad. Nanang Wiyono, dr., M.Kes. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, dr., Sp.PK(K), Ph.D. |
383 |
Environmental Enrichment Ameliorates Anxiety-Like Behavior in Rats without Altering Plasma Corticosterone Level |
2021 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Nanang Wiyono, dr., M.Kes. Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D Dr. Ratih Dewi Yudhani, dr., M.Sc. Dr. Dhoni Akbar Ghozali, dr., M.Kes |
384 |
Correlation of the Magnesium Serum Levels in Maternal and Fetal over the Fetal Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) after Antenatal Magnesium Sulphate (MgSO4) Provision in the Preterm Birth Neuroprotection Strategy |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Dr. Muhammad Adrianes Bachnas, dr., Sp.O.G,Subsp.K.Fm |
385 |
Preparation of Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles Assisted by Microwave Irradiation and Their Stability During Storage |
2021 | Maryani, dr.,M.Si., Sp.MK |
386 |
The Implementation of Peer-Reflection to Improve Retakers’ Achievement in National Medical Students Examination |
2021 | Amandha Boy Timor Randita, dr., MMedEd., Sp.K.F.R dr. Muchtar Hanafi, M.Sc., Sp. Rad. Maryani, dr.,M.Si., Sp.MK Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, dr., Sp.PK(K), Ph.D. |
387 |
Relationship between 25(OH)D and Colorectal Cancer Prevalence at Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta-Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study |
2021 | Dr. Hari Wujoso, dr., Sp.F., M.M. Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. dr. Agus Raharjo, Sp.B(K) BD |
388 |
CDCynergy Social Marketing Model on Antenatal Human Immunodeficiency Viruses (HIV) Test Counseling Intention and Behavior in Surakarta, Central Java-Indonesia |
2021 | Heni Hastuti, dr., MPH Anak Agung Alit Kirti Estuti Narendra Putri, dr., M.K.M. Widana Primaningtyas, dr., M.K.M. Prof. Dr. Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, dr., M.Kes. |
389 |
eNose-TB: A trial study protocol of electronic nose for tuberculosis screening in Indonesia |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
390 |
The Implementation of Comprehensive Health Education to Improve Household Contacts' Participation in Early Detection of Tuberculosis |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
391 |
Gender Differences in Prevalence and Risk Factors for Hypertension among Adult Populations: A Cross-Sectional Study in Indonesia |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
392 |
The costs of scaling up HIV and syphilis testing in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
393 |
Prevalence and determinants of inappropriate antibiotic dispensing at private drug retail outlets in urban and rural areas of Indonesia: A mixed methods study |
2021 | Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
394 |
Community pharmacies, drug stores, and antibiotic dispensing in Indonesia: a qualitative study |
2021 | Yusuf Ari Mashuri, dr., M.Sc Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
395 |
The trajectory of illness and the pattern of care seeking by leprosy patients in a leprosy endemic district of bangladesh |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
396 |
Core health-components, contextual factors and program elements of community-based interventions in Southeast Asia – a realist synthesis regarding hypertension and diabetes |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
397 |
Barriers and strategies to successful tuberculosis treatment in a high-burden tuberculosis setting: a qualitative study from the patient’s perspective |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
398 |
Finding the right balance: implementation of public–private partnership in artemisinin-based combination therapy provision in Manokwari, Indonesia |
2021 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
399 |
Evaluation of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Diagnostic Test : A Systematic Review Study Evaluating Antibiotic Disc, Chromogenic Media, and Polymerase Chain Reaction Methods |
2021 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK |
400 |
Screening of Carica papaya L. and Psidium guajava Leaves Fraction as Antiviral Drug to Dengue Virus |
2021 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK Dr. Leli Saptawati, dr., Sp.MK(K) Siti Ma'rufah, M.Sc., Apt. |
401 |
Beyond personal factors: Multilevel determinants of childhood stunting in Indonesia |
2021 | Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
402 |
Texture-Based Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filters to Detect Diseases of Tomato Leaves |
2021 | Sigit Setyawan, dr.,M.Sc |
403 |
Framework Two-Tier Feature Selection on the Intelligence System Model for Detecting Coronary Heart Disease |
2021 | Sigit Setyawan, dr.,M.Sc |
404 |
Orexins (hypocretins): The intersection between homeostatic and hedonic feeding |
2021 | Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D |
405 |
A review of sex differences in the mechanisms and drivers of overeating |
2021 | Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D |
406 |
The impact of the pandemic on neurosurgical services: A study from a coronavirus disease 2019 referral hospital in Surakarta |
2021 | Hanis Setyono, dr., Sp.BS |
407 |
S100β protein levels as a parameter to assess the clinical development of adult patients with mild traumatic brain injury in Dr. Moewardi Public Hospital, Surakarta |
2021 | Hanis Setyono, dr., Sp.BS |
408 |
Radiofrequency ablation for management of thyroid nodules: a case report |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
409 |
The effect of duration of wound skin tissue on MDA, TNF-α, IL-6, Caspase 3, VEGF levels, and granulation tissue thickness in the white rat (Rattus novergicus) |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) |
410 |
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Effect on Predictive Value of Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy using Single Method Methylene Blue in Breast Cancer Patients at Low-resource Country |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) |
411 |
Management of giant thyroglossal duct cyst in Dr. Moewardi Hospital Indonesia: A case report |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
412 |
Patient Satisfaction in the Complete Removal of Giant Breast Fibroadenoma under Vacuum-Associated Breast Biopsy Procedure |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
413 |
Axial flap for giant basal cell carcinoma of the anterior chest wall: Case report |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
414 |
Surgery Department during Coronavirus Disease 2019 Virus Lockdown: Multidepartment Experiences From Universitas Sebelas Maret |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
415 |
Age as an Independent Factor in the Permanent Chemotherapy-Induced Amenorrhea Incidence in Breast Cancer Patients at Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
416 |
Video-Assisted Breast Surgery (VABS) and Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy (VABB) for Fibroadenoma Mammae on Patients’ Satisfaction: A Preliminary Study |
2021 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. |
417 |
2021 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
418 |
Bismuth Classification of Bile Duct Injury and Its Association with Increasing 30 Days Mortality after Revision Surgery |
2021 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
419 |
A rare clinical presentation of third part duodenal perforation due to post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography stent migration on advanced stage peri-ampullary tumor |
2021 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
420 |
The Effect of Chemotherapy on Estradiol Levels in Patients with HER 2-Overexpression Breast Cancer in Dr Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia |
2021 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. |
421 |
Systematic Review: A Comparison between Vancomycin and Daptomycin for Sepsis Infection Antibiotic Therapy |
2021 | Dr. Ratih Puspita Febrinasari, dr., M.Sc |
422 |
A Histopathological Review of Conditioned Medium Exosomes from Wharton’s Jelly Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Administration to Skin Collagen Deposition of Aged Wistar Rats |
2021 | Dr. Prasetyadi Mawardi, dr., Sp.KK (K) Novan Adi Setyawan, dr., Sp.PA Dr. Suci Widhiati, dr.,Sp.KK.(K) |
423 |
The molecular mechanisms of hypoglycemic properties and safety profiles of Swietenia macrophylla seeds extract: A review |
2021 | Dr. Ratih Dewi Yudhani, dr., M.Sc. |
424 |
Knee height and knee height/height ratio of healthy schoolchildren |
2021 | Dr. Annang Giri Moelyo, dr., Sp.A (K)., M.Kes. |
425 |
Correlation between stress, anxiety and depression with sleep quality of COVID-19 patient treated in isolation ward |
2021 | I Gusti Bagus Indro Nugroho, dr.,Sp.KJ Dr. Rohmaningtyas Hidayah Setyaningrum, dr., Sp.KJ., M.Kes. |
426 |
Stakeholders’ Views and Confidence Towards Indonesian Medical Doctor National Competency Examination: A Qualitative Study |
2021 | Bulan Kakanita Hermasari, dr.,MMedEd |
427 |
Trainees’ perceptions and expectations of formal academic mentoring during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesian cardiology residency programs |
2021 | Heru Sulastomo, dr., Sp.JP(K),FIHA., FAsCC |
428 |
HLA-Cw6 Allele Expression is Associated with Good Narrowband Ultraviolet B Response in Javanese-Indonesian Psoriasis Subjects |
2021 | dr. Triasari Oktavriana, M.Sc., Sp.KK (K) |
429 |
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Conditioned Medium as Good as Methyl Prednisolone in Decreasing Levels of Interleukin 10 and The Degree of Pulmonary Vasculitis in Lupus Mice |
2021 | Dr. dr Arief Nurudhin, Sp.PD(KR)., FINASIM Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. dr Yulyani Werdiningsih, Sp.PD., FINASIM |
430 |
The effect of Mmoringaoleifera leaf extract on mean platelet volume and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio in lupus Arief Nurudhin1 , Retno Widyastuti2 , Nurhasan Agung Prabowo,3 |
2021 | Dr. dr Arief Nurudhin, Sp.PD(KR)., FINASIM Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. dr Yulyani Werdiningsih, Sp.PD., FINASIM |
431 |
Letter to the Editor on Type 1 diabetes onset triggered by COVID-19 |
2021 | Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, dr., Sp.PD., M.Kes. |
432 |
Waist circumference, hip circumference, arm span, and waist-to-hip ratio high risk of polycystic ovarian syndrome |
2021 | Dr. dr. Uki Retno Budihastuti, Sp.OG(K). |
433 |
The use of FIESTA sequence MRI in successful management of abdominal pregnancy |
2021 | dr. Eric Edwin Yuliantara, Sp.OG(K) Dr. Widiastuti, dr., Sp.Rad(K) dr. Sulistyani Kusumaningrum, M.Sc, Sp.Rad (K) dr. Prasetyo Sarwono Putro, Sp.Rad(K) |
434 |
In vitro degradation and cytotoxicity of eggshell-based hydroxyapatite: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2021 | Prof. Dr. Pamudji Utomo, dr., Sp.OT(K). |
435 |
Novel mutations of epidermolysis bullosa identified using whole-exome sequencing in Indonesian Javanese patients |
2021 | Dr. Suci Widhiati, dr.,Sp.KK.(K) |
436 |
Physiotherapy for epidermolysis bullosa: clinical practice guidelines |
2021 | Dr. Suci Widhiati, dr.,Sp.KK.(K) |
437 |
Recommendations on pregnancy, childbirth and aftercare in epidermolysis bullosa: a consensus-based guideline |
2021 | Dr. Suci Widhiati, dr.,Sp.KK.(K) |
438 |
Gastric Tuberculosis Mimicking Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia: A Rare Case Report |
2021 | Coana Sukmagautama, dr.,Sp.PD., M.Kes., FINASIM |
439 |
2021 | Atriany Nilam Sari, S.ST., M.Keb. |
440 |
A Cohort Study: Caspase-3 As Prognostic Factor of Radiation Therapy in The Advanced Stage of Cervical Cancer (IIB-IIIB) Patients |
2020 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Prof.Dr. Ambar Mudigdo, dr.,Sp.PA(K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Hermawan Udiyanto, dr.,Sp.OG(K) |
441 |
A cross-sectional study: The correlation of pro-angiogenic factors expression level and epithelial ovarian cancer staging |
2020 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Prof.Dr. Ambar Mudigdo, dr.,Sp.PA(K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG |
442 |
Effect of pirfenidone and its combination with 5-fluorouracil on keloid fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition: in vitro study |
2020 | Dr. Nugrohoaji Dharmawan, dr., Sp.KK.,(K) M.Kes. Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK |
443 |
A Systematic Review of the Importance of Chemoprophylaxis and Immunoprophylaxis in Subclinical Case of Leprosy that can Reduce the Incidence and the Transmission of Leprosy |
2020 | Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK dr. Nurrachmat Mulianto, Sp.KK |
444 |
Investigation of Astaxanthin effect on the formation of collagen fibers for periodontal tissue repair in bacteria infected periodontitis |
2020 | Dr. Widia Susanti, drg., M.Kes. Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Prof. Dr. Adi Prayitno, drg., M.Kes. Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG |
445 |
Physical Activity, Sensory Threshold of Sweetness, and Waist-to-Height Ratio (WHtR) in Adolescents |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi, dr.,M.Si |
446 |
Acupuncture for Asthma: Its Potential Significance in Clinical Practice |
2020 | Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
447 |
Antiplasmodial activity of chalcone derivatives compound through phagocytosis of kupffer cells in experimental malaria hosts |
2020 | Danus Hermawan, dr., M.Biomed Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D. Dr. Lilik Wijayanti, dr.,M.Kes. |
448 |
The Effect of Nutrition Education on Body Mass Index, Waist Circumference, Mid-upper Arm Circumference and Blood Pressure in Obese Adoles |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Adi Prayitno, drg., M.Kes. |
449 |
Prevalence of giardiasis and its associated factors among livestock and rivers in Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
2020 | Dr. Yulia Sari, S.Si., M.Si. Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK Dr. Ratih Dewi Yudhani, dr., M.Sc. |
450 |
The Role of Parents to Prevent Early Adolescents Smoking Behavior: A Qualitative Study on Adolescents in Tegal City, Indonesia |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. |
451 |
The NFκB Expression on Apical Dental Granuloma: An Immunohistochemistry Analysis |
2020 | Dr. Risya Cilmiati Arief R, drg., M.Si., Sp.KG |
452 |
The Indicators Leading to Tuberculosis (Tb) Under- Reporting in Public Hospital of Kudus |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) |
453 |
The value of Adobe Flash Player media in the learning of football skills |
2020 | Slamet Riyadi, dr.,M.Kes. |
454 |
Novel genetic variants of transferrin receptor 2 exon 4 and cytokines profile of anemic and nonanemic pregnant women in Central Java, Indonesia |
2020 | Amelya Augusthina Ayu Sari, dr., M.Gizi.Sp.G.K Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Dr. Budiyanti Wiboworini, dr., M.Kes., Sp.GK |
455 |
Immunomodulation of tahneeq method in IL-12 and CD8+ T-Lymphocyte, an in-vivo study in neonatal rats |
2020 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM |
456 |
The comparative effect of red guava (Psidium gujava L) with papaya (carica papaya) on blood glucose level of type-2 diabetes mellitus |
2020 | Dr. Budiyanti Wiboworini, dr., M.Kes., Sp.GK |
457 |
Thought, Attitude and Action: The Struggle of an International PhD Student-Mother during the Pandemic COVID-19 in Australia |
2020 | Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes. |
458 |
Community Needs Assessment Base-Education Model to Empower Exclusive Breastfeeding Cadres in Karanganyar District, Central Java – Indonesia |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, dr., M.Kes. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Fanani, dr., Sp.KJ(K) |
459 |
The Implementation of Inter-Professional Education Community Curricula in Indonesian Universities |
2020 | Bulan Kakanita Hermasari, dr.,MMedEd Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. |
460 |
The length of AZT consumption and homocysteine levels are protective factors of macrocytic anemia among adult HIV-infected patients: A case-control study in Central Java Province, Indonesia |
2020 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
461 |
Reclaiming comprehensive public health |
2020 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
462 |
Daily struggle to take antiretrovirals: a qualitative study in Papuans living with HIV and their healthcare providers |
2020 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
463 |
Lack of an Exposure Response and Interaction With HLA-DPβ1 and DRβ1 Polymorphisms in the Development of Beryllium Toxicity in a High Beryllium Exposure Cohort |
2020 | Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
464 |
Methylene Blue Absorption in Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Early Breast Cancer after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy |
2020 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
465 |
2020 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
466 |
A meta-analysis study on safety and effectiveness comparison between FOLFOX and XELOX regiments on advanced stage colorectal cancer |
2020 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
467 |
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on 30 days colorectal cancer patients mortality undergoing emergency operation |
2020 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
468 |
The Concept of Human Rights Protecting Patients |
2020 | Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, dr., Sp.PK(K), Ph.D. |
469 |
The Emerging of Extensively Drug-Resistant (XDR) Acinetobacter baumannii in Central Java Province – Indonesia |
2020 | Anak Agung Alit Kirti Estuti Narendra Putri, dr., M.K.M. Widana Primaningtyas, dr., M.K.M. Joko Sudarsono, S.Farm., M.P.H., Apt. Dr. Leli Saptawati, dr., Sp.MK(K) |
470 |
Blood glucose level during induction phase chemotherapy in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
2020 | Dr. Annang Giri Moelyo, dr., Sp.A (K)., M.Kes. Muhammad Riza, dr., Sp.A(K), M.Kes. |
471 |
Strengthening Primary Health Care: Emergency and Disaster Preparedness in Community with Multidisciplinary Approach |
2020 | Amandha Boy Timor Randita, dr., MMedEd., Sp.K.F.R |
472 |
Comparison between radial versus femoral percutaneous coronary intervention access in Indonesian hospitals, 2017–2018: A prospective observational study of a national registry |
2020 | Heru Sulastomo, dr., Sp.JP(K),FIHA., FAsCC |
473 |
Magnesium intoxication in women with preeclampsia with severe features treated with magnesium sulfate |
2020 | Dr. Muhammad Adrianes Bachnas, dr., Sp.O.G,Subsp.K.Fm |
474 |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) |
475 |
2020 | Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K) |
476 |
Radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy on calcaneal spurs: a randomized controlled trial |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, dr., PAK,MM., M.Kes Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Dr. Desy Kurniawati Tandiyo, dr., Sp.KFR |
477 |
Improvement in inflammation and airway remodelling after acupuncture at BL13 and ST36 in a mouse model of chronic asthma. |
2019 | Prof.Dr. Ambar Mudigdo, dr.,Sp.PA(K) Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
478 |
Electroacupuncture Effect on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome to Improve Oocytes’ Growth |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Sri Sulistyowati, dr.,Sp.O.G(K) Dr. dr. Uki Retno Budihastuti, Sp.OG(K). dr. Eriana Melinawati, Sp.OG (K) Prof. Dr. Ida Nurwati, dr., M.Kes., Sp.Ak |
479 |
Gartanin Compounds from Extract Ethanol Pericarp Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Adi Prayitno, drg., M.Kes. |
480 |
Reduction of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Activity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Who Consumed Fruits Before Meals |
2019 | Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D. |
481 |
Good Agreement between an Interferon Gamma Release Assay and Tuberculin Skin Tests in Testing for Latent Tuberculosis Infection among HIV-Infected Patients in Indonesia |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) Betty Suryawati, dr,M.Biomed Sci, Ph.D, Sp.MK Dr. Leli Saptawati, dr., Sp.MK(K) Dr. Dhani Redhono Harioputro, dr., Sp.PD, KPTI |
482 |
Empowerment Model for the People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in Surakarta, Central Java- Indonesia |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, dr., M.Kes. Slamet Riyadi, dr.,M.Kes. |
483 |
Pre-Labor Acupuncture for Delivery Preparation in Multiparous Women Past Age 40 |
2019 | Balgis, dr., MSc, CM, FM Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes. |
484 |
Metformin Modulates Cyclin D1 and P53 Expression to Inhibit Cell Proliferation and to Induce Apoptosis in Cervical Cancer Cell Lines |
2019 | Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D Dr. Ratih Dewi Yudhani, dr., M.Sc. |
485 |
Centella asiatica decrease bax expression In prefrontal cortex of rat models |
2019 | Nanang Wiyono, dr., M.Kes. |
486 |
Improving knowledge, acceptance, and utilization of female condoms among sex workers through a peer education: a mixed methods study in Surakarta Municipality, Central Java Province, Indonesia |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. |
487 |
Effect of condom use on sexually transmitted infection in female sex workers in Tulungagung district, Indonesia |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. |
488 |
Being safe, feeling safe, and stigmatizing attitude among primary health care staff in providing multidrug-resistant tuberculosis care in Bantul District, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
489 |
Barriers to Engaging Communities in a Dengue Vector Control Program: An Implementation Research in an Urban Area in Hanoi City, Vietnam |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
490 |
Implementation fidelity of provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling of tuberculosis patients under the National Tuberculosis Control Program in Kathmandu District of Nepal: an implementation research |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
491 |
The Implementation of Early Detection in Tuberculosis Contact Investigation to Improve Case Finding |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
492 |
Diabetes is a gift from god a qualitative study coping with diabetes distress by Indonesian outpatients |
2019 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
493 |
A recent update of the diagnostic methods for tuberculosis and their applicability in Indonesia: A narrative review |
2019 | Tri Nugraha Susilawati, dr., M.Med., Ph.D. |
494 |
A Call for Action: High Smoking and Alcohol Prevalence among Indonesian Male Youth |
2019 | Heni Hastuti, dr., MPH Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
495 |
The immune profiles in young, adult and elderly of advanced stage colorectal cancer patients |
2019 | Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. Dr. Widyanti Soewoto, dr.,Sp.B(K)Onk. Dr. Darmawan Ismail, dr. Sp.BTKV |
496 |
Expression of the IDO1/TDO2-AhR pathway in tumor cells or the tumor microenvironment is associated with Merkel cell polyomavirus status and prognosis in Merkel cell carcinoma |
2019 | Lusi Oka Wardhani, dr., Sp.P.K., Ph.D. |
497 |
Expression of Notch 3 and Jagged 1 Is Associated With Merkel Cell Polyomavirus Status and Prognosis in Merkel Cell Carcinoma |
2019 | Lusi Oka Wardhani, dr., Sp.P.K., Ph.D. |
498 |
Decreased H3K27me3 Expression Is Associated With Merkel Cell Polyomavirus-negative Merkel Cell Carcinoma, Especially Combined With Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
2019 | Lusi Oka Wardhani, dr., Sp.P.K., Ph.D. |
499 |
Videogame assisted exercise training in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A preliminary study |
2019 | Jatu Aphridasari, dr., Sp.P(K) |
500 |
How does portfolio assess interprofessional learning among medical and midwifery students? |
2019 | Bulan Kakanita Hermasari, dr.,MMedEd |
501 |
The supporting and inhibiting factors of interprofessional collaborative practice in a newly established teaching hospital |
2019 | Amandha Boy Timor Randita, dr., MMedEd., Sp.K.F.R |
502 |
Interprofessional collaborative practice in primary healthcare settings in Indonesia: A mixed-methods study |
2019 | Amandha Boy Timor Randita, dr., MMedEd., Sp.K.F.R |
503 |
IPE-COM: a pilot study on interprofessional learning design for medical and midwifery students |
2019 | Amandha Boy Timor Randita, dr., MMedEd., Sp.K.F.R |
504 |
The role of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) in fetal neuroprotection |
2019 | Dr. Muhammad Adrianes Bachnas, dr., Sp.O.G,Subsp.K.Fm |
505 |
Mid-regional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide as a biomarker of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with sepsis |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., SpJP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC |
506 |
The Effect of n-acetylcysteine on the Myeloperxidase and Tei index in patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., SpJP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC |
507 |
The effect of oral N-acetylcysteine on galectin-3 and global longitudinal strain in patients with acute myocardial infarction |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., SpJP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC |
508 |
Effects of N-acetylcysteine on high-sensitive C-reactive protein level and wall motion score index after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and fibrinolytic therapy: A randomized trial |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., SpJP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC |
509 |
Effect of Oral N-Acetylcysteine Supplementation on the Immunity System in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction |
2019 | Prof. Dr. Trisulo Wasyanto, dr., SpJP(K), FIHA, FAPSC, FAsCC |
510 |
The application of liposomal azelaic acid, 4-n butyl resorcinol and retinol serum enhanced by microneedling for treatment of malar pattern melasma: A case series |
2019 | Dr. Arie Kusumawardani, dr., Sp. KK(K) |
511 |
2019 | Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika, SST., M.Kes |
512 |
Laserpuncture Increases Serum Concentration of Insulin-Like Growth Factor–1 in Adolescent Rats |
2018 | Prof. Dr. Didik Gunawan Tamtomo, dr., PAK,MM., M.Kes Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM Dr. Selfi Handayani, dr., M.Kes. |
513 |
The Difference in Interleukin-19 Serum on Degrees of Acne Vulgaris Severity |
2018 | Dr. Muhammad Eko Irawanto, dr., Sp.KK Prof.Dr. Harijono Kario Sentono, dr., Sp.KK |
514 |
The Effect of Hypnosis on Adherence to Antituberculosis Drugs Using the Health Belief Model |
2018 | Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr.,MPH,M.Sc,Ph.D |
515 |
Influence social and healthcare support on psychiatric adverse events in MDR-TB patient |
2018 | Jatu Aphridasari, dr., Sp.P(K) I Gusti Bagus Indro Nugroho, dr.,Sp.KJ Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) Kusmadewi Eka Damayanti, dr., M.Gizi |
516 |
Sojagol from Mung Beans as A Potential Antagonist of Mineralocorticoid Receptor |
2018 | Ratna Kusumawati, dr., M.Biomed. Heru Sulastomo, dr., Sp.JP(K),FIHA., FAsCC Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM Muthmainah, dr., M.Neurosci., Ph.D Dr. Ratih Dewi Yudhani, dr., M.Sc. |
517 |
Feasibility of school-based health education intervention to improve the compliance to mass drug administration for lymphatic Filariasis in Lalitpur district, Nepal: A mixed methods among students, teachers and health program manager |
2018 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
518 |
Psychosocial Factors and Leisure Perception of the Elder in Two Districts Central Java Indonesia |
2018 | Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. |
519 |
The patterns of self-reported maternal complications in Indonesia: are there rural–urban differences? |
2018 | Vitri Widyaningsih, dr., M.S., Ph.D. |
520 |
Early oral intake for unresectable pancreatic cancer patient after palliative surgery: Is that safe for patients? |
2018 | Dr. Ida Bagus Budhi Surya Adnyana, dr., Sp.B., M.Kes. |
521 |
A randomised trial on walking exercise and banana consumption on self-reported depression symptoms among female adolescents in Surakarta, Indonesia |
2018 | Brian Wasita, dr., P.hD., Sp.PA (K) |