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S1 Medicine FK UNS Holds Mental Strengthening and Learning Strategy Training Workshop for Students


Every new student who enters the world of college must feel many differences from what they previously experienced when studying at the high school level. Sometimes these differences make it difficult for new students to adjust, which can result in the potential of students not being able to develop optimally. On this basis, the Undergraduate Program in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) held a Workshop on Mental Strengthening Training and Student Learning Strategies.

The activity, which was held at the FK UNS Auditorium on Friday (4/10/2024), presented a speaker from Semarang State University, Liftiah, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D., Psychologist and was attended by all students of the FK UNS Undergraduate Program in Medicine.

In her remarks, the Vice Dean for Academic and Research of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd said that this activity aims to help new students in the process of adapting to the learning model in higher education.

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"Everyone everywhere, when entering a new world, definitely needs time to adapt, so here we present experts who will later provide strategies for all of you to make it easier to adapt to studying as medical students. We hope that you will not only excel in academics but also have achievements in non-academics," she said.

According to Liftiah, every human being in life cannot be separated from life's problems. To get a solution to the problem, it is necessary to know the root of the problem. Therefore, emotional control is very important to deal with problems.

"There are 2 important parts in this emotional control, the first is how we identify your feelings and emotions and the second is how we manage them, control your emotions. So that you can respond flexibly and not excessively in dealing with a problem. When facing sadness, our response is not excessive, likewise when facing happiness our response is also not excessive," she explained.

Furthermore, it was conveyed that this emotional control is important because it will affect the actions that a person will take as a form of response to the problems faced.

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"It is important to be able to manage emotions, because it will affect our decision-making on a problem. Some may only be limited to ideas in the mind, but some have been realized as an action in responding to a problem. If the response is positive, it is not a problem, but what is worrying is if the response is something negative that is detrimental to oneself and even others. Therefore, it is important to manage and control our emotions," she said.

The role of family, closest people, community and a person's spirituality are considered important in decision-making in dealing with a problem.

"Each person's mental resilience is different, so it is important to be in an environment that supports us so that when we face problems, we can get a lot of positive support. A conducive atmosphere is very important so that when we face problems, we can manage them positively. Closeness to family is also important, so that we can share our problems with the closest people in our lives. A supportive community is also important so that the actions we take in response to our problems are positive actions," she said.

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In addition, a person's spiritual factor is also very important according to Liftiah. According to her, with good religious knowledge and strong faith, it can fortify someone from doing bad things.

"If we have surrendered all our problems to God who owns us, then the burden will return to its owner, namely God, and be sure that all these problems will be resolved well," Liftiah said.


Public Relations of FK UNS