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UNS Medical Faculty's Undergraduate Midwifery Student Wins 2nd Place in the 2024 Midwifery Generation Health Competition Poster Competition


Students of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) have again made an achievement after winning 2nd place in the public poster category at the 2024 Health Competition of Midwifery Generation (HCG) held by the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Surabaya on October 3-5, 2024.

HCG itself is a national-level competition between midwifery students that can be participated by all midwifery students from both state and private universities in Indonesia. Rona Arrafi, Shufi Arofiqandil and Anisa Yusri Ramadhani won 2nd place in the competition. They are 5th semester students of the Midwifery Undergraduate Study Program, FK UNS.

Rona Arrafi as the head of the public poster team said that in the 2024 HCG competition there are two sub-themes, the first is the Importance of Optimal Nutrition During the First 1000 Days of Life and the second is Anxiety in Pregnant Women and its Impact on Fetal Development.

"Our team chose the second sub-theme because this theme has not been widely discussed compared to the first theme. In addition, in Indonesia the level of anxiety in pregnant women is relatively high so educational media is needed to increase public awareness regarding anxiety in pregnant women," Arrafi said.

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The public posters made by the three students contain various complete content. For example, starting from the definition, prevalence, causes and impacts on the fetus. Not only that, the poster also offers a solution to overcome anxiety in pregnant women, namely "SEMNAP SEMPURNA" which is also equipped with examples of movements in the QR Code listed on the poster.

"That is one of our team's strengths that can bring us to second place," Arrafi explained.

Even though the three of them are busy with their studies, they still take the time to prepare themselves for this competition.

"Incidentally, the initial preparation for the first round was about a month, starting at the end of August. For the final round itself, it was about a week," Yusri said.

According to them, there are many things that can be gained by participating in a national level competition like this. In addition to gaining experience in competing, they can also exchange information with participants from other universities.

"It just so happened that yesterday we competed closely with Universitas Brawijaya, it just so happened that our study programs are both undergraduate so we could exchange information about lectures and other things," Shufi said.

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"In addition, we were also invited to a city tour to interesting places in Surabaya," Yusri added.

They hope that more students from FK UNS will be interested in participating in competitions at the national level and make achievements that can bring FK UNS a good name.

"Don't be afraid to try, it's better to try and fail than not try at all. Yesterday we also tried, we also didn't know if we could make it to the finals in Surabaya. Just try first, if you fail, try again," Shufi concluded.


FK UNS Public Relations