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1. Parking Zones and Parking Cards in the FK UNS

As one of the efforts to support Green Campus activities, the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) has set vehicle parking rules in the FK UNS environment as stated in the Decree of the Dean of FK UNS Number 32/UN27.06/LL/2017. In the Decree, it is explained that FK UNS students who bring cars are not allowed to park in the FK parking area. In addition, to support regulatory discipline, a four-wheeled vehicle parking card is also made specifically for staff.

Link to the Dean's Decree regarding Parking Regulations at FK UNS:

FK UNS Parking Decree


2. Paperless in FK UNS

FK UNS strives to minimize the use of paper (paperless), one example is the presence of a CBT (Computer Based Testing) Laboratory on the 4th floor, Medical Education Building, FK UNS. This laboratory is usually used for exam activities for students and prospective FK UNS students. Several exam activities in the FK UNS CBT Laboratory can be seen at the following link:


National Examination of the Indonesian Collegium of Pulmonology


3) Vertical Garden sebagai Simbol Dukungan Mahasiswa FK terhadap Program UNS Green Campus

FK UNS mengenalkan tentang Green Campus kepada mahasiswa baru saat masa Pengenalan Kehidupan Kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB). Mulai tahun 2023, pada saat masa PKKMB pembuatan vertical garden menjadi salah satu agenda untuk mahasiswa baru. Artikel mengenai pembuatan vertical garden saat PKKMB dapat dilihat pada link berikut:



4) Hari Bebas Emisi di FK UNS

FK UNS secara aktif mendukung kegiatan Hari Bebas Emisi UNS. Seluruh sivitas akademika FK selalu menaati peraturan Hari Bebas Emisi. Tamu FK dari luar pun saat berkunjung ke FK UNS harus turut menaati peraturan Hari Bebas Emisi UNS. Berikut adalah contoh artikel tentang kunjungan tamu di FK UNS saat diselenggarakan Hari Bebas Emisi UNS:

Benchmarking Visit from FK Universitas Udayana