+62 271 664178

"Clinical Teaching Course PPDS FK UNS"


Clinical Teaching Course of Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS), Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) was conducted by the Medical Education Unit (UPK) and was attended by 100 residents from Dr. Moerwardi Surakarta teaching hospital on Tuesday (12/1/2020).


Handover of Books Grant from the Bing Foundation to FK UNS through Tanjung Perak Customs Office


The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) received 28 science books which were a grant from the Bing Foundation (America). The book grant was handed over by Tanjung Perak Customs Office to FK UNS on Monday (30/11/2020).


Re-Accreditation of the PPDS Surgical Science Study Program of FK UNS 2020


Re-Accreditation of the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) of Surgical Science Study Program, Faculty of Medicine (FK), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) 2020 by the Association of Independent Accreditation Institutions for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes) was held on 23 and 24 November 2020.


AMI Level II 2020: "Learning to Improve the Quality of Higher Education Services"


The Internal Quality Audit (AMI) Level II Process of the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta was attended by Dr. Sapja Anantanyu, S.P., M.Si. as the Lead Auditor and Dr. Riyadi, S.Pd., M.Si. as AMI Level II Auditor.


Closing Ceremony of Online Field Assessment for Accreditation of Medical Doctor Undergraduate Study Program and Medical Doctor Profession Education


The online field assessment for accreditation of Medical Doctor Undergraduate Study Program and Medical Doctor Profession Education was closed on Tuesday (27/10/2020).
