Congratulation UNS as a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH)
19/10/2020Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta congratulates UNS as a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH)
The 213th Doctor's Oath-Taking: Faculty of Medicine UNS Inaugurates 123 New Doctors
13/10/2020"The Faculty of Medicine UNS graduates are usually very good doctors", said the Rector of UNS in his remarks at the 213th Doctor's Oath of Faculty of Medicine UNS.
Welcoming Session for the New Students of Faculty of Medicine UNS
15/9/2020Welcoming Speech from the Dean (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Welcoming Speech from the Chairman of the Student Executive Board (in Bahasa Indonesia)
Cycling and Healthy Gymnastic as a Part of UNS Emission Free Day Event
4/9/2020Cycling and Gymnastic as a part of UNS Emission Free Day with university's leaders (Rector, Vice Rector, Dean, Dharma Wanita Unity) on Friday, 4 September 2020