+62 271 664178

CIMSA FK UNS Successfully Organizes National Peer Education Workshop 2023


The Center for Indonesian Medical Students' Activities (CIMSA) is an Indonesian medical student organization that is independent, nationalist, inclusive, non-political, non-partisan, and activity-based. Members of CIMSA consist of medical students spread throughout Indonesia, including from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS). CIMSA FK UNS on Friday (31/03/2023) to Sunday (02/04/2023) hosted the [...]


FK UNS Becomes Host of UNS Roving Tarawih (Tarling) Ramadhan 1444 H


During the month of Ramadhan 1444 H, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) held a traveling Tarawih (Tarling) activity which was held in rotation in each faculty within UNS. On Friday (31/3/2023) the Faculty of Medicine (FK) had its turn to host the [...]


FK UNS Holds 2023 Medical Fiesta Peak Event


As an appreciation for the winners of the 2023 Medical Fiesta, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS), FK UNS held an Awarding Medical Fiesta 2023. The Medical Fiesta 2023 was held to commemorate the 47th Anniversary of Universitas Sebelas Maret. The event which was held on [...]


The Dean of FK UNS Launches A Book Entitled ‘Cytokines and Chemokines: As Biomarkers of Latent Tuberculosis’


Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr. Sp.P(K) with Dr. Bobby Singh, dr. Sp.P., M.Kes., FISR, FAPSR launched the book entitled ‘Cytokines and Chemokines: As Biomarkers of Latent Tuberculosis’. The book launch took place at UNS Inn, Sunday (19/3/2023). The event was attended by the former Director General (Dirjen) of the Ministry of Health [...]


PPDS Neurology FK UNS Undergo Accreditation Field Assessment from LAM-PTKes


As a Study Program (Prodi) that has a vision of producing superior and quality graduates in their fields, the Neurology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) must undergo an accreditation process from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education Health (LAM-PTKes) as a form of [...]
