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ORMAWA Fakultas Kedokteran UNS Suarakan Hati Perempuan


The celebration of International Women Day had been conducted on 7-8 September 2019. The celebration event was a collaboration event by CIMSA FK UNS and BEM FK UNS. This event was conducted in the form of talkshow and long march which took a theme of Gender Based Cyber Violance. The theme was chosen because people nowadays tended to less understanding about the issue while incidents of gender-based violence are occurring. Quoted from Komnas Perempuan, there had been a significant increase in reports of cases of gender based violence over the last five years. During 2019, there were 431,371 cases of violence against women. A total of 1,419 cases were handled by Komnas Perempuan's Referral and Service Unit. Of these complaints, 1,277 cases were gender-based violence. In addition, the celebration of World Women's Day is also one of FK UNS 'contributions in supporting the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) program launched by the United Nations.


Himbauan Dekan Kegiatan Jalan Sehat Dies Natalis ke 44 UNS


Himbauan dekan Fakultas Kedokteran UNS dalam kegiatan jalan sehat dalam rangka dies natalis 44 UNS

Surat Himbauan Dekan


The 4th Scientific Meeting on Psychoneuroimmunology


Dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke 44 Universitas Sebelas Maret , Fakultas Kedokteran UNS mengadakan simposium "The 4th Scientific Meeting Psychoneuroimmunology" yang akan dilaksanakan pada 20 - 21 Maret 2020 di Swiss Bellin Saripetojo Surakarta



Alumni Fakultas Kedokteran UNS "Social Action"


Dalam rangka dies natalis ke-44 UNS, ikatan keluarga alumni/ IKA UNS Sumut menyelenggarakan berbagai kegiatan berupa bakti sosial operasi bibir sumbing dan khitanan massal. Ketua IKA UNS Sumut, dr Retno Sari Dewi, M.Kes,  menerangkan bahwa kegiatan bakti sosial dilaksanankan di beberapa kota di Sumatera Utara. Alumni FK UNS angkatan 80 tersebut juga menyebutkan bahwa baksos operasi bibir sumbing telah terlaksana di RSUD Gunung Tua pada tanggal 21-22 Pebruari 2010 dengan jumlah  peserta 12 orang.  Baksos operasi bibir sumbing berikutnya direncanakan akan dilaksanakan besok bulan Maret di RS Setio Husodo Kisaran dan RS Accuplast. 


Kerja Keras Tim Futsal FK UNS Tidak Sia Sia


Event Solo Medical Cup 2020 kali ini diikuti oleh beberapa universitas di Indonesia seperti Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Universitas Andalas, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Brawijaya, Universitas Pattimura, Universitas Jember dan lain lain. UNS selaku tuan rumah juga mengirim tim dalam perlombaan basket dan futsal ini. Organisasi mahasiswa di Fakultas Kedokteran yang bergerak di bidang futsal, Medical Football Club (MFC) juga ikut serta dengan mengirim dua tim yaitu tim futsal putra dan tim futsal putri.
