FK UNS Releases 27 New Specialist Doctors in Early 2025
In early 2025, the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta through the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) again released new specialist doctors. The release of PPDS for the January 2025 period was held on Thursday (16/1/2025) at the Auditorium of FK UNS and broadcast live via the FK UNS YouTube channel.
Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd., as the Vice Dean for Academic and Research of FK UNS in her report said that the PPDS for the January 2025 Period consisted of 27 participants from nine Study Programs (Prodi). The nine study programs are Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Study Program, Obstetrics and Gynecology Study Program, Orthopedics and Traumatology Study Program, Neurology Study Program, Radiology Study Program, Pediatrics Study Program, Clinical Pathology Study Program, Psychiatry Study Program, and Ear, Nose, Throat, Head and Neck Surgery Study Program.
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"With the PPDS period of January 2025, since its establishment in 1976 until now, FK UNS has graduated 1,987 Specialist Doctors who have been spread throughout the country and have devoted their knowledge to various institutions both in the fields of health services, education, research, as well as specialist doctors for the government, private sector, TNI/POLRI and others," Dr. Eti said.
The graduate with the highest Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) in the January 2025 PPDS period is Ardisa Permata Putri, dr., Sp.N. from the Neurology PPDS Study Program with a GPA of 3.88. Meanwhile, the youngest graduate in this period's PPDS graduation is Enrico Jonathan Hartono, dr., Sp.An-Ti. from the Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy PPDS Study Program, born in Madiun, May 29, 1996 with an age of 28 years and 7 months at graduation.
In the January 2025 PPDS Graduation, there were six graduates who received Cumlaude or with praise. The six graduates are Ardisa Permata Putri, dr., Sp.N., Sheila Savitri, dr., Sp.P.K., Martha Oktavia Dewi Savitri, dr., Sp.N., Ageng Sunjoyo, Sp.Rad., Hani Natalie, dr., Sp.Rad., and Rizal Nur Rohman, dr., Sp.N.
Message for Alumni
Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K)., in his speech gave several messages to the new Specialist Doctors that can be principles when working later. "After graduating from FK UNS, I have three messages for you. The first is integrity, you must have integrity as a specialist doctor. Integrity or honesty will make many people want to work with you. The second is Professionalism, you are educated with professionalism components such as competency tests, sufficient provision, and also responsibility. The last is to expand your network, be it within the same profession, alumni, and interprofessionalism," Prof. Reviono explained.
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Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni UNS, Prof. Ir. Dody Ariawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D. in his speech congratulated the new Specialist Doctors on their success in completing their studies, who are expected to be able to implement their knowledge in society.
"Your graduation is proof of hard work, smart work, and sincere work as well as dedication for years. This graduation is one of the victories of a new chapter in life that will later face a new chapter of life, namely diving into and becoming part of society. I advise you to apply the knowledge you have in society later to help others," Prof. Dody added.
Enrico Jonathan Hartono, dr., Sp.An-Ti, representing the graduates, in his speech felt proud to be a student at FK UNS and expressed his gratitude to the teachers who had guided him during his studies at FK UNS. "We express our gratitude for the facilities and support while we were studying at FK UNS. Thank you also for all the time, energy, knowledge, opportunities, patience and affection for us in every phase of our education. We hope that the knowledge that has been given, we can practice, develop and can be useful," dr. Enrico said.
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Public Relation of FK UNS