Research Ethics Committee (KEP) Performance Evaluation Workshop for KEPPKN and FERCAP Accreditation Preparation
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) held a Workshop on Evaluation of Research Ethics Committee (KEP) Performance for Preparation of KEPPKN and FERCAP Accreditation on Thursday - Friday, 28-29 November 2024. Held in the UNS Tower Ballroom, this event lasted for two days, starting at 08.00 to 15.30 WIB, and was attended by 40 participants consisting of members of KEP FK UNS and representatives of Ethics Committees from universities and hospitals in various regions, including Soloraya, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Purwokerto, East Java, Mataram, Tanjungpura, and Manado.
The event was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), who emphasized the importance of synergy and strengthening the capacity of the Research Ethics Committee to improve the quality of research at the national and international levels. The Chairperson of KEP FK UNS, Tri Nugraha Susilawati, dr., M.Med., Ph.D, in her speech emphasized that this activity is part of FK UNS' efforts to achieve KEPPKN accreditation in 2025.
The series of workshop activities included learning best practices by external speakers, namely Handoko Riwidikdo, S.Kep. and Ns. Septi Dewi R., S.Kep., MNg, providing material on Technical Guidance for KEPPKN and FERCAP Accreditation. Participants were also directed to access the material through the Ministry of Health's LMS as a source of independent learning. Furthermore, a Sharing Session was held from internal speakers related to the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) by Noviyati Rahardjo Putri, S.SiT., M.Tr.Keb. who is the secretary of KEP FK UNS and Self-assessment Forms for accreditation preparation by Nurhasan Agung P., dr., Sp.PD, M.Kes. as Deputy Chairperson of KEP FK UNS.
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The Internal Agenda of KEP FK UNS is a follow-up agenda that discusses the evaluation of the performance of KEP FK UNS in 2024, the preparation of a strategic plan for 2025 towards KEPPKN accreditation, and the recruitment of a supporting team for the realization of the work plan.
The final stage of the activity was closed with a discussion on the formulation of strategic steps and the signing of a joint commitment by all participants. This workshop is expected to increase synergy between the institutions involved and become a strong foothold for FK UNS in facing the challenges of KEPPKN and FERCAP accreditation in the future.
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