Dr. Muhammad Husen Prabowo, dr., MPH. Elected as Chairman of the FK UNS Alumni Family for the 2024-2028 Period
Dr. Muhammad Husen Prabowo, dr., MPH., became the Elected Chairperson of the Alumni Family (KA) of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta for the 2024-2028 period. He was elected through the Plenary Session of the National Conference (Munas) of the KA FK UNS. This is based on the Decree (SK) of the Management of the UNS Alumni Family Association (IKA) Center No. 022/SK/IKAUNS/P/2024 concerning the Appointment of the Management of the Alumni Family of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret for the 2024-2028 Term.
The inauguration ceremony took place on Saturday (31/8/2024) evening at the Ballroom of the Ki Hadjar Dewantara Building, UNS Tower. The Elected Management of the KA FK UNS is then responsible to the Management of the UNS IKA Center. In carrying out its duties, the UNS FK KA Management will coordinate with the UNS FK Leadership, the UNS Central IKA Management, and UNS Stakeholders in carrying out its duties.
The inauguration was carried out by the Head of the Central IKA UNS represented by Drs. Bambang Dwi Wahyudi as Head 1. This process was carried out by handover of office from Sri Pratomo, dr, SpB, FINACS, FICS as the Head of the KA FK UNS for the 2018-2022 period to Dr. Muhammad Husen Prabowo, dr., MPH. as the Elected Head of the KA FK UNS for the 2024-2028 Period.
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Dr. Husen asked for support from many parties including the UNS Leadership, the Central IKA UNS Management, and the FK UNS Leadership. Good synergy will be able to develop alumni potential optimally. He wants the KA FK UNS to be a place for all alumni to work both internally and externally.
"This task can be achieved with planning and implementation. Many ideas and concepts lead to productivity. Hopefully, through the new management and support from all, I can develop KA FK UNS as a forum for alumni to maintain togetherness," Dr. Husen said.
Drs. Bambang Dwi Wahyudi representing IKA UNS Pusat congratulated the election of the new Chairperson of KA FK UNS. He also said that until now the number of UNS alumni has reached more than 260 thousand people. This figure has been calculated since the beginning of UNS in 1976 until the latest UNS Graduation. Bambang advised KA FK UNS to create work programs that are empowering. Alumni, the majority of whom are doctors, are expected to prioritize more holistic thinking in advancing their alma mater, nation, and state.
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"I express my deepest appreciation to the KA FK UNS. The success of the National Conference today shows that the KA FK UNS deserves to be an example for other faculty alumni families," Bambang said.
Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr. Sp.P(K)., FISR., in his speech said that the role of alumni is very large in the development of the faculty. FK UNS is currently ranked 3rd as the best Faculty of Medicine in Indonesia according to the Time Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking (WUR). This achievement is partly inseparable from the role of FK UNS alumni. Therefore, FK UNS always tries to foster good relations with alumni.
"The position of alumni is very important. Alumni are a bridge between faculty, students, and the community," Prof. Reviono said.
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Profile of Dr. Husen
Dr. Husen previously served as the Chairperson of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Klaten for two terms, namely 2017-2020 and 2021-2024. He is an alumnus of the FK UNS class of 1993 and also earned a professional doctor's degree there. He took his Master's degree in Public Health at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta and successfully earned an MPH degree.
He obtained a Doctorate in Public Health in the Doctoral Program in Public Health, FK UNS in 2023 and was declared to have graduated with good honors with a GPA of 3.84. The dissertation he compiled at that time was entitled "Overview of Costs and Level of Quality of Life of Diabetes Mellitus Patients in the Prolanis Program for National Health Insurance Participants in Klaten Regency". This dissertation was motivated by the fact that in every economic evaluation, various problems are always faced with a disease. The burden of health spending continues to increase from year to year.
Reporting from idionline.org, Dr. Husen is also a member of the Indonesian Doctors Association Management 2022-2025. He is in the Department of Health Financing Development, Health Financing Development and National Health Insurance Sector.
Public Relations of FK UNS