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Doctoral Program of Medical Science FK UNS Undergoes Accreditation Field Assessment from LAM-PTKes


As a Study Program (Prodi) which has the vision of becoming a doctoral study program of international repute, producing competent, superior Doctors in community-oriented biomedical science. The Doctoral Program of Medical Science (PSIK) Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) must undergo a reaccreditation process from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education Health (LAM-PTKes) as a form of external quality assurance for a study program in carrying out the educational process.

LAM-PTKes assigned Prof. Dr. rer. Nat. Dra. Asmarinah, M.Si and dr. Widya Wasityastuti, M.Sc., M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., Sp.KKLP to conduct a field assessment at PSIK FK UNS on 11-13 July 2024.

On the first day, the two assessors met with the leadership of FK UNS and the leadership of PSIK to share perceptions regarding the assessment activities that would be carried out. This was important because the implementation of the assessment can run well and smoothly.

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The assessment activities on the second day began with a meeting between the two assessors and the university leadership. On this occasion the two assessors were welcomed by Acting Officer Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs UNS, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, MS, representing Acting Officer of  UNS Rector, accompanying him was also the Chair of the UNS Educational Development and Quality Assurance Institute (LPPMP), Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi, M.Pd, Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) along with the vice deans and Head of the PSIK Doctoral Study Program FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Soetrisno, dr., Sp.OG(K).

Prof. Yunus in his speech said that UNS continues to be committed to developing itself and improving quality.

"Thank God, after changing to PTNBH, UNS continues to accelerate to improve the quality of education. This is shown in our ranking in the top ten nationally, so the presence of these assessors is very good because they will see us as a whole as an external party," Prof. Yunus said.

Furthermore, Prof. Yunus explained that public interest in UNS is very high, this is proven by UNS being ranked second with the most registrants in this SNBT with 101,449 registrants.

"On the other hand, we have a big responsibility to improve our quality, don't let the public trust us but we don't improve our quality, it would be a sin to do that. Yes, because we educate the community's children, we hope that the results of UNS education will have international standard competencies," he explained.

Prof. Asmarina in her speech said that the aim of the assessors in coming to carry out a field assessment was to verify, validate and clarify the data and information written in the Self Evaluation Report (LED) as well as carry out a field assessment in a study program.

"Our goal here is not to look for mistakes, but we are trying to find out how the existing university can be better managed, because our users are students, so how can we provide the best for them as our responsibility so that students can be satisfied with the governance, "facilities and knowledge are as they should be," she said.

After being received by the university leadership, the two assessors along with the faculty and study program leaders headed to the FK UNS auditorium to undergo the field assessment process.

Dean of the UNS Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) hopes that this activity can run smoothly and can get results that will benefit everyone.

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"We always try to be able to present as well as possible what the assessors ask for and actually what we do is based on recommendations and input from previous accreditation results," Prof Reviono said.

He hoped that on this occasion he can get suggestions and input from the two assessors. "We really hope for input from the two assessors so that we can continue to improve to be even better in the future. Hopefully all of the field assessment processes can run well and smoothly and produce superior results," Prof. Reviono hoped.

After listening to the presentation from the Dean of FK UNS and the Head of the Study Program and conducting questions and answers, the two assessors conducted interviews with lecturers regarding lecturer adequacy figures and the learning curriculum provided to students, apart from that, interviews were also conducted with student representatives regarding academic and non-academic services. Interviews were also conducted with alumni users from PSIK S-3 FK UNS.

The closing of this field assessment activity was carried out on the third day marked by the signing and handing over of the event report file from the assessor to the Head of the PSIK S-3 FK UNS Study Program followed by a group photo.

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Public Relation of FK UNS