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KPPMF FK UNS Holds Workshop of Collaboration and Downstream Research


It is hoped that the research carried out will produce a product that is beneficial to society. In the process, a product produced by research needs a way for its benefits to be felt by the wider community. This is what prompted the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) through the Faculty Research and Community Service Coordinator (KPPMF) on Wednesday (10/7/2024) to hold a Workshop of Collaboration and Downstream Research to provide new insights for researchers in FK UNS environment.

The activity, which took place in the Madukoro room, UNS INN, was held in a hybrid manner and was attended by 40 research group heads from the UNS Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Moewardi and UNS Hospital, apart from that, also invited lecturers and students from the Faculty of Medicine.

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Chairman of KPPMF FK UNS, Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM, in his report said that this workshop would be very useful for researchers who will market their research products widely.

"So, the theme of today's workshop is about Collaboration and Downstream of Research Results, I think this is very appropriate because UNS is currently intensifying all academic activities which will ultimately produce products that will bring in profits," Dr. Dono said.

In his speech when opening this activity, Acting Officer of Vice Dean for Academic, Research and Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine UNS, dr. Paramasari Dirgahayu, Ph.D, really appreciated KPPMF's steps in holding this very useful workshop as an effort to encourage educators in the Faculty of Medicine to be able to produce products that are of broad benefit to society.

"The aim is to ensure that the research results produced by these researchers can be implemented as translational research. The hope is that the participants can gain enlightenment through this workshop. "Because it's called a workshop, it is hoped that after this there will be joint work, there will be integrated results, so that it can produce collaboration for research products that have been produced by research students or lecturers," she said.

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This workshop presented 4 speakers, namely, Dr. apt. Kintoko, M.Sc from Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta with the theme "Entrepreneurship Lecturer in the Field of Phytopharmaceuticals and other Health", Prof. Dr. Agung Putra, dr., M.Si., Med from Sultan Agung University, Semarang with the theme "Downstream Stem Cell Research and Its Application in Clinical Medicine", dr. Nia Reviani, MAPS, Assistant Deputy for Health Service Improvement, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture with the theme "Inter-Institutional Collaboration Policy for Research and Downstream in the Phytopharmaceutical and Other Health Sectors", as well as resource persons from within UNS, Dr. apt. Dinar Sari Cahyaningrum W, S.Farm., M.Si from the Pharmacy Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNS with the theme "Research Roadmap from Educational Institutions towards Product Downstream with the Industrial World".

It was hoped that this workshop can open new insights for researchers within the UNS Faculty of Medicine regarding collaboration with various parties and patterns of downstream research results so that the products produced by researchers can be marketed and the benefits can be felt by the community.

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