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FK UNS Holds Awarding Night Medical Fiesta as the highlight of UNS's 48th Anniversary Celebration


The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) held the 2024 Awarding Night Medical Fiesta as the peak event of this year's Medical Fiesta event. The event which took place on Sunday (30/6/2024) at Argo Budoyo UNS was a form of appreciation for the winners of various competitions held to celebrate the 48th Anniversary of UNS.

The event, which was attended by hundreds of FK UNS academics, apart from announcing the winners of the 2024 Medical Fiesta competition, was also enlivened by the performance of the Dean and Students Band, Medical Rock Band and Gladhi Beksan who performed the play Sang Pembayun. All performers in this event are a collaboration of lecturers, education staff and FK UNS students.

Dean of the UNS Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), in his speech said that Medical Fiesta 2024 was a forum provided to accommodate the non-academic abilities of FK UNS students.

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"As we all know, FK UNS in this year's ranking is ranked third in the best medical faculties in Indonesia, this shows that academically FK UNS is quite good. However, in my opinion, academic abilities alone are not enough, non-academic abilities are also important for students to develop. This is what drives us as leaders at FK UNS to provide a platform to accommodate the potential of students," Prof. Reviono explained.

The 2024 Medical Fiesta event according to Prof. Reviono is proof that FK UNS does not only focus on the academic side but also pays attention to the non-academic potential of its students. "I hope that with this activity, the passion of FK UNS students can be accommodated well," he concluded.

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Vice Rector 4 UNS, Prof. Irwan in his speech appreciated this very positive activity. "I am amazed by FK UNS, amidst the busy academic activities at the medical faculty, these students can still find time to channel positive hobbies," he said.

Furthermore, according to him, activities like this are very good because they can balance work with creativity and hobbies and at the same time prove that Faculty of Medicine students are creative and innovative students.

"In my mind, medical students are very serious students, they don't have a social life, but my perception was immediately shattered when I saw this event. It turns out that the Faculty of Medicine, in my opinion, is one of the faculties that is the most creative, most innovative and has the most activities outside of academics. Great appreciation for the UNS Faculty of Medicine," Prof. Irwan said.

It is hoped that the 2024 Medical Fiesta event can become a means of channelling talent interests in the fields of arts, culture and sports for the FK UNS academic community.

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List of winners of the 2022 Medical Fiesta:
1. Medical Qur’an Festival:
Men Category:
1st place: dr. Mohamad Rif'an Maulana (Paediatrics Study Program)
2nd Place: dr. M. Sulthon EL Ghaniy (Medical Doctor Program)
3rd Place: Reza Pahlevi Prastawa (Medical Doctor Program)
Women Category:
1st place: dr. Naelin Nikmah (Pulmonology Study Program)
2nd Place: Fadhila Dzatu Rifqi (Medical Doctor Program)
3rd Place: Adenissa Kurnia Putri (Medical Doctor Program)

2. Futsal Competition:
1st Place: UNS Hospital Futsal Team
2nd Place: Anaesthesiology Futsal Team
3rd Place: Security Futsal Team

3. Stand-Up Comedy Contest:
1st Place: dr. Kelvin Wilbent Daffa (Surgery Study Program)
2nd place: dr. M Ilham Maulana (DV Study Program)
3rd Place: dr. Gunung Mahameru (Obgyn Study Program)

4. Medical Creative Aerobic Festival:
1st Place Undergraduate Program in Midwifery
2nd Place: DV Study Program
3rd Place: Radiolocy Study Program

5. Band Competition:
1st Place: AKARU (Undergraduate Program in Medicine)
2nd Place: JAGIMAS (Anaesthesiology Study Progran)
3rd Place: De' Chirurgous (Surgery Study Progran)



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