FK UNS Inaugurates and Takes Oath of 59 New Doctors for Period 225
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) again held an Inauguration and Hippocratic Oath Taking event on Saturday (11/11/2023). This Inauguration and Hippocratic Oath Taking event is the 225th period held by the UNS Faculty of Medicine since its founding in 1976.
Located in the FK UNS Auditorium, 59 participants took part in this event consisting of 11 male participants and 48 female participants. Participants in this activity are those who have passed the Student Competency Examination for the Medical Professional Program (UKMPPD) which was held in August 2023. This UKMPPD was attended by 61 participants with the number of participants passing as many as 59 people (97%) while the pass rate was first taker as many as 58 people (98%) of the 59 participants.
At this Inauguration and Hippocratic Oath Taking, there were 37 participants with Cumlaude predicate with an average Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.76 with an average length of study of 2 years 6 months. The highest GPA at this Doctor's Inauguration and Oath was achieved by Dr. Christa Edo Nugroho and dr. Hillary with a GPA of 3.86.
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This activity was attended by the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K); Vice Deans at FK UNS; Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, dr. Ikhwan Hamzah; Deputy Director for Education and Research at UNS Hospital, dr. Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, Sp.PK(K)., Ph.D; Secretary General of the FK UNS Alumni Family Association, dr. Dewi Purnamaningsih. P.S.
Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Reviono in his speech congratulated the new doctors and according to him the choice to study at FK UNS was the right choice.
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"I congratulate the new doctors, I don't forget to thank the parents of the new doctors for entrusting their sons and daughters to study at the UNS Faculty of Medicine. This is a no-brainer choice because this year the UNS Faculty of Medicine was ranked 3rd best in Indonesia," he said.
Prof. Reviono entrusted a message to the new doctors to maintain the good name of FK UNS, "We are entrusting this great name so that later when they are in society they can serve themselves as well as possible," he concluded.
Deputy Director of General Affairs and Finance at the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, dr. Ikhwan Hamzah advised new doctors to continue to draw closer to God so that it would be easier for them to carry out their duties.
"My message is to always get closer to God, because by getting closer to God, luck will always be on our side," he said.
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New Doctor Representative, dr. M. Izdad Irfani Fanada, in his speech advised fellow new doctors that this inauguration as a new doctor does not mean the end of the journey.
“As the saying goes, every beginning has an end and every end of a struggle is the beginning of a new struggle. Our 6.5 years here have ended, meaning now is the beginning of our new struggle as doctors. So, get ready, let's design new targets in our lives," he said.
"People say that being a doctor is a dream son-in-law, but remember being a doctor is a trust, being a doctor is a responsibility, being a doctor is a noble profession, therefore, never be arrogant, don't be complacent, stay humble and always humanize people," he closed.
With the inauguration of the 225th period of doctors, since the founding of 1976, the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, has graduated 7024 (seven thousand twenty four) doctors, who have spread throughout the country and have devoted their knowledge to various agencies both in the field of health services, education, research, as well as doctors for the government, private sector, TNI/POLRI and others.
Public Relation of FK UNS