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FK UNS Holds Ethics Competency Integration Workshop in Medical Education by Inviting Experts from the University of Indonesia


Ethics education is one of the most important things to be taught to medical students, both at the Bachelor of Medicine level and the Doctor Profession level. This is because the doctor is a profession that directly intersects with humans. The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) on Wednesday (21/06/2023) held a Workshop on Ethical Competency Integration in Medical Education at the UNS Faculty of Medicine. Taking place in the Hall of the Soetjipto Building FK UNS, this activity presented speakers from the Universitas Indonesia as well as being attended by teaching staff and Heads of Study Programs within the FK UNS. This activity was carried out in a hybrid manner (online and offline), in which some participants joined via Zoom Meeting.

This event was opened by the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), he said that the application of ethics education is very important for medical students.

"Professional education is because it has interacted with humans, so I think it's starting to be complex about ethics, because besides the educational process there is also a health service process that directly interacts with humans. I hope that here later we can get input about the implementation that has been implemented at the University of Indonesia," Prof. Reviono said.

The resource person at this workshop is Dr. Rita Mustika, dr., M.Epid from the University of Indonesia who shared about the implementation of ethics education at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

According to Dr. Rita, the doctor that society needs today is still like the figure of a doctor produced by medical schools in the past, namely a humanist doctor.

“One of the steps before we made a professionalism curriculum was to do research on doctors who are what the community needs. And the result is that until now what is needed is a doctor who has a high sense of humanity, a doctor who is humane,” Dr. Rita said.

Further explained by Dr. Rita if this humanist means having compassion, prioritizing the patient's interests more than himself, having a good pattern of collaboration and having a sense of empathy.

"These things can be our reference when we are going to create a learning process to develop the professionalism of our students so they can become good doctors in the future," Dr. Rita explained.

Apart from being directly conveyed through ethics education, the presence of role models also greatly influences the development of professionalism in medical students.

"The existence of positive influence will make students develop into good doctors, able to use the knowledge they have wisely so that they become true professional doctors," she said.

After material session by Dr. Rita, the event continued with a question and answer session. Participants who attended offline or joined via Zoom Meeting were very enthusiastic in this question and answer session. It is hoped that through this workshop the implementation of ethics education in FK UNS will get better.

Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini