FK UNS Orthopaedics and Traumatology Study Program Undergoes LAM-PTKes Accreditation Field Assessment
As a Study Program (Prodi) that has a vision of international reputation and produces professional, capable and excellent graduates in the field of community reconstruction orthopaedics in 2030, the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Study Program, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) must undergo an accreditation process from the Institute Independent Accreditation for Higher Education Health (LAM-PTKes) as a form of quality assurance for a study program in carrying out the educational process.
Dr. M. Rizal Chaidir, dr., SpOT(K)., M.Kes (MMR)., M.H.Kes and Prof. Dr. Ferdiansyah, dr., Sp.OT(K) was assigned by LAM-PTKes to conduct a field assessment at the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Study Program FK UNS on 26-27 May 2023.
The two assessors were received by UNS Deputy Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S; Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K); Vice Dean for Academic, Research and Student Affairs FK UNS, Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D; and Head of Orthopedics and Traumatology Study Program, FK UNS, Dr. Rieva Ermawan, dr., Sp.OT(K) in the Rector's Meeting Room, UNS Prakosa Building.
On this occasion Prof. Ahmad Yunus said that UNS will always improve the quality of education.
"For information, currently there are around 27 to 30 study programs at UNS that have international accreditation. We plan that every year there are at least 10 study programs that can be internationally accredited," Prof. Yunus said.
On this occasion Prof. Yunus also conveyed some of the advantages of the Orthopedics and Traumatology Study Program FK UNS namely, it has been accredited A since 2005, vision and mission in the field of community reconstruction, has 2 teaching hospitals and has an international education program, excellence in research, excellence in community service, excellence in teaching staff, and excellence in the field of facilities and infrastructure.
UNS Faculty of Medicine Dean, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) hopes that this activity can run smoothly and can get results that benefit everyone.
“This accreditation is a tool for assessing, a reflection of what we have done so far and of course the adequacy forms that we have uploaded have been studied by the assessors. Those are all actually our efforts to complete the tasks previously given to us. Hopefully, what the assessors saw here is better in reality than what we uploaded before," Prof. Reviono said.
Prof. Ferdiansyah in his speech hoped that the accreditation would run smoothly and what was in the field was in accordance with what had been previously reported.
"Hopefully later we can carry out the schedule that we agreed on and hopefully tomorrow we can convey the conclusions we have reached here. Ask permission from the Directors of the Teaching Hospital, tomorrow we will see directly the conditions in the field," Prof. Ferdiansyah said.
After listening to the presentation from the Dean of FK UNS and the Head of Study Program and conducting a question and answer session, the two assessors conducted interviews with lecturers about the adequacy rate of lecturers and the learning curriculum provided to students, in addition to that, interviews were also conducted with student representatives about academic and non-academic services.
On the second day, the field assessment process was continued with a document search and wrap-up. The series of field assessment events were closed with the signing and submission of the minutes of activities signed by the two assessors, the Dean of the FK UNS and the Head of the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Study Program, FK UNS.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini