FK UNS Releases 20 New Specialist Doctors at the Release of PPDS for the Period of May 2023
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Sebelas Maret University (UNS) through the Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS) on Thursday (25/5/2023) released another specialist doctor who had just graduated from FK UNS. This event was attended by the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K); the deputy deans of FK UNS, Acting Deputy General Director of Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, dr. Hamza Brotherhood; Deputy Director of Education and Research at UNS Hospital, Tonang Dwi Ardyanto, Sp.P.K., Ph.D; as well as all the Heads of the FK UNS PPDS Study Program.
At the release of specialist doctors for the May 2023 period, the Faculty of Medicine released 20 PPDS students. It should be noted that of the 20 participants mentioned above, there were 3 recipients of the Ministry of Health's Study Assignment scholarships, and to date, there are 327 graduates receiving the Ministry of Health's Study Assignment scholarships.
In this release, there were participants with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved by Heribertus Andi Widagdo, dr., Sp.P.K (NIM S972002002) with a GPA of 3.86 from the Clinical Pathology PPDS Study Program. Meanwhile, the youngest graduate at the PPDS Release this time was Irene Ardiani Pramudya Wardhani, dr., Sp.D.V from the PPDS Dermatology and Venereology Study Program and was 30 years and 6 months old when she graduated.
Based on the report of the Vice Dean for Academic, Research and Student Affairs FK UNS, dr. Paramasari Dirgahayu, Ph.D, 20 discharge participants consisted of two students from the Surgery Study Program, three students from Dermatology and Venereology study program, two students from Clinical Pathology study program, four students from Internal Medicine study program, two participants Neurology study program students, and seven students from Psychiatry study program.
dr. Farhan Noor, Sp.K.J, representing the graduates, in his speech felt proud to be a student at FK UNS and expressed his gratitude for all the guidance and teaching provided by the campus during the process of gaining knowledge.
“Being accepted and becoming a student in the Specialist Medical Education Program at the UNS Faculty of Medicine is an achievement and success for all of us. This graduation momentum is the right time to reflect on the meaning of our graduation because this is where our struggle began," he said
Acting Officer Deputy General Director, RSUD Dr. Moewardi, dr. Hamzah Brotherhood. congratulations on graduating specialist doctor.
"Congratulations on your graduation, our message is that colleagues can apply their knowledge, devote themselves, in their respective areas. Take the good, all the good things while studying here and leave the bad," he said.
Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Reviono in his speech said that it was time for the specialist who had just been appointed to show his identity.
"These new medical specialists, immediately go into the community, provide what they have obtained in their respective study programs in accordance with their respective competencies to serve the community," said Prof. Reviono.
Besides that Prof. Reviono also advised that the new medical specialists who are now alumni can maintain the good name of UNS and continue to maintain friendship with colleagues and their alma mater.
With the release of specialist doctors for the period of May 2023, since its establishment in 1976, the Faculty of Medicine UNS has graduated 1676 (one thousand six hundred and seventy six) specialist doctors, who have spread all over the country and have devoted their knowledge to various institutions both in the field of public service health, education, research, as well as specialist doctors for the government, private sector, TNI/POLRI and others
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor: Wartini