FK UNS Holds New Doctor's Inauguration and Oath Taking 223 Period
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) again held the Doctor's Inauguration and Hippocratic Oath Taking Ceremony on Thursday (13/04/2023). The Doctor's Inauguration and Hippocratic Oath Taking was held for the 223rd period by the UNS Faculty of Medicine since its establishment in 1976. As many as 3 participants took part in this event.
Participants in this activity were those who had passed the Doctor Profession Program Student Competency Examination (UKMPPD) which was held in February 2023. 4 participants participated in the UKMPPD with 3 participants graduating (75%) while the first pass rate taker as much as 1 person (100%).
This activity was attended by the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K); Ad interim Vice Dean for Academic, Research and Student Affairs, Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D; Ad interim Vice Dean of HR, Finance and Logistics, Dr. Diah Kurnia Mirawati, dr., Sp.S(K); and Head of the Medical Profession Study Program FK UNS, Dr. Pepi Budianto, dr., Sp.S(K).
New Doctor Representative, dr. Giovanni Tigor Jones, in his speech expressed his gratitude for the knowledge gained while studying at the UNS Faculty of Medicine.
"I would like to thank the UNS Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Moewardi, Network Hospitals and other institutions involved in our educational process through their professors, doctors and our teachers. Thank you for all the knowledge, role models and kindness that has been given to us," he said.
Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Reviono in his speech reminded the magnitude of the challenges ahead for these new doctors.
“As the Dean of the UNS Faculty of Medicine, I congratulate the 3 new doctors who were sworn in today. The process required to become a doctor is not an easy process. But what is no less difficult is your responsibility after holding this doctor's degree, how you are required to be able to contribute to society," Prof. Reviono said.
He further stated that there are many issues currently developing, such as the shortage of doctors, the uneven distribution of doctors to the issue of foreign doctors entering Indonesia, which is a big challenge for these new doctors.
“However, we have prepared all of you with the provisions that you have learned during your education. Our education is competency-based so we provide sufficient clinical skills or abilities. Non-academic matters are also important for you to pay attention to, such as professionalism, communication techniques and most importantly integrity such as honesty and discipline. If you master it all then success will not be difficult to achieve,” Prof. Reviono said.
At the Doctor's Inauguration and Oath Taking this time, there was 1 participant with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved by dr. Giovanni Tigor Jones with a GPA of 3.52. With the inauguration of the 223rd period doctor today, since its establishment in 1976 the Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, has graduated 6,905 (six thousand nine hundred and five) doctors, who have spread throughout the country and have devoted their knowledge to various institutions both in the field of health services, education, research, as well as doctors in the government, private sector, TNI/POLRI and others.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini