Psychiatry Study Program FK UNS Undergoes Accreditation Field Assessment from LAM-PTKes
As a Study Program (Prodi) that has a vision of producing superior and quality graduates in their field, the Psychiatry Study Program, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) must undergo an accreditation process from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education Health (LAM-PTKes) as a form of guarantee the quality of a study program in carrying out the educational process.
Prof. Dr. H. Soewadi, dr., MPH., Sp.KJ., Subsp.K(K) and Agustina Konginan, dr., Sp.KJ., Subsp.K.L(K) were assigned by LAM-PTKes to conduct a field assessment in the Study Program UNS FK Psychiatry on 9-10 April 2023.
On the first day of the field assessment, the two assessors visited the Regional Mental Hospital (RSJD) dr. Arif Zainudin to see firsthand the facilities and infrastructure of the Hospital which is used as a learning place for students of the FK UNS Psychiatry Study Program.
In their review, the two assessors felt quite impressed with the facilities owned by the RSJD. Dr. Arif Zainudin, besides having a very large area of land, also has quite sophisticated equipment to support the educational activities of students.
On the second day of the field assessment, the two assessors were received by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum in the Rector's Meeting Room, UNS Prakosa Building.
On this occasion Prof. Jamal said that UNS would always improve the quality of education.
"Previously, the Psychiatry Study Program had an A accreditation, we hope that this accreditation will continue to be superior because the quality of this study program is indeed good," said Prof. Jamal.
UNS Faculty of Medicine Dean, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) hopes that this activity can run smoothly and can get results that benefit everyone.
"We hope that from the adequacy value that we have uploaded when we can see it in person, the reality is better and hopefully this assessment activity can bring benefits to all parties," said Prof. Reviono.
On this occasion Prof. Reviono conveyed 8 advantages of FK UNS namely, excellence in education and student affairs, excellence in research, excellence in knowledge transfer and development, excellence in knowledge management, excellence in human resources, excellence in governance, excellence in quality management and service and excellence in internationalization and public image.
Prof. Soewadi in his speech said that this accreditation process is a normal thing in the management of an educational institution.
"This accreditation is a normal thing in an effort to maintain the quality of education because with accreditation it will be seen which parts need to be repaired or improved," said Prof. Soewadi.
After listening to the presentation from the Dean of FK UNS and the Head of Study Program and conducting a question and answer session, the two assessors conducted interviews with lecturers about the adequacy rate of lecturers and the learning curriculum provided to students, in addition to that, interviews were also conducted with student representatives about academic and non-academic services.
The series of field assessment processes was closed with the signing and submission of minutes of activities signed by the two assessors, the Dean of FK UNS and the Head of Psychiatry Study Program FK UNS.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini