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Smart Medical Journal (SMJ) FK UNS Achieves Sinta Accreditation 3


One of the missions of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) is to develop internationally reputable medical and health knowledge, technology through basic science (biomedical), clinical, medical education, community and translational research to support the improvement of public health.

In order to support this, it is necessary to have media for disseminating the research results of FK UNS lecturers and students and other scientists outside UNS, so in 2018 the Smart Medical Journal (SMJ) FK UNS was born.

The initiation of the Smart Medical Journal was fully supported by the Faculty Leaders and fronted by young FK UNS lecturers. After 2 years, in 2020 the Smart Medical Journal won Sinta 4 accreditation, then in 2022 the SMJ FK UNS applied for re-accreditation and succeeded in upgrading to Sinta 3. The decision on the results of Sinta 3 accreditation was based on the Decree of the Director of Research, Technology and Community Service, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, January 28, 2023.

Currently, FK UNS has 5 scientific journals namely Smart Medical Journal (SMJ), Smart Society Empowerment Journal (SSEJ), Plexus Medical Journal (PMJ), Solo Journal of Anesthesia, Pain and Critical Care (SOJA) and Magna Neurologica.

"SMJ has been accredited by Sinta 3, SSEJ and SOJA are currently applying for accreditation and 2 other journals are still waiting for the time to apply for accreditation, namely after they are 2 years old. Hopefully, having a scientific journal at FK UNS can accommodate research results and thoughts from FK UNS lecturers and students and also accept publications from outside FK UNS," dr. Nanang Wiyono, M.Kes as Chief of Editor of Smart Medical Journal as well as journal manager at FK UNS explained.

According to him, publication is a necessity for lecturers and students as a scientific responsibility and can be an output for lecturers' performance as well as a graduation requirement for students. Hopefully in the future the journals at FK UNS will be more advanced and of better quality. He also hopes that new journals will appear so that they can accommodate more scientific fields.

UNS Faculty of Medicine Dean, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) said that in addition to producing competent and qualified graduates, an educational institution must also become a center of knowledge. Publishing your own journal is a necessity, as a means of informing various scientific discoveries and developments from researchers or experts, wherever they come from.

"With the increase in the accredited status of the FK UNS Smart Medical Journal to Sinta 3, it shows that the journal is starting to be trusted by researchers and readers who come from various backgrounds and are safe and successful with the FK UNS Smart Medical Journal," Prof. Reviono said.

For those who want to access the journal owned by the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, click the link below:

Smart Medical Journal:
Smart Society Empowerment Journal:
Plexus Medical Journal:
Solo Journal of Anesthesia, Pain and Critical Care:
Magna Neurologica:


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini