FK UNS Successfully Becomes Host of AIPKI Dean Forum Meeting 2023
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta successfully held a Dean Forum Meeting for the Association of Indonesian Medical Education Institutions (AIPKI). The activity, which was attended by 86 out of 92 FKs in Indonesia, lasted for three days from Friday-Sunday (27-29/1/2023).
In his statement, the Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) said that this activity is a routine agenda which is carried out every six months. The theme that was carried out in this forum was the role of AIPKI in maintaining the quality of medical education graduates through the Academic Health System (AHS).
"The topic of the program discusses the need for doctors, the issue of a shortage of doctors, especially specialists. So, later we will speak officially about AIPKI's point of view and statement addressed to the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes)," explained Prof. Reviono.
"Of the 92 FKs, there were 86 FKs who attended, while those who were not present also gave information that there were events that could not be left behind on campus. The number of delegates who took part in this event were 184 from 86 FKs and several central AIPKI administrators. We welcome and enjoy the event," said Prof. Reviono in his speech.
Meanwhile, the Chairperson of AIPKI, Prof. Dr. Budi Santoso, dr., Sp.OG(K) explained that one of the hot topics discussed at this meeting was the Ministry of Health's policy of having a specialist hospital-based education program (RS).
"So, it is planned that there will be specialist education managed by universities and hospitals. This means that in realizing this, hospitals must change regulations because in the 2013 Law on Medical Education, the implementation of specialist education must exist in educational institutions," he explained.
Prof. Budi hopes that through this forum can produce recommendations for the government in addressing the fulfilment of this specialist doctor.
"We also hope that the government will be present because of the current problem, specialist doctors congregate in big cities, the distribution is not evenly distributed. So, the hope is that with less numbers but an even distribution of specialist graduates can serve all regions of Indonesia," he said.
"Hopefully this event can be taken into consideration in implementing government policies so that it can really be beneficial in the long term. The hope is that we can all work together in maintaining the quality and quality of education in FK, both for Sp1 to Sp2,” he concluded.
Meanwhile, UNS Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum., also said that medical education is an integral part of national health services.
"Mastery of knowledge, skills, and behavior of medical graduates, especially specialist doctors, is one of the main determinants of the quality of medical care services to the community. Therefore, the importance of quality assurance for medical specialist education must be realized by all relevant stakeholders as an effort to answer the plenary public health needs in Indonesia," Prof. Jamal explained.
Through AHS, Prof. Jamal believed that this can complement the education process for specialist doctors that is currently underway. AHS is a concept that integrates education and health services through collaboration to improve health services.
"This concept is encouraged to develop promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative efforts in primary, secondary and tertiary services. Through the AHS system, it is hoped that it can unite university-based and hospital-based principles. Efforts to utilize an ideal hospital as an educational hospital or network hospital can be started through this system," he concluded.
Apart from being attended by leaders of medical faculties in Indonesia, this activity was also attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture, education practitioners from England and Germany, and there were legal experts highlighting the Omnibus Law on the Health Law.
After participating in the Gala Dinner at the Ballroom of Ki Hadjar Dewantara UNS Building, the participants attended a scientific session and plenary session on the second day which took place at the Sunan Solo Hotel and closed with a group ride on the third day which took the starting point from the Sunan Hotel to the Faculty of Medicine Campus UNS.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor: Wartini