Dean of FK Highlights UNS as a Healthy Campus in the Morning Call of UNS Employees 17 January 2023
Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) as one of the Healthy Campuses in Indonesia always tries to make the campus a comfortable and healthy place for students who are studying in it. Higher education is one of the centers of learning and development of science as well as a place for the formation of the character of students who are young Indonesians who are the right target for collaborating in realizing Healthy Indonesia.
This was conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), in his presentation while giving directions at the Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Employees which was conducted online via Zoom application and YouTube streaming on Monday (01/16/2023).
"The healthy campus program is seen as a systematic and comprehensive effort to turn higher education into an institution that integrates health and health promotion efforts as part of the higher education culture which is reflected through daily operational activities, management administration, and academic mandates," he explained.
He further said that this program aims to create a learning environment and organizational culture that improves the health, well-being and quality of life of students, staff and the surrounding community so that each of them can achieve maximum potential in accordance with the role they play.
"Actually, in 2025-2035 Indonesia will experience a demographic dividend because the number of the productive age group has increased sharply compared to other age groups. Things like this should make you optimistic to face and solve every problem. The demographic bonus is expected to encourage high economic growth and lead Indonesia to become an upper middle-income country," he explained.
The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life, including activities on the UNS campus, especially those related to the Healthy Campus.
In the midst of the pandemic, UNS continues to carry out various activities to create a healthy campus, with 11 leading activities, some of which have direct and indirect impacts, including:
1. At the beginning of the pandemic, various activities were focused on preventing the transmission of Covid-19, both within UNS and outside UNS. This is done through various social activities as well as health promotion on and off campus.
2. Research and community service to prevent Covid-19, both clinical and community research, with an approach based on local wisdom. Among others: Curcuma for the prevention of Covid-19 and involving local artists in the promotion of Covid-19 health.
3. In 2021, at a time when vaccination is accelerating, UNS will also contribute by making the thematic KKN program “UNS Vaccination Attack” where routine vaccinations have been carried out for almost two months, and the target is more than 15 thousand people, consisting of UNS academics and outside UNS.
4. UNS compiled the Internal Quality Assurance Standards (SPMI) for Healthy Campuses which had been compiled and socialized to the UNS academic community.
5. Conducting a survey to analyze the situation regarding the health condition of UNS academics
6. Implementing a green campus, and declaring an emission-free day as a contribution to creating a sustainable green environment, as well as increasing physical activity,
7. Compilation of inclusion metrics and facilities for disabilities, to create disability-friendly UNS.
8. Providing sports facilities and organizing sports activities to increase physical activity
9. Cultural arts activities for the physical and mental health of UNS members.
10. First level and advanced level health services through the UNS Medical Center and UNS Hospital,
11. Initiation of Institutional Posbindu activities for routine inspections for the UNS academic community.
"It is hoped that the 11 leading activities will create a healthy UNS community, both physically, mentally and socially," he concluded.
In this Morning Call for UNS Employees, the Faculty of Medicine is responsible for organizing it. The FK staff who served as morning call officers were: Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) as apple supervisor; Dr. Revi Gama Hatta Novika, SST., M.Kes as MC; Moch. Zaeny Ari Sucipto as leader of the rally; Prof. Dr. Bambang Purwanto, dr., Sp.PD-KGH., FINASIM as a Pancasila reader; Dr. Arie Kusumawardani, dr., Sp. KK(K) as readers of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution; Dr. Kristanto Yuli Yarso, dr., Sp.B (K) Onk. as a reader of Panca Prasetya Korpri; and Prof.Dr. Endang Sutisna Sulaeman, dr., M.Kes. as a prayer reader.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini