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Community Service "Strengthening Mother's Resilience in Optimizing Toddler Growth and Development and Prevention of Stunting"


Stunting is still an issue that is often discussed in the world of health in Indonesia, this cannot be separated from the relatively high stunting rate. To provide accurate information for parents who have children under five, Lecturers of the Undergraduate Study Program and Professional Education of Midwives and Doctoral Students in Public Health at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) who are members of the Community Resilience of Mothers with Children at Risk of Stunting carry out research activities and community service with the theme "Strengthening Mother's Resilience in Optimizing Toddler Growth and Prevention of Stunting".
This program is a synergy of the Inspiring Midwives for the Country (BIUN) program which collaborates between Dompet Dhuafa's Free Health Services (LKC) and Kimia Farma as a donor.


The chief executive of the activity, Niken Bayu Argaheni, S.ST., M.Keb, explained:
"This activity departs from the anxiety of mothers who have stunted children with lots of scorn from the environment which weakens mothers' mentality in raising their children."
Activities targeting mothers with stunted children in the working area of the Gilingan Health Center are divided into two, namely research and community service. The research was conducted in the form of a trial to strengthen the mother's mentality by increasing the mother's knowledge about stunting by Dr. Grhasta Dian Perestroika, S.ST., M.Kes and increasing the resilience of mothers with stunted children by Mustikaningtyas, M.PH., Psychologist. Meanwhile, community service activities in the form of directing recipes with local food ingredients to mothers and cadres by Rizka Ayu Setyani, S.ST., M.PH.

Apart from that, the distribution of cookbooks was also carried out and the provision of assistance in the form of cooking oil to the participants who attended. It is hoped that this activity can increase the resilience and toughness of mothers who have stunted children so that they are empowered in improving the welfare and health of their children.

This activity was attended by the Head of the Gilingan Village, the Head of the Gilingan Village PKK, the Surakarta City Health Office, the Chairperson of IBI Surakarta, and Nutritionists and Midwives from the Gilingan Health Center. The REKIS innovation is directly implemented for mothers with children who are indicated to be stunted as the first step to empowering the mother's community to increase knowledge, attitude and resilience of mothers as well as increasing the capacity of mothers to make a variety of processed menus as an effort to improve children's consumption behavior.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini