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The Indonesia Asthma Foundation (YAI) Inaugurates the Management of the Main Branch of Central Java Province and Branch Surakarta


The Indonesia Asthma Foundation (YAI) held an inauguration activity for the Main Branch of Central Java Province and Surakarta City Branch which took place at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) on Sunday (4/12/2022).

Present at this activity was the Head of the Central Java Provincial Health Office, Yunita Diah Suminar, SKM., M.Si; Chairman of the Indonesian Society of Sport and Recreation Committee (KORMI), H. Hayono Isman; Central YAI Chairman, Poppy Puspitasari Hayono Isman; Chairman I YAI Center, Asdiar Bachtiar; Elected Chairman of the YAI Main Branch of Central Java Province, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) and the Elected Chair of the YAI Surakarta City Branch, FX. Hadi Rudyatmo.

This activity began with joint asthma exercise which was attended by 300 participants from 23 Asthma Clubs from various regions and continued with the inauguration of the YAI Management of the Main Branch of Central Java Province and the Surakarta City Branch of YAI Management.

Chairman of the Committee, dr. On this occasion, Nana Hoemar Dewi., M.Kes conveyed the government's commitment to making the community healthy.

"The Provincial Government of Central Java and the City of Surakarta have a commitment to nourish and prosper their citizens, one of which is by showing concern for the existence of health clubs in Central Java," she said.

H. Hayono Isman as Chair of the National KORMI in his remarks said that people with asthma must stay fit and enthusiastic in living life.

“Even though asthma is a disease that cannot be cured, it can be controlled. Even people with asthma, with their enthusiasm and fitness, can do more for their families, neighbors, regions, the nation and the country," Hayono Isman said.

The Board's inauguration was marked by handing over the YAI Central Java Main Branch flag from the Central YAI Chairperson, Poppy Hayono Isman to the Elected Chair of the Central Java Main Branch YAI, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K).

The event continued with the inauguration of the Surakarta City Branch of YAI Management by Prof. Reviono as Chair of the YAI Main Branch of Central Java Province.

In his remarks, Prof. Reviono said that YAI has been very active in activities since long ago, this is very good because it brings benefits to the community.

"I saw for myself how the activities of YAI and asthma clubs in the city of Surakarta never stop, continue to be active and sustainable," Prof. Reviono said.

According to him, asthma exercise itself brings many benefits, including improving lung function, improving respiratory muscles and practicing proper breathing so that it is hoped that people with asthma can routinely do asthma exercises either together with an asthma club or independently.

Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor: Wartini