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72 Students of SMA Nurul Fikri Boarding School Lembang Visit FK UNS to Get to Know Medical Education


The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Sebelas Maret University (UNS) on Monday (29/11/2022) received a visit from Nurul Fikri Boarding School Lembang Senior High School (SMA) students. As many as 72 students and 10 accompanying teachers who took part in the campus visit were received directly by dr. Maryani, M.Si, Sp.MK as the Head of the Quality Control Group represented the Head of the UNS Medical Education Study Program who was unable to attend.

On this occasion, the Principal of Nurul Fikri Boarding School Lembang, Nanang, S.Si expressed his gratitude for the opportunity given to his students to see the UNS Faculty of Medicine in person.

"We ask for guidance, direction and explanation because many of our children are interested in entering the Faculty of Medicine. We hope that when we are introduced to the world of lectures, especially medicine in universities, our children who will graduate will no longer be confused about what major to choose,” he said.

"And for sure, our hope is that next year one of our children will be accepted or invited to the UNS Faculty of Medicine," he concluded.

The campus visit activity began with a presentation of the medical education study program profile of FK UNS by dr. Maryani, M.Sc., Sp.MK continued with an explanation of the student admission process, the facilities owned and an overview of learning in FK UNS. The event was also filled with a question and answer session with students. Next, the students were invited to tour various places to see the facilities and infrastructure owned by FK UNS.

"Studying in medicine doesn't always mean that you become a doctor who is a clinician or has direct contact with sick people, you can later develop yourself into an academic and even a researcher in the medical field," dr. Maryani explained.

"Doctor is a standardized profession in Indonesia, graduating as a doctor means that you have met the standards set by the government so that the learning process must also be standardized," she continued.

By holding outing class activities like this, it is hoped that students who are still in high school can have insight into the world of lectures, especially at the Faculty of Medicine so that when they graduate from high school and intend to continue on to college, they will no longer be confused when they have to choose which study program to choose will be selected.

Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini