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FK UNS Welcomes the Visit of the Healthy Campus Assessment Team from the Indonesian Ministry of Health


In an effort to optimize disease prevention and control in the productive age group in the university environment, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia made a breakthrough in the Healthy Campus Program.

The Healthy Campus Program is a systematic and comprehensive effort in realizing Higher Education (PT) as an institution that integrates health in higher education culture which is reflected through daily operational activities, administrative management and academic mandates.

Currently, there are four universities that are piloted as healthy campuses, including the Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Universitas Andalas and Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY). This was manifested in the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (NKB/MoU) and the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) for the healthy campus program between the Indonesian Ministry of Health and Universitas Sebelas Maret in Dr. Prakoso UNS Building on Wednesday 16 October 2019.

To examine and assess the Healthy Campus program running at UNS, the Ministry of Health on 6-7 October 2022 conducted a field assessment at UNS. The Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNS was selected as one of the faculties visited by representatives from the Ministry of Health.

Dian Kurnia Rabbani, SKM., M.Epid as a team representative from the Ministry of Health, said that this field assessment was actually carried out one year after the signing of the PKS, but due to the pandemic, the assessment can only be carried out at this time.

"Universities as a place for the younger generation, we include health programs then we get used to a healthy lifestyle and what we hope is that the younger generation is not only smart in mind but also physically and mentally healthy," she explained.

Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation UNS, Prof. Dr. Kuncoro Diharjo, S.T., M.T. stated the readiness of UNS in the field assessment of the Healthy Campus Program from the Ministry of Health.

"We have coordinated all faculties and are ready to visit, so where we want to sample later," Prof. Kuncoro said.

To support this Healthy Campus Program, according to Prof. Kuncoro, UNS has made various efforts so that the academic community at UNS can get used to a healthy lifestyle.

"There are many programs from us to support this Healthy Campus program, for example with emission-free UNS activities, regular Friday morning exercises to manufacture, repair and even add sports facilities in each faculty," he explained.

In addition, according to Prof. Kuncoro, the health facilities at UNS are very good with the Medical Center.

"So both employees and students who have health problems can go directly to the Medical Center, there will be action and an ambulance at the Medical Center is always ready if needed to refer patients to the hospital," he said.

On the first day of the visit, the Ministry of Health team toured several places to see UNS facilities that support the Healthy Campus program. In addition, the team also reviewed documents and interviews with the coordinator of the healthy campus at the faculty level to see the fulfilment of the indicators that are the assessment points in the Healthy Campus program.

On the second day, the team from the Ministry of Health did healthy exercise with the UNS Medical Faculty academic community before reviewing the implementation of the Integrated Development Post (Posbindu) which was serving health checks for UNS academics.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini