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The Heart and Blood Vessel PPDS Study Program FK UNS Undergoes a Field Assessment from LAM-PTKes


In an effort to ensure the quality of a Study Program (Prodi) in a university so that the graduates produced later meet the qualifications determined by the government, an assessment carried out by an authorized institution in this regard is needed.

Likewise, the Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist Education Program Study Program (PPDS) of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Sebelas Maret University (UNS) which on October 2-4, 2022 underwent a field assessment from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Higher Education Health (LAM-PTKes).

Prof. Dr. Dharma Lindarto, dr., Sp.PD-KEMD and Prof. Dr. Budi Yuli Setianto, dr., Sp.PD, K-KV, Sp.JP(K)., FINASIM., FIHA., FAsCC., FAPSIC., FSCAI was assigned by LAM-PTKes to conduct field assessments in the Cardiac and Heart PPDS Study Program. FK UNS Blood Vessels.

Before starting the field assessment activities at the Faculty of Medicine, the two assessors were accepted by the Chancellor of Sebelas Maret University, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum and the Vice Chancellor for Academics and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S.

In his speech Prof. Jamal said that the PPDS Heart and Blood Vessel Study Program of FK UNS had many advantages.

“I take this opportunity to convey to these two reliable assessors from LAM-PTKes that the Heart and Blood Vessel Study Program of FK UNS has played an active role in the field of community cardiology. As proof, now at UNS Hospital there are more and more patients in the Cardiology section because the service is really good," Prof. Jamal explained.

"Secondly, I see that the Heart and Blood Vessel study program has participated in efforts to strengthen community health, for example the Healthy Heart group, the UNS Heart Failure community and the Indonesian Heart Disease Family Foundation," he continued.

In addition, according to Prof. Jamal, the facilities and infrastructure owned by the Heart and Blood Vessel Study Program of FK UNS are very adequate for the service of heart failure patients who are recognized at the national level.

After meeting with the university leadership, the group headed to the FK UNS Auditorium to start field assessment activities. The activity started with a presentation about the profile of the UNS Faculty of Medicine by the Dean of the UNS Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), followed by a presentation of the profile of the study program by the Head of the Study Program (Kaprodi) PPDS Heart and Blood Vessels, Niniek Purwaningtyas, dr., Sp.J.P(K)., FIHA. Then the event continued with a question and answer session by the two assessors with the heads of faculties and study programs.

Not only looking at the completeness of the documents in the forms that have been prepared by the study program, the assessors also directly observed the learning activities in the teaching hospital as well as the completeness of the facilities and infrastructure in the hospital to support teaching and learning activities.

During his visit to Dr. Hospital. Moewardi and UNS Hospital, both assessors were impressed with the facilities owned by the Heart and Blood Vessel Study Program of FK UNS, which were quite complete.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNS Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) hopes that this field assessment can bring progress to the PPDS Heart and Blood Vessel Study Program of FK UNS, besides being able to show its advantages, it can also find out what shortcomings must be improved and improved.

Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini