As a Curriculum Quality Assurance Effort, Medical Faculty UNS Undergraduate Study Program Holds Curriculum Evaluation Workshop
A university in carrying out its educational process must have a clear and appropriate educational curriculum. It is intended that the graduates produced will have a quality equivalent to the qualifications agreed in the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).
The Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in carrying out the medical education process also has an educational curriculum that is regularly reviewed and evaluated to ensure the quality of the graduates produced.
The Medical Undergraduate Study Program (Prodi) on Wednesday (21/09/2022) held a Curriculum Evaluation Workshop which was attended by all Heads of Laboratories in FK UNS, Heads of Blocks and Heads of Networking Health Centers in the Surakarta and surrounding areas.
This activity was opened by the Deputy Dean for Academic, Research and Student Affairs of FK UNS, Paramasari Dirgahayu, dr., Ph.D., in his speech dr. Paramasari said that this kind of activity is an activity that is routinely carried out as a form of quality assurance of the quality of the curriculum used in the student learning process at FK UNS so that input from educational vehicles will be very much needed.
“We thank you for being assisted by educational vehicles so that our students can gain competence according to our vision in the community sector. On this occasion, we hope that there will be input for us so that we can fix the gaps we still have and improve the quality,” dr. Paramasari said.
Head of the Medical Faculty of UNS S1 Study Program, Dr. Eti Poncorini P, dr., M.Kes, on this occasion said that this activity was needed because there were various things that could affect the development of the existing curriculum.
“Indeed, every curriculum needs to be evaluated or reviewed, because we also have to look at various things that could affect the curriculum, for example updates from science and various existing systems, we all need to consider doing a review of the curriculum that is currently running," dr. Eti said.
With this activity, it was hoped that the quality of the curriculum used in the learning process of FK UNS students could be maintained so that the graduates produced by FK UNS have qualified competencies.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor: Wartini