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Dean of FK UNS Discussed the University's Challenges in Preparing Generation Z to be Ready to Work


Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) as a place to gain knowledge for its students always strives to be able to carry out its functions properly, namely as a center for the development of science, technology and arts and culture as well as a means to deliver students to work in the community.

This was conveyed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) in his presentation while giving a briefing at the Universitas Sebelas Maret employees' morning meeting which was conducted online via the Zoom application and Youtube streaming on Monday (19/09/2022).

"For the first point, I can say that this target was achieved according to the stages of the UNS Business Strategic Plan. In addition, currently many study programs or faculties have been ranked in the world by subject version of the times higher education World University ranking. With a high intensity of effort and hard work, UNS under the leadership of Prof. Jamal Wiwoho achieved and will maintain this reputation,” he explained.

However, for the second point, which is bringing students to work in the community, it still seems to be a tough challenge. This is because there are still few study programs where students after graduation can work in less than 6 months. The second point has not been achieved, it is also reflected in the achievement of the first main performance indicator which is still below the threshold set by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research, Technology and Higher Education.

To overcome the above problems, UNS has tried to implement 4 strategies, namely:
1. Identify what jobs will recruit the most workforce in the future
2. Provide teaching materials that are in accordance with the needs of today's society
3. Doing talent scouting from an early age
4. Understand the characteristics of current students

It is hoped that the implementation of these 4 strategies can improve the achievement of predetermined targets.

Further in his presentation, Prof. Reviono explained about the challenges of teaching lecturers in dealing with students who fall into the criteria of Generation Z.
"In the theory of generation (Generation Theory) proposed by Graeme Codrington & Sue Grant-Marshall, Penguin Experts divide humans living today into generations based on the year of their birth. In addition to the time of birth, it is also distinguished based on characteristics related to current technology, especially based on digital technology. Generation Z is born from 1996 to 2012 (10-26 years),” he explained.

“Generation Z is known to be more independent than the previous generation. They don't wait for their parents to teach them things or tell them how to make decisions. When translated into the workplace, this generation has evolved to choose to work and learn on their own. Tend to be tolerant of cultural differences and care deeply about the environment. Accustomed to various activities at the same time. For example reading, talking, watching, and listening to music at the same time.” he continued.

However, according to this theory, Generation Z is a generation that tends to lack verbal communication, tends to be egocentric and individualistic, tends to be instantaneous, impatient, and does not appreciate the process.

Lecturers must understand these characteristics so that the learning process carried out is able to facilitate and facilitate them in anticipating and filling their future, especially through the work they will get because knowing the character of the student will affect the selection of the right learning method or method and can be taken into consideration what professions to pursue. suitable for the student.

Various strategies must be carried out in order to be able to lead students to become graduates who are able to compete and win their future.

In the Morning Appeal for UNS Employees, the person in charge of the organizers is the Faculty of Medicine. The FK staff who served as officers for the morning meeting were: Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) as apple coach; Amelya Augusthina Ayu Sari, dr., M.Gizi.Sp.G.K as MC; Novianto Adi Nugroho, dr., S.H., M.Sc, Sp.F as apple leader; Prof. Bhisma Murti, dr., MPH, M.Sc, Ph.D as readers of Pancasila; Prof. Ari Natalia Probandari, dr., M.P.H., Ph.D. as a reader of the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution; Susilowati, S.Sos. as a reader of Panca Prasetya Korpri; and dr. Eric Edwin Yuliantara, Sp.OG(K) as prayer reader.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor: Wartini