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PPDS Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Study Program of FK UNS Conducts Research Guidance for Polish Students


Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta provided research guidance to students from Poland. This research guidance started from 1 to 31 August 2022.

There were three foreign students who conduct research and receive guidance from the PPDS FK UNS lecturer. They were Anna Fiedźkowicz from Medical University of Kraków, Wanesa Goralczy from the Medical University of Lublin, Kaja Bors from the Medical University of Bialystok.

The three students conducted research on tuberculosis (TB). In particular, they concentrated more on the problem of multi-resistant TB (MDR) or multiple drug-resistant TB. This was because Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest incidence of TB cases in the world.

PPDS Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine FK UNS has been heavily involved in assisting the government, both local and central governments in efforts to control tuberculosis. The roles carried out include in the fields of research, community service, and health services.

WHO had launched a TB elimination program in the world by 2050. One of the factors that complicate the achievement of this program is the MDR TB phenomenon because this case is no longer effective if given anti-TB drugs that have been used so far. This causes MDR TB cases to have a combination of TB drugs that are still effective to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Currently the government provided new anti-TB drugs that are able to overcome MDR TB. However, this drug is quite a lot and the healing takes longer, which is up to 2 years. The consequences of taking large amounts of the drug, as well as the long administration time, will cause side effects.

Side effects can occur ranging from mild to severe side effects. This side effect causes patients to often stop their own medication or drop out. This causes the patient not to recover and remain sick so that they continue to transmit TB germs to the surrounding environment. If it remains untreated it can result in death.
The problem of overcoming MDR TB, especially regarding side effects, was investigated by the three foreign students from Poland. The research schedule of the three foreign students had received approval from the Medical Faculty and Dr Moewardi Hospital.

Each student had been given a research topic. Anna Fiedźkowicz took the research topic "The effect of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity to the outcome of DR TB treatment". Wanesa Goralczy took the research topic "The effect of gastrointestinal disturbances and hepatotoxicity to the outcome of DR TB treatment". Dan Kaja Bors took the research topic "The effect of arthralgia and hyperuricemia to the outcome of DR TB treatment".

The research activity was carried out at Dr. Hospital. Moewardi and UNS Hospital. The students were given material on the application of research methods, collecting research data, analyzing research results, discussing conclusions, and how to write articles for publication. Students observe MDR TB patients in the ward of Dr Moewardi Hospital and at UNS Hospital under the supervision of several lecturers from FK UNS. The lecturers are Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K)., FISR., Prof. Dr. Yusup Subagio Sutanto, dr., Sp.P(K)., FISR, Jatu Aphridasari, dr., Sp.P(K)., FISR., and Artrien Adhiputri, M.Biomed., dr.Sp.P(K )., FISR.

“They took clinical data from the patient's status in August. The results of the data obtained are presented in front of the supervisor when they will complete the research program. Furthermore, students will make manuscripts of the results of research discussions to be published in journals in their home countries,” Prof. Reviono who is also the Dean of FK UNS said, Thursday (1/9/2022).


-Humas UNS-