Direct Monitoring to Residents' Homes as an Effort to Overcome Stunting by the FK UNS KKN Team
Children with stunted growth does not mean their growth will always be stunted. The state of stunting can still be corrected while the child is still in the first 1000 days of life. Therefore, monitoring children with stunting, especially in the first 1000 days of life, is crucial to help children get out of this stunting status. Armed with this information, students of the Medical Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) who were members of the Thematic Real Work Lecture or Community Service Team (KKN) in Sruni Village, Musuk District, Boyolali Regency visited and monitored stunting children in Sruni Village on Saturday- Sunday, August 6-7, 2022.
Monitoring the growth of stunting children is carried out by measuring the height or length of the body, weight, head circumference, and arm circumference. In addition, interviews about the condition of children were also conducted to map the causes and problems surrounding stunting. Not to forget, education about stunting, development, and nutrition was also given to families during the visit. Blood sugar, uric acid, and cholesterol checks are also carried out on the parents or grandparents of the children accompanied by related health education so that not only children, but also adults can benefit from this visit.
Monitoring the growth of stunting children in Sruni Village is expected to provide an updated picture of the growth of children with stunting and map the causes and problems around stunting cases so that they can be a reference for interventions for puskesmas and health workers in Sruni Village. Health checks for adults are also expected to provide information related to their health and increase awareness of non-communicable diseases.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Reporter & Translator: Wartini