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Thematic KKN Team Jambeyan Village of FK UNS Inaugurates Jambeyan Stunting Corner


In an effort to reduce the stunting rate, which is the theme of the Thematic Community Service or Real Work Lecture (KKN) of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in 2022, the KKN team in Jambeyan Village, Sambirejo District, Sragen Regency initiated various work programs to reduce stunting cases.

The main work program of the Jambeyan Village Community Service Team is the Inauguration of the Jambeyan Stunting Corner which was held on Monday (08/08/2022) at SMPN 3 Satap Sambirejo. In this event, the Team invited the principal (Yudi Martana, M.Pd), the village head (Abdul Majid, S.Ag), teacher representatives and students of SMPN 3 Satap Sambirejo. The stunting corner was initiated by the KKN team and is located in the school library. This corner is a comfortable place to read and contains various educational media related to stunting, nutrition, PHBS, reproductive health, and juvenile delinquency. The media are in the form of reading books and educational games. This educational game is a modification of the existing games, namely congklak, twister, crossword puzzle (TTS), and crossword.

In the congklak game, there are challenges to answer questions related to stunting, nutrition, PHBS reproductive health, and juvenile delinquency, which will add points for players who can answer them. In the twister game, players must place their hands and feet on the picture of a nutrient source on command. Players who cannot maintain their position and fail to obey orders will be declared losers. In crossword and crossword games, players must answer questions and find words related to stunting, nutrition, PHBS, reproductive health, and juvenile delinquency. It is hoped that this stunting corner will become a place for students to learn in a fun way, especially regarding stunting prevention.

In addition to the Inauguration of the Stunting Corner, the Jambeyan Village Community Service Team had implemented various work programs, namely: Door-to-Door Posyandu Activities, National Child Immunization Month Activities, Refreshing Cadres in Stunting Prevention, and Pregnant Women Classes in Stunting Prevention.

Door-to-Door Posyandu activities were carried out in July coordinated with the Village Midwife, Nuryani A, Md.Keb. Because many children did not come for BB&PB measurements, the Jambeyan Village Community Service Team conducted door to door measurements. It was found that the stunting rate in the previous month was high due to many errors during measurement.

Furthermore, the National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) activity was carried out at the Jambeyan Village Hall with the assistance of the Village Midwife and the Sambirejo Community Health Center team. In the BIAN activity, the FK UNS KKN Team collaborated with the KKN Team from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM). The MR immunization was followed by children aged 9 months to 15 years.

Later, the Cadre Refreshing Activity in Stunting Prevention was intended to provide education regarding anthropometric measurements, fulfillment of toddler nutrition, and Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) to 40 posyandu cadres in Jambeyan village in cadre refreshing activities which are scheduled every 6 months. The cadres in Jambeyan village are midwives, PKK, and nurses. The activity began with an overview of anthropometry and stunting through presentations by Ahnaf Rizky Priyadi and Alia Fitria Iskandar. Then the cadres were divided into several groups, visiting nutrition education posts, anthropometry for children aged 0-2 years, anthropometry for children aged over 2 years, and PHBS in turn. It is hoped that through this activity the cadres can carry out weight and length measurements on toddlers in the right way. Thus, data collection on the nutritional status of children under five in Jambeyan village is more accurate. Cadres are also expected to be able to provide education regarding nutrition fulfillment and implementing PHBS in activities.

Then, the Maternity Class in Stunting Prevention was carried out by providing education in pregnant women classes aimed at increasing the knowledge and skills of mothers regarding pregnancy, pregnancy care, childbirth, postpartum care, newborn care, and myths circulating about pregnancy. In addition, according to the KKN theme this time which carries the stunting reduction acceleration program in Jambeyan Village, the Jambeyan Village Community Service Team also provides education about stunting prevention that can be done by pregnant women. The activity was carried out together with UGM KKN students who gave counseling on "Dental and Oral Health and Nutrition for Pregnant Women". Some mothers showed enthusiasm by asking questions in the Q&A session. The class ended with exercise for mothers with gestational age >21 weeks, led by Aldrina Mahaloka Choirunnisa and Maurilla Iascha Suhartono. Exercise for pregnant women has many benefits, one of which is to facilitate the delivery process.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator & Editor: Wartini