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FK UNS Holds Competitions to Commemorate the Independence Day of Indonesia


Every August 17, various fun simple competitions often colour the celebration of the Independence Day (HUT) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI). The excitement of the competition that invites laughter is usually carefully prepared by the local committee, so that it can strengthen interpersonal relationships.

Tradition or culture made this competition appear because of the enthusiasm of the participants who wanted to enliven the struggle for Indonesian independence in a fun way. At that time, Indonesia's first president, Sukarno, was one of the most excited about the 17 August race.

That's what makes the tradition of the August 17 race increasingly widespread throughout the country. The competitions that are usually held vary, including sack races, areca climbing, eating crackers, tug of war, and so on.

Namun, tak hanya sebagai ajang seru-seruan, ternyata ada makna yang terkandung di balik setiap lomba 17-an tersebut:

However, not only as an event for fun, it turns out that there is a meaning behind each of the 17's competitions:

1. Sack race
A sack race is a competition that uses used sacks, such as burlap sacks. Participants must put their feet or half of their bodies into the sack, then jump up and down until they cross the finish line. The meaning of this competition symbolizes the simple clothes worn by Indonesian people in the past.

2. Climb the areca nut
The areca climbing competition is a team competition, not individual. Each team must work together to win prizes by climbing a pole with various prizes at the top. In the past, this competition was held as entertainment and a laughing stock for the Dutch colonials. They want to see indigenous people fighting over 'luxury goods' like cheese, sugar and clothes. At a time when the indigenous people struggled for prizes, those who watched also made fun of it. This competition symbolizes the struggle of the Indonesian people in achieving independence.

3. Eat crackers
In this competition, crackers are hung by a rope, then participants must eat them without being allowed to use their hands. The participant who manages to finish first is the winner. The cracker eating competition symbolizes simplicity because crackers are cheap and easy to get food.

4. Tug of war
Just like climbing areca nut, tug of war is also a team-shaped competition. The two teams will pull each other's ropes, then the race will be over if one team falls. The meaning of this competition is to show the struggle of heroes who are forced to work. In addition, this competition also has the meaning of gotong royong, togetherness, and solidarity of the Indonesian people.

The celebration of the Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day which is commemorated every August 17 always gives its own impression. On that date, many Indonesian people fill Independence Day by carrying out various activities, such as flag ceremonies or holding competitions.

However, the most awaited is the August 17 competition which is held in every corner of the city. This competition is an annual tradition that is held simultaneously after the flag ceremony.

As an effort to maintain and upgrade the spirit of independence, various competitions and attractive prizes were prepared. Although every year, the 17 August competitions held tend to be the same, not many people know that these competitions are full of meaning.

Friday (12/8/2022) the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) commemorated the 77th Indonesian Independence Day, by holding various activities and competitions. After doing cheerful gymnastics together on the FK UNS futsal field, it was continued by holding various competitions which were participated by the UNS FK Academic Community.

The activity started at 06.00 in the morning and ended at 12.00 noon. It is hoped that through this activity, the Academic Community can foster togetherness in maintaining the spirit of independence and fill the independence of the Republic of Indonesia with the values of Unity and Unity.


Reporter: Ari Kusbiyanto
Editor & Translator: Wartini