FK UNS Students Form Stunting Care Ambassadors and Socialize the ELSIMIL Application
Students of the Medical Education Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) batch 2019 are currently undergoing Student Study Service (KKN) on Humanity Thematic in Sragen and Boyolali Regencies. One of the KKN groups, namely the Singosari Village team, Mojosongo District, Boyolali Regency held an ELSIMIL Application Socialization and the Establishment of Stunting Care Ambassadors on Friday (5/8/2022).
The activity was intended for teenagers and was attended by 37 young women who were representatives of 28 RTs in Singosari Village. The activity began with an opening and remarks by Aditya Pamungkas as the Head of the Hamlet, who was a representative of the village government.
The first series of activities was education about the ELSIMIL application which was one of the health innovations from the BKKBN to educate young women as prospective brides about stunting. Participants were invited to open the ELSIMIL application together and recognize the features in it. In addition, the team also provided education regarding iron deficiency anemia. The education was delivered by KKN FK UNS students: Hilya Aliva Aufia and Multazam Siddiq. All participants were then given blood-boosting tablets from the puskesmas as an effort to prevent anemia.
The second series of activities was the formation of Stunting Care Ambassadors. Stunting Care Ambassadors would act as a cadre to raise awareness regarding nutrition fulfillment and prevention of anemia in adolescents, especially young women. Young women were prospective mothers who could later become stunting prevention agents. At the end of the activity, 3 Stunting Care Ambassadors were selected, namely Melati Nurmalita P. from RT 02/RW 04, Revita Mey from RT 05/RW 01, and Diyana Putri from RT 04/RW 01.
The hope of this education activity and the formation of stunting care ambassadors was to increase public knowledge and awareness, especially young women as prospective brides, regarding the dangers of early marriage which can cause one of the risk factors for stunting, namely early pregnancy under the age of 21 years. Increasing public awareness regarding stunting prevention was expected to reduce stunting rates in the Singosari Village area, Mojosongo District.
Reporter: Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator & Editor: Wartini