FK UNS Inaugurates 110 New Students for Specialist Doctor Education Program
The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) again inaugurated new students of the Specialist Medical Education Program (PPDS) on Monday, August 1, 2022. These new students were recruited by the New Student Admission Selection (SPMB) Universitas Sebelas Maret for the 2022/2023 academic year which the processed registration began in March 2022 and has met the requirements and has re-registered.
A number of 110 new PPDS students who wore blue alma mater coats seemed enthusiastic in participating in the inauguration ceremony which was attended by UNS Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the Head of the PPDS FK UNS Study Program.
Head of UPT SPMB UNS, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hadi Wiyono, M.Si on this occasion briefly explained the selection process for new student admissions for PPDS FK UNS.
“This selection process is divided into two stages, the first stage of selection is done by conducting an online exam with TPA and English materials. In the first stage of the exam, the number of registrants was 329, from that number, 282 participants or 85.71% were declared to have passed the exam," he said.
More Prof. Hadi Wiyono said that the second stage of the exam was conducted entirely offline.
"The second stage of the exam includes study program interviews, scientific field tests, psychological tests, portfolios, physical health tests or MCU as well as interviews by university and hospital leaders," he explained.
The Vice Rector for Academics and Student Affairs in his speech said that Universitas Sebelas Maret continues to encourage its alumni to improve their academic and educational quality.
“Along with the status of UNS as an autonomous university, it is hoped by the government or the Minister of Education that the quality of education at UNS is in line with the quality of education in universities in developed countries. Especially education at the Faculty of Medicine, especially the Specialist Doctor Education Program," he said.
He also entrusted these PPDS students to the ranks of the Dean and the Head of the PPDS Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, UNS.
"We leave a message to always improve educational processes both at universities and in hospitals," he mentioned.
This PPDS New Student will later undergo Pre-Education activities for 10 days which will be held at the Faculty of Medicine and Dr. Hospital. Moewardi Surakarta (RSDM) before starting his education period, most of which will be spent at RSDM.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini