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PPDS Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Study Program FK UNS Lecturer Inaugurated as the First Professor with NIDK in UNS


The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) has again increased the number of professors after Prof. Dr. Yusup Subagio Sutanto, dr., Sp.P(K), FISR, FAPSR was officially confirmed as a professor in Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine. This inauguration was held offline and online on Tuesday (19/2/2022) at the Auditorium Building G.P.H. Haryo Mataram UNS.

On this occasion other than Prof. Yusup Subagio, there were 2 other professors who were also inaugurated simultaneously, namely Prof. Dr. Dra. Sri Subanti, M.Sc. from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) and Prof. Dr. Zainal Arifin, S.T., M.T. from the Faculty of Engineering (FT).

With the inauguration of Prof. Yusup Subagio as a professor, the Faculty of Medicine UNS has total 46 professors and he is the 249th professor at UNS.

The Chairman of the Board of Professors, Prof. Drs. Suranto, M.Sc, Ph.D., in his speech specifically left a message to Prof. Yusup Subagio who is the first NIDK professor at UNS.

“This is an extraordinary achievement as well as motivating friends with NIDK at UNS. We know that most of the lecturers in the Faculty of Medicine are NIDK. So, to Prof. Yusup, I hope that for those of you who have not served in the highest academic positions, Professors can motivate their friends," said Prof. Suranto.

Furthermore, he appreciated the achievements achieved by Prof. Yusup Subagio:

“This is a good record for us because he is the first and fastest NIDK Professor so far that we have. In just two months the professor has gone down,” he said.

Appreciation was also conveyed by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Jamal Wiwoho for the inauguration of three new professors at UNS.

“We should be grateful because the growth in the number of new professors at UNS has shown a positive trend of increasing although it is still relatively small. With the addition of three professors who have just been inaugurated, the number of active professors at UNS has reached 134 people," Prof. Jamal said.

The addition of this professor was also a form of commitment and seriousness of UNS in realizing the ideal proportion target in accordance with the initial commitment when transforming into a Legal Entity State University (PTNBH).

Prof. Jamal also advised the three new professors not to spend all their time serving in the classroom and laboratory. But as an intellectual figure who diligently implements his knowledge and knowledge for the benefit of the progress of the Indonesian people, nation and state.

"Become a great teacher who is always able to maintain a collegial spirit, namely by sincerely encouraging and providing opportunities to develop for his juniors," he hoped.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini