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Ratification of the Management of the Indonesian Doctor's Wives Association (IIDI) Solo Branch for the 2022-2025 Period at the FK UNS Auditorium


In an organization, change of management is something that is natural to continue the leadership relay so that the wheels of the organization continue to run and it is hoped that new ideas and ideas will emerge along with the change of management of an organization. The management of the Indonesian Doctor's Wives Association (IIDI) Solo Branch for the 2019-2022 period has expired and has been replaced with new management for the 2022-2025 period. This management ratification activity took place in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) and took place in a hybrid manner.

The activity of Ratification of the Management of IIDI for the 2022-2025 Term was attended by the new administrators to be ratified, the Chair of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Soloraya, Dr. Muhammad Eko Irawanto, dr., Sp.KK; Chairman of IIDI Solo Branch, Sri Mulyaningsih Prasetyadi, S.I.Kom; Chairperson of IIDI Solo Branch elected Nining Himawati, S.E; Representatives from the Surakarta City Health Office and IIDI Executive Board as well as Branches throughout Indonesia who attended through the zoom meeting application.

On this occasion, the retired Chair of IIDI Solo Branch, Sri Mulyaningsih Prasetyadi, S.I.Kom expressed his gratitude for the support he received while serving as chairman of IIDI Solo branch for 2 terms.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, allow us on this happy occasion to express our deepest gratitude to all the administrators, advisors and members of the Solo branch of IIDI who for 6 years of our management have accompanied us and provided extraordinary support," Sri Mulyaningsih said.

Not to forget, he also expressed his gratitude for the support from the Solo City Government and all relevant agencies or agencies who always support every activity held by the Solo branch of IIDI.

On the next occasion, the elected Chairperson of IIDI Solo Branch, Nining Himawati Reviono, S.E expressed his gratitude to all the retired IIDI management for making various achievements.

"Thanks to the previous management, which has brought many achievements and progress to IIDI Solo Branch, for that we ask for guidance and direction in implementing future programs," Nining Reviono said.

She did not forget to also remind that synergy with other organizations is still needed to support the success of the programs that have been set.

"IIDI as a women's empowerment organization in the medical social field is a companion and equal partner to the Indonesian Doctors Association, of course we cannot work alone. We hope that synergy, collaboration from various parties, both from government and private institutions and other women's organizations will carry out the work program that has been set at the congress on 23 to 24 March 2022 in Jakarta," Nining Reviono continued.

Chairman of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Soloraya, Dr. Muhammad Eko Irawanto, dr., Sp.KK (K) in his speech conveyed a message that the new management could always devote themselves to the interests of the community.

“If a king fights for his people, a hero fights for everyone. So what we hope is that we always strive to serve everyone. Because this is part of the real value. So success is not judged by wealth, but success is judged by what we do, we achieve for the benefit of many people," Dr. Eko mentioned.

IIDI General Chair, Dr. Haslinda Daulay Abidinsyah, S.E., M.Si in her speech really appreciated the activity of ratifying the management of the Solo branch of IIDI.

"I as the general chairman of the Indonesian Doctor's Wives Association (IIDI) really appreciate the activities held by the Solo branch of IIDI which so far is one of the branches that is able to translate work programs into very diverse and consistent implementations, including superior programs," Dr. Haslinda said.

The first task of the management of the IIDI Solo Branch which has just been ratified is to hold a Doctor's Wife Month of Service which will be held in July 2022, starting with the launching of billboards installation in Solo City with the theme 'Indonesian Doctor's Wives Association Supports the National Priority Program to Prevent Stunting' followed by video showing at 4 videotron points in Solo City with sub-themes related to reproductive health and pregnant women.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini