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Field Assessment of the Paediatric Study Program of FK UNS - Day Two


Seeing the real conditions in the field, the facilities and infrastructure of an educational institution is an integral part of the field assessment activities in the context of the accreditation process. As did two assessors from LAM-PTKes Prof. Dr. Ari Yunanto, dr., Sp.A (K)., S.H and Dr. Supriatmo, dr., M.Ked (Ped)., Sp.A(K) who saw firsthand the Dr. Moewardi Hospital (RSUD Dr.Moewardi) as the Main Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) and also the UNS Hospital.

When visiting UNS Hospital on Monday evening (4/6/2022) the two assessors were welcomed directly by the Director of UNS Hospital, Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si. In his speech Prof. Hartono explained about the profile of the UNS Hospital as well as the vision, mission and targets to be achieved.

"Because starting in 2020 UNS becomes PTNBH, we have targets that we have to fulfill, our hope is that even though we are only operational in 2017, but in 2024 we will be able to meet the expectations of universities and the UNS Faculty of Medicine, namely the operation of type C hospitals to type B, plenary accreditation and designated as the main teaching hospital accompanying Dr. Moewardi Hospital and it is hoped that in 2024 to 2032 we can go to type A and have an international reputation," Prof. Hartono explained.

After hearing the profile presentation of the UNS Hospital, the two assessors were accompanied by the Director of the UNS Hospital and his staff around the hospital to see firsthand the facilities owned by the UNS Hospital, especially those related to education and paediatric services.

Furthermore, on a visit to Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta on Tuesday (5/6/2022) the two assessors were welcomed directly by the Director of the Dr. Moewardi Hospital, Dr. Cahyono Hadi, dr., Sp.OG(K). He really appreciated and supported the cooperation with UNS about education for UNS Medical Faculty students at Dr. Moewardi Hospital and will continue to strive to improve his quality.

“Education for Paediatric Specialists does have many advantages and we will continue to improve it, because after all, RSUD Dr. Moewardi is the front face of Central Java Province. So, what happened at Moewardi Hospital is a reflection of the performance of the Central Java Provincial Government," Dr. Cahyono Hadi said.

After chatting and taking photos together, the group of assessors went around to see the infrastructure at Dr. RSUD. Moewardi as well as educational facilities for the Children's Health Study Program and Child Clinic services.

Finished reviewing various infrastructure facilities at Dr. Moewardi Hospital, a group of assessors headed to the UNS central library to see firsthand the collection of books owned by the Faculty of Medicine in the central library.

This activity was closed with the submission of the results of the assessment and the signing of the minutes which were submitted directly by Prof. Dr. Ari Yunanto, dr., Sp.A (K)., S.H to the Head of the PPDS Study Program for Child Health, Annang Giri Moelyo, dr., Sp.A(K)., M.Kes witnessed by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K)..


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini