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FK UNS Welcomes Two Field Assessment Assessors for Pediatrics Study Program


The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) received two assessors from LAM-PTKes Prof. Dr. Ari Yunanto, dr., Sp.A (K)., S.H and Dr. Supriatmo, dr., M.Ked (Ped)., Sp.A(K) who would conduct a field assessment in the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) of Pediatrics (IKA). This field assessment activity would be carried out from 3-5 July 2022.

In his remarks when receiving the two assessors in the Rector's meeting room at the UNS Rectorate Building (dr. Prakosa Building), the Vice Rector of the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, Business and Information, Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Sajidan, M.Si, conveyed the 11 excellent Paediatric Health Sciences Study Programs, Faculty of Medicine UNS and hoped that the assessment would run smoothly and get the best results.

"Hopefully the implementation of the assessment will go well and we are waiting for the best and superior results, hopefully this can be achieved," Prof. Sajidan said.

Besides Prof. Sajidan, there were also the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNS, Prof. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), along with the Vice deans, Head of the Institute for Development and Quality Assurance of Education (LPPMP) UNS, Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi, M.Pd, along with the secretary of LPPMP Dr. Yudho Taruno Muryanto, S.H., M.Hum and Head of the Pediatrics Study Program, FK UNS, Annang Giri Moelyo, dr., Sp.A(K)., M.Kes who attended the event.

After being welcomed at the dr. Prakosa Rectorate building, the group headed to the UNS Medical Faculty Auditorium to start the field assessment. In his opening remarks at the event, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), expressed his hope that the two assessors could provide input or suggestions to the Pediatrics Study Program, FK UNS, so that in the future it would be even better.

"So, after the field assessment, assessors can judge from the forms we have sent and of course we ask for input because without an academic audit like this accreditation we don't know what the shortcomings are, so it's time for us to reflect and improve ourselves," Prof. Reviono explained.

Hospital Director Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, Dr. Cahyono Hadi, dr., Sp.OG (K), in his speech hoped that this assessment activity would bring progress to the IKA FK UNS Study Program.

"Hopefully this field assessment will bring progress and can bring about the development of the education of a specialist in Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine UNS," Dr. Cahyono Hadi mentioned.

This field assessment activity will end tomorrow with a review of Dr. Moewardi Hospital and UNS Hospital.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini