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RG TRIMED FK UNS Contributes to Stunting Prevention Efforts by Refreshing Purwodiningratan Health Center Cadres


Research Group (RG) TRIMED (Nutrition, Metabolism and Medicine) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) carried out service activities. This time the activity was carried out in partnership with the Purwodingratan Health Center, on Wednesday (22/06/2022), at Purwodiningratan Village, Jebres, Solo. The implementation of the activity was fully supported by the Purwodiningratan Village and Health Center and invited active participation from UNS Nutrition Masters students as material providers.

The selected activity was entitled 'Refreshment of cadres for monitoring nutritional status and enrichment of MPASI as an effort to prevent stunting'. This theme was chosen considering the high rate of stunting, so it was necessary to increase the capacity of cadres as the spearhead in accelerating stunting reduction in Posyandu.

In his opening remarks, the Head of the Purwodiningratan Health Center, dr. Faradilla Mirsanti MPH, asked the cadres for help to continue to support the activities and pass on the information obtained to other cadres as well as mothers of toddlers, considering that only 40 cadres were present as representatives from each Posyandu.

On this occasion, the head of RG TRIMED also gave souvenirs to the Purwodiningratan Health Center in the form of 7 booklets containing various information related to stunting prevention including: Menu for Pregnant Women; Nutritional Education of Bride and Groom; The Right Menu for Healthy Toddlers; Is Mother's Weight Important During Pregnancy; Fulfillment of Baby Nutrition with MPASI; Selection of Toddler Snacks; and Prevention of Anemia in Pregnant Women. The booklet was expected to make it easier for Puskesmas officers to provide education to cadres and mothers of toddlers and pregnant women.

The first point of the material presented was to refresh how to weigh and measure toddlers' height, which was given in the form of a question and answer discussion and also a simulation of how to weigh and measure height. Furthermore, material on complementary foods was given, which included the selection of materials, the stages of giving complementary foods to breast milk (MPASI) and how to enrich the nutritional content of foodstuffs.

At the end of the event, 5 participants were given door prizes who actively participated in the discussion and closed with a photo with TRIMED members, Master of Nutrition students, nutrition workers at Purwodiningratan Health Center and participants.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini