Release of PPDS FK UNS Period June 2022: 14 New Specialist Doctors Ready to Serve the Community
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) through the Specialist Doctors Education Program (PPDS) on Friday (24/06/2022), held an event for the release of specialist doctors for the June 2022 period. This event was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ahmad Yunus, M.S., Dean of FK UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), vice deans, Director of Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta, Dr. Cahyono Hadi, dr., Sp.OG(K)., S.H, and all the Heads of the PPDS Study Program FK UNS.
This release event was attended by 14 PPDS FK UNS students from 5 Study Programs (Prodi). Four of the participants were recipients of the Ministry of Health's Study Task Scholarship. In this release, there were participants with the highest Grade Point Average (GPA) achieved by Alfi Marita Tristiarti, dr., Sp.O.G (S581802001) with a GPA of 3.88 from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Study Program. While the youngest specialist doctor graduate is Priyanka Ganesa Utami, dr., Sp.N from the Neurology Study Program with an age of 30 years 7 months at graduation.
Prof. Ahmad Yunus in his speech said the importance of collaboration in the learning process carried out by the campus with other relevant agencies because in the future the challenges of education in the future will experience many changes, both in the learning model or the platform used in education.
“The lessons from the pandemic that we have been going through so far are very good for all of us, not apart from doctors and specialists. We are taught that in the presence of a pandemic, we must cooperate more closely with various parties, including those in the scientific field,” Prof. Kuncoro said.
Furthermore, he highlighted the existence of statements from abroad about the death of university caused by changes in the model or educational platform in several countries.
“If we look now at the educational platforms Coursera, edX and we will build Indonesia Cyber Education. That is all lecturers, all professional experts, in the field of health all doctors and specialists are welcome to make teaching materials, learning materials that can be followed by generations around the world. We will predict that in the future there will be changes in the patterns of learning, education and patterns of medical services in hospitals," Prof. Ahmad Yunus explained.
Representative of the Alumni Family Association (IKA) FK UNS, Dr. Renni Yuniati, dr., Sp.K.K., FINSDV., FAADV, in her speech advised that new specialists should care and be actively involved in the existence of alumni associations.
“The alumni association, everyone said and agreed that it was important to have it, not only for existence but also for a means of friendship between the university's extended family. We hope that specialist colleagues will care and be actively involved in the existence of alumni associations. Politeness, Fellowship and Togetherness, namely 3K is the motto of the alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS," dr. Renni said.
Furthermore, he also said that the role of alumni associations is not only to realize the vision and mission of educational institutions, but also as the spearhead of improving the reputation of universities in the eyes of the community as well as opening the way for newly graduated alumni to enter the world of work or professionals.
Director of Hospital Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, Dr. Cahyono Hadi, dr., Sp.OG, on this occasion expressed his support for the Faculty of Medicine UNS in carrying out education at Dr. Moewardi Hospital.
“In principle I, Dr. Moewardi Hospital, the Central Java Provincial Government fully supports medical education, specialist education, if necessary specialist 2 for FK UNS," Dr. Cahyono Hadi said.
The Dean of FK UNS Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) in his speech congratulated the new specialist doctors while conveying that there are still many opportunities ahead that these new specialists can take advantage of.
“I congratulate all of you who have completed a stage that you may have planned to aspire to as a specialist. But this stage can continue or it can stop here. You may continue as a sub specialist or you may have a career elsewhere, in management perhaps as a director or in other public positions. Those are all opportunities that lie ahead,” Prof. Reviono said.
Furthermore, Prof. Reviono advised specialist doctors after becoming alumni and taking part in the community to always maintain integrity, professionalism, and good networks.
With the release of specialist doctors for the period of April 2022, the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, since its establishment in 1976, has graduated 1516 (one thousand five hundred and sixteen) specialist doctors, who have spread throughout the country and have devoted their knowledge to various institutions, both in the field of health services, education, research, as well as specialist doctors for government, private sector, TNI/POLRI and others.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini