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Improving Communication Skills as an Internationalization Effort, FK UNS Holds a Public Speaking Workshop


Good communication skills are very useful for someone when interacting with other people in everyday life. With a good communication style and supported by good body language, a person will appear more valuable in front of many people when conveying their ideas or thoughts. The art of communicating is Smooth Public Speaking.

The benefits of learning to speak in public, apart from being able to increase our self-worth in front of many people, can also increase our confidence when speaking because people will be happy when they hear us speak.

The reasons above were what prompted the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) to hold an 'Upskilling of Public Speaking' event on Monday (20/6/2022) with speaker Ferry Anggara, a Professional Master of Ceremony and an experienced TV Presenter. This event was divided into two sessions, namely the first session for participants from the teaching staff or lecturers in the UNS Medical Faculty and the second session for UNS Medical Faculty students.

The Head of the Medical S1 Study Program, FK UNS, Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd in her speech in the first session said that lecturers really need public speaking skills because they will deal directly with people who need information.

"Because it is very important for us as lecturers to have the ability to communicate. We are faced with the general public, especially students, and in other activities such as learning activities or when giving material in webinars or even outside, for example, in the village there is a recitation or community meeting, we are often asked to give a speech," dr. Eti Poncorini said.

Furthermore, dr. Eti Poncorini delivered that if UNS is currently heading towards internationalization so it must be accompanied by good communication skills.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), when opening this event stated that communication skills are very important to learn because in life you will always interact with other people.

"Communication skills as stated earlier are very important for humans who do live socially, there are many activities related to communication, so this is important and must be studied for lecturers," Prof. Reviono stated.

In his presentation of the material, Ferry Anggara explained that one of the goals of studying public speaking is so that when we convey a thought it can be accepted and understood by other people well.

“So public speaking is the art of communication, not only what we say but how we convey it. How to delivered, how we deliver the message is important," he mentioned.

“There are people who have thoughts but do not dare to convey their thoughts so that their thoughts are not conveyed and there are those who dare to convey them but the method is not appropriate, so the message conveyed cannot be received properly. This is where communication skills are needed,” he continued.

In addition to providing an understanding of the importance of public speaking, Ferry Anggara also provided material on good speaking techniques including good word choice, intonation when speaking and good body language when speaking in front of many people. The participants are also given the opportunity to practice the theory that has been received directly in front of other participants.

After the first session for educators or lecturers was completed, the event continued with the second session with participants from UNS Medical Faculty students.


Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini