FK UNS Welcomes an Outing Class Visit from SMA Insan Cendekia Al Mujtaba Boarding School
Doctor is one of the professions that becomes an occupation dream by most school children. Being able to treat and help people who are sick, becoming a researcher or teacher in the health sector, make this profession a very strong attraction. However, to become a doctor requires effort that is not easy, it takes seriousness in taking education from the basic level to being able to graduate and get a degree as a doctor.
As an effort to introduce the world of medical education to its students, the Insan Cendekia Al Mujtaba Boarding School High School held an Outing Class activity to the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) on Thursday (16/6/2022).
This activity began with a tour around the buildings in the UNS Medical Faculty, guided by several students from the Medical Education Student Association (HMPD) while introducing the laboratories and infrastructure at the UNS Medical Faculty.
After they finished walking around, the Insan Cendekia High School students were invited to listen to a presentation from the Head of the Medical S1 Study Program, FK UNS, Dr. Eti Poncorini Pamungkasari, dr., M.Pd. and dr. Maryani, M.Sc., Sp.MK from the UNS Medical Faculty Quality Control Group.
In his opening remarks, dr. Eti Poncorini was very pleased with the visit made by SMA Insan Cendekia Al Mujtaba to the Faculty of Medicine, UNS.
"We are very happy this morning, we from the Faculty of Medicine have guests, which of course is our duty to provide insight to all of you about what and who the Faculty of Medicine is, especially in the Medical Study Program," said dr. Eti.
Furthermore, she also briefly introduced the 19 study programs at the Faculty of Medicine, UNS.
On the next occasion, dr. Maryani from the UNS Medical Faculty Quality Control Group explained in detail about the profile of the UNS Faculty of Medicine and an overview of the educational process that must be taken if studying at the Faculty of Medicine.
After listening to the presentation, these students were invited to take a close look at the laboratories at the UNS Faculty of Medicine while listening to explanations from laboratory assistants and lecturers on duty.
One of the teachers who accompanied the Insan Cendekia Al Mujtaba High School students, Muhammad Syariful, S.Si., said that outing class events like this were held as learning for students to know more about the world of lectures.
“Our goal is to hold an outing class to FK UNS because most of our students are very interested in the medical world and we are very grateful to FK UNS for accepting us. This is a real lesson for our children, especially children who are only in school so that when they graduate from school they know exactly the real conditions in the world of lectures," Muhammad Syariful said.
One of the students of Insan Cendekia Al Mujtaba High School, Khoirunnisa Khaifa Khasanah, who was met after the event said that this outing class was very interesting and useful for her because it gave her new insight into the world of campus.
"We were outing class here to see the big picture of what it would be like to study at the Faculty of Medicine and after taking a closer look and hearing the presentations given, it turned out that studying at the Faculty of Medicine was very interesting," Khaifa said.
By holding outing class activities like this, it is hoped that students who are still in high school can have insight into the world of lectures, especially at the Faculty of Medicine so that when they graduate from high school and intend to continue to college, they will no longer be confused when they have to choose the choice of study program. will be selected.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini