FK UNS Hold Workshop on An Acceleration of AIPKI Journal Region 4 Towards Internationalization
The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) which is a member of AIPKI region IV is always committed in its efforts to continue to improve the quality of education, one of which is good journal management. This is because a good journal will support learning and teaching as well as research.
One of the activities routinely carried out by members of AIPKI Region IV is a journal management workshop and on this occasion the Faculty of Medicine UNS had the opportunity to host the implementation of these activities.
The workshop activity with the theme 'Acceleration of AIPKI Journal Region 4 Towards Internationalization' presented resource person Noor Malihah, Ph.D who was an editor at the Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies (SCOPUS-indexed Journal Q1) from the Graduate Program of IAIN Salatiga.
The chairman of the committee for this activity, Nanang Wiyono, dr., M.Kes, in his report said that this activity aimed to develop medical journals in AIPKI region IV.
"This activity is a routine activity carried out by the manager of the journal AIPKI region IV which includes Central Java, the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Kalimantan which consists of 14 Faculties of Medicine and oversees medical journals in their respective faculties with the aim of developing medical journals in AIPKI region IV,” dr. Nanang said.
The workshop which was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), was held in a hybrid manner and was attended by 14 journal managers who attended offline in the FK UNS auditorium and 32 journal managers who attended the workshop through the zoom meeting application.
In his speech, Prof. Reviono highlighted the importance of improving the quality of journals in each faculty.
“This journal does function to communicate what is being done in this educational institution, whether it is in research or community service. In the field of education or learning, what we do can also be communicated," Prof Reviono said.
“Well, for a quality journal, it is really needed because this will be a reference for academics or the public who want to get information. Because the ministry has also set a quality (standard) for each journal and we can access it to request a review," Prof. Reviono continued.
Prof. Reviono hoped that activities like this will continue to be sustainable so that the quality and quality of journals owned by members of AIPKI Region IV will be better.
In her presentation of the material, Noor Malihah, Ph.D said that one of the proofs of a well-managed journal was that the journal is indexed in a parameter, one of which is accreditation or indexed internationally.
Furthermore, she said that journal management must also be consistent in publishing the manuscript to get a good assessment.
"Don't let this issue have 24 manuscripts, the next issue will be 12 manuscripts, the next day 10 manuscripts, the next day 23 manuscripts, this will cause problems," Noor Malihah explained.
“Besides the issue of consistency in the number of manuscripts, literacy or language is good. The relevance of the topics discussed also plays an important role for a journal to be successfully accepted and indexed by Scopus,” she concluded.
Reporter: Moh. Abu Dawud
Editor & Translator: Wartini