KPPMF of FK UNS Holds Research Collaboration and Downstreaming Workshop
Researches are conducted in order to produce outcomes that are beneficial to society. In the process, a research’s product requires a way to be felt by the wider community. This is what prompted the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) through the Faculty's Research and Community Service Coordinator (KPPMF) to hold a Collaboration and Research Downstreaming Workshop to provide new insights for researchers within the Faculty of Medicine.
The activity which took place in the Madukoro Room, UNS INN lasted for two days from 8-9 June 2022. This workshop was held via hybrid and was attended by 40 research group leaders from the UNS Medical Faculty, Dr. Moewardi Hospital and UNS Hospital, in addition also invited lecturers and students of the Faculty of Medicine.
Head of KPPMF Medicine, Dono Indarto, dr., M.Biotech.St, Ph.D., AIFM, in his report said that this workshop would be very useful for researchers who will market their products widely.
"So, for the theme of today's workshop, it is about Collaboration and Downstreaming of Innovation Products of FK UNS in synergy with UNS PTNBH, I think this is very appropriate because UNS is currently activating all academic activities which will eventually produce products that will bring profit,” dr. Dono said.
The workshop, which presented 5 resource persons, was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K). In his speech, he greatly appreciated KPPMF's steps in holding this very useful workshop as an effort to encourage educators in the Faculty of Medicine to be able to produce products that are widely beneficial for the community.
"Indeed, from its ancient history, science in this case and its products were found by many educators, such as Einstein, who was an educator. Thomas Alfa Edison, Ibnu Sina, all of them are educators who have succeeded in finding their products,” Prof. Reviono explained.
He also highlighted the various researches that could not be carried out optimally, when they found a research’s product but was forced to stop due to a lack of collaboration with various parties so that the resulting product could not reach the public.
On the first day, the workshop was filled by Prof. Dr. Ir. Hamim, M.Si about the Collaborative Strategy and Downstream Research in the Biomedical Sector, then continued by dr. Vitri Widyaningsih, MS., Ph.D with the theme of Collaborative Strategy and Downstream Research in the Public Health Sector and closed with material presentation from Dr. Arief Nurudhin, dr,. Sp.PD-KR., FINASIM on Research Collaboration Strategies and Research Downstreaming in the Clinical Field.
On the second day of the workshop, dr. Bayu Dwi Siswanto, M.Si from PT. Syifa Bioderma Jakarta and closed with the material Partnership with Industry for Downstreaming of Clinical Research Results by Prof. Dr. Joko Triyono, ST., MT.
It was hoped that this workshop can open new insights for researchers in the UNS Faculty of Medicine regarding collaboration with various parties and the downstream pattern of research products.
Reporter: Muh. Abu Dawud
Translator: Wartini