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FK UNS Holds Medical Fiesta Awarding as the Peak Event of 2022 Medical Fiesta


Medical Fiesta 2022, an event that contains various competitions in order to enliven the 46th Anniversary of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) has been completed on May 26, 2022 ago. As an appreciation for the winners of the competition at the 2022 Medical Fiesta event, the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNS held an Awarding Medical Fiesta 2022 event.

The event which was held on Thursday (1/6/2022) was not only to announce the winners of the competitions in the 2022 Medical Fiesta event, it was also a venue for the appearance of the winners of the competition in front of university leaders and hundreds of invited guests.

Head of the 2022 Medical Fiesta Committee, Dr. Nugroho Aji, dr., Sp.KK(K)., M.Kes in the event report said that this Medical Fiesta is actually an event that is routinely held by FK UNS, but for some time it was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

"This event is actually a routine event that was delayed due to the pandemic and thank God it could be carried out and at noon today is the culmination of all that we have been through together in the medicfest event," dr. Nugroho Aji said.

Furthermore, he said that the Medical Fiesta 2022 event which lasted for two weeks contained competitions which were participated by academics and hospital staffs in the UNS Faculty of Medicine.

Meanwhile, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) in his speech said that the 2022 Medical Fiesta is a forum given by FK UNS for art and sports lovers to express themselves.

“Actually, we are in the faculty every day in the academic field, every day in the field of teaching and learning, there are research, publications and so on. But of course there's nothing wrong with stopping for a moment to pay attention to what we can, namely for non-academics, sports, arts and culture," Prof Reviono said.

Acara ini dibuka oleh Rektor UNS, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum dilanjutkan dengan berbagai penampilan dari para nominator pemenang lomba. Dalam sambutannya Prof. Jamal sangat mengapresiasi acara yang diadakan dan membuktikan jika Fakultas Kedokteran terdepan dalam upaya pelestarian seni dan budaya di UNS.

“Luar biasa acara yang diusung oleh Fakultas Kedokteran ini, banyak kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan, ada gowes, ada festival band, ada senam, ada futsal dan sebagainya. Ini semua menunjukkan bahwa gairah Fakultas Kedokteran untuk menyemarakkan kegiatan Dies Natalis ke-46 UNS perlu diberikan apresiasi yang luar biasa,” kata Prof. Jamal.

On this occasion, Prof. Reviono showed his skills in singing and performed 2 songs from Iwan Fals with the title Bento and my fighter plane.

It is hoped that the Medical Fiesta 2022 event can be a means of channeling talent interest in the fields of art, culture and sports for the academic community of the Faculty of Medicine.

List of winners of the 2022 Medical Fiesta:

1. Adhan Contest:
1st place: dr Supand Hasan
2nd Place: dr Muhammad Rifán Maulana
3rd Place: Muhammad Sulthon El-Ghaniy
2. Futsal Competition:
1st Place: UNS Hospital Futsal Team
2nd Place: Cardiology Futsal Team
3rd Place: Anesthesia Fitsal Team
3. Web Contest:
1st Place: Clinical Pathology PPDS Study Program
2nd Place: Experimental Animal Laboratory
3rd Place: Medical S1 Study Program
4. Photography Contest:
1st Place: Osdatilla Esa Putri and Team (PPDS Dermatovenereology)
2nd Place: Yoseph Dwi Kurniawan and Team (PPDS Lung)
3rd Place: Firman Kusuma Atmaja and Team (PPDS Lung)
5. TikTok Contest:
1st Place: Teman Kahim (Midwifery Study Program)
2nd Place: TikTok Neuro UNS (PPDS Neurology)
3rd Place: SUNI-SEA FK UNS (S3 IKM)
6. Stand-Up Comedy Contest:
1st Place: Azhar Arrosyid
2nd place: dr. Novi Primadevi, Sp.T.H.T.K.L.(K)M.Kes
3rd Place: Syaiful Rizal
7. Gymnastics Competition:
1st Place: FK UNS Education Personnel
2nd Place: PPDS Dermatoveneorogy
3rd Place: PPDS ENT-KL
8. Band Competition:
1st Place: Jagimas Band
2nd Place: Anxiety
3rd Place: De Cheirourgos



Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator  : Wartini