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FK UNS Holds Medical Fiesta as the Peak of UNS 46th Anniversary Celebration Held by FK


The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) on Thursday (26/05/2022) held a Medical Fiesta event which was the peak activity in celebrating the 46th Anniversary of UNS at the faculty level. This activity, which contained various competitions held at the Faculty of Medicine, was attended by all academicians of FK UNS.

The event started with a gowes story, taking the starting point in the yard of the UNS Pabelan Hospital then crossing the Slamet Riyadi road and ending at the UNS Campus. This group of approximately 250 participants seemed to be snaking along the road that was passed and had stopped at several points for group photos such as at Dr. Hospital. Moewardi, Ki Hajar Dewantara Building and UNS Rectorate Building.

Seen in the group of participants, UNS Rector, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, Director of UNS Hospital, Prof. Dr. Hartono., dr., M.Si and his staffs and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K) along with the vice deans who also took part in cycling, covered a distance of about 12 km. The group of riding participants seemed to have entered the FK UNS environment at 07.30 WIB and were immediately treated to various foods such as pecel rice and liwet rice.

In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Reviono, said that the Medical Fiesta event was attended by all academicians of FK UNS.

"This event was attended by all academicians of FK UNS starting from students, education staff, lecturers, both at UNS Hospital, Dr Moewardi Hospital and at the Faculty of Medicine," said Prof Reviono.

Furthermore, he appreciated the readiness of the organizing committee for the Medical Fiesta event, which was able to prepare and hold a quite lively event even in a fairly short time.

UNS Rector, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, when opening this event expressed his pride for the Faculty of Medicine UNS which in celebrating the 46th Anniversary of UNS was able to hold the Medical Fiesta event.

"I think that medicine is only controlled by injecting injections, but it turns out there are also millennial grub bands, there is futsal, there is stand-up comedy, even later we will see the appearance of 46 gambyong dancers swinging," said Prof. Jamal.

After being opened by the Chancellor of UNS, the event continued with the appearance of 46 gambyong dancers who performed the gambyong ayun swing dance, the dancers who performed were members of Gladhi Beksan, Faculty of Medicine (GBFK) which consisted of education staff, lecturers and members of the Dharma Wanita Persatuan UNS. After the performance from GBFK, the event continued with various competitions that had been prepared by each competition committee. The competitions that are competed in this year's Medical Fiesta are band competitions, standup comedy, futsal, creative gymnastics, photography, and TikTok videos.


Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator  : Wartini