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FK UNS Wins 3 Championships in the Competitions of UNS 46th Anniversary Celebration


Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) in a series of events for the 46th Anniversary of UNS held an art performance as well as announcing the winners of the competitions held by UNS on Friday (24/05/2022) at the Ballroom of the Ki Hajar Dewantara UNS Building.

On this occasion the chairman of the 46th Anniversary of UNS who is also the Dean of the UNS Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), expressed his gratitude to all parties who have made the 46th UNS Anniversary series which started in January run smoothly and well.

UNS Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Jamal Wiwoho, S.H., M.Hum, in his speech expressed his gratitude to the Dies Natalis committee who have worked hard in organizing a series of anniversary events this year, he also expressed his appreciation for holding art and cultural performances.

“Art performances have become our agenda, so that we can preserve the arts and culture of the archipelago. I hope that in June there will also be an art performance like this, later (the venue) we can use Argo Budoyo, we can use Javanology, it can be in the Auditorium. So, once a month, let's preserve art and cultural performances," said Prof. Jamal

In various competitions held by the committee, the Faculty of Medicine managed to win 3 championship titles. Maintaining last year's achievement in the university-level web competition, the Faculty of Medicine was not displaced by other participants and remained in 1st place this year. This achievement cannot be separated from the hard work of the Information Technology team and the Faculty of Medicine's PR team who always strive to make the web as an interesting and informative medium of information.

In addition, the Faculty of Medicine also won the Virtual Choir competition, the video containing the Medical Faculty academic community who sang the song 'UNS Champion' got the highest score from the jury and was entitled to become 1st place in this competition. The video of Virtual Choir FK UNS can be watched at this link:

In the Alumni Gait Video competition, the Faculty of Medicine managed to win 2nd place on this year's occasion. This 10-minute video made by the Public Relations team of the Faculty of Medicine contains the profile and dedication of Brigadier General Rahmat Saptono, dr., Sp.OG while carrying out his duties as a member of the TNI as well as a doctor.

The various achievements in non-academic competitions that were obtained by FK UNS are a manifestation of the spirit of the Faculty of Medicine academic community to continue to advance, innovate and develop creativity for a better Faculty of Medicine.


Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator  : Wartini