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FK UNS Leaders Invite Students to Establish Annual Gathering at the Celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443H


The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret (FK UNS) as an educational institution, in carrying out all its activities, will interact and interact directly with students. The frequent interactions that are carried out certainly do not result from mistakes or mistakes from both lecturers and education staff to students or vice versa.

In the month of Shawwal and still in the atmosphere of celebrating Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijriyah, FK UNS held an annual gathering on Monday (9/05/2022) which was attended by the leaderships of the Faculty of Medicine and students from various study programs at the Faculty of Medicine, UNS.

The event which took place in the Ballroom of the Ki Hadjar Dewantara UNS Building was carried out via hybrid with 134 offline participants and 60 participants who followed through the zoom application. The purpose of holding this event is to strengthen good relations between the academic community of FK UNS.

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UNS, Prof. Dr. Reviono, dr., Sp.P(K), in his speech said that if the relationship between students and all components in the faculty must be well established in order to achieve the progress targets to be achieved, without good cooperation between all parties it is impossible to achieve progress.

Dr. H. Abdul Matin Bin Salman, LC., M.Ag in his tausyiah said that every Muslim who performs worship must avoid the euphoria of worship so as not to have wrong intentions and erase the reward from the worship that has been done.

"So, the euphoria of worship is always fatal, why is it fatal? because that is what actually scorches the value of our worship during the month of Ramadan because we are arrogant in front of Allah,” explained Dr. Abdul Matin.

Furthermore, he explained that what is meant by euphoria of worship is a condition in which a person when carrying out worship feels the most sacred so that he does not realize that a sense of arrogance arises in his heart when carrying out the worship.

"Allah doesn't need your worship, Allah doesn't need your prayer, Allah doesn't need your fasting, Allah doesn't need your sodaqoh so don't act as if after we pray, fast and make sodaqah then Allah will give us the keys to heaven, that's arrogant. That is what destroys the value of our worship,” said Dr. Abdul Matin.

In addition, Dr. Abdul Matin also emphasized that every Muslim can have a forgiving spirit because as explained in the Qur'an that there are about 25 verses that explicitly explain about forgiveness because by giving forgiveness will train the greatness of our souls as humans in letting go of mistakes made by people. other.

This annual gathering was closed with Question and Answer session and a photo with all participants.


Reporter    : Muh. Abu Dawud
Editor         : Ari Kusbiyanto
Translator  : Wartini